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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That Miami trailer is EVERYTHING. This is the show I’ve been waiting on!


Sai is the most off putting housewife. I legit groan when she’s onscreen. There’s just nothing likeable about her personality at all. KErin sucks too.

Edited by Antoyne
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I am all about this Miami return! Different from the BH trailer which, as @Gray Bunny pointed out, is saved time and again by its real-life scandals. BH is practically a true-crime show at this point (Anatomy of a Crumbled Marriage).

Miami hits different: part slice-of-life reality show, part telenovela, part stunning travelogue. I was worried about this being moved from Peacock, but I see the production standards and distinctive feel remain intact. And every time I saw Guerdy in that trailer, my heart got the feels big-time. I'm so glad the ~entire~ cast is back, BTW.

As for LVP, Lord knows what she'd say. So much water under that bridge. She'd get attacked whatever she responds -- if she says "Toldja, b!tches", she'll be castigated as bitter. If she reserves the right to not comment, she's a manipulative chess-player. As ungracious as the Umanskys have been about LVP (Mo was really rude; Kyle, weirdly, has mostly held back), I think it would behoove LVP to be circumspect. She knew, Camille knew, Alison the Psychic knew. Kim knew, Brandi knew, everybody knew about Mo's proclivities. But LVP living well, and VPR having a second wind, is her best revenge.

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Potomac is lame and tired. it seems to be the same ol same ol and isnt bringing anything new to the table. Miami gave us high quality production value (which thankfully have not been lost going from Peacock to Bravo). BH gave a glimps to gret storytelling. Im not 100% sold on Kyle's marital issues being real but that trailer had me intrigued and it was well crafted. Potomac? It gave us the same childish gimmicks. Im over this production team. Robyn's story should have been a bigger deal especially among Karen, Candiae and Wendy. Why did we not see either confront/drag her over her lies? Gizelle with this fake young bf that no one buys. Candiace and Ashley fighting yet again.....yeah this trailer didnt hold a candle to BH and Mia

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Well before I get to all those thoughts on all those juicy trailers (and I waited ALL DAY for RHOM...ugh work days...hehe), you know I gotta talk about me catching up on Season 5...which I WILL have done by their premiere next month. 


Episode 8...I loved. And it's funny what everyone is saying because what I loved about RHOM was on display in Episode 8. I love their telenovela. The scenery of Adriana video shoot. The high fashion (and even some of the low fashion) was jaw-dropping. I was sitting here watching the girls arrive at the shot (and the hottie extras) and they looked FOINE AF. And I'm gay so it was so lmao!!! It was good to see that it appears that the high production quality WILL be kept per the new S6 trailer so I'm excited.


Another thing I liked. In true telenovela fashion, there was a lot going on from Adriana's photoshoot to the perils of Lisa to Alexia vs Guerdy which has been a slow burn feud since the start of the season to the mystery of Julia and the man she kissed. And of course, there was funny moments to like Kiki vs Adriana ending in a Burger King promo. Martina's reaction to the Julia/man mystery. Marysol being a drunk. And also in true telenovela, things get quickly resolved and then we move on to the next...which looks like Nicole vs Larsa. No stuck on one storyline here!!! Other HW shows...take note. 


ALEXIA. I feel everyone has been right about her this season. The fame has gone to her head. And she was using that fame to start mess. So I enjoyed Guerdy gathering her after all that shade she threw at Guerdy in her Confessional. And I LOVED that she could not use any tricks on Guerdy because Guerdy KNEW all the tricks...and met her with ICE. Beautiful flawless ice. But...I liked they made up in the end.


LARSA. What a difference a season makes. From doing nothing to doing stuff, Larsa has definitely been putting in the work. First fueding with Lisa. Then having Lisa's back against Lenny. And now here she was starting drama with Julia. Or at least keeping it going since Julia vs Alexia kinda resolved itself. She is definitely not boring me.


GUERDY. YASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I mentioned the last time I wrote about RHOM that I was looking forward to seeing those bangs from the S5 trailer and mmmmmm bangs. I was getting my life. And her gathering Alexia was a thing of beauty. This rivalry with Alexia has been a lovely subplot within the telenovela, but it was about time they went head to head. And love Alexia, but SHE...MET...HER...MATCH. And no matter what she did...Guerdy countered move BETTER. Her confessional said it all...Alexia using all those mean girl moves, but Guerdy knows those moves, too. Tread lightly. BLOOP! lol. And I liked she was an adult and spoke her feelings DIRECTLY to Alexia when pressed. And they resolved it. 


LISA. Nothing to report this week. 


NICOLE. Same. But that stops in the next one so...hehe. Oh, I liked her at the video shoot. God, she's so fun. 


JULIA. Like Larsa, she did not do much last season...though more than Larsa. And her feuds have been fascinating to watch. And now this story about the man. I loved that she was upfront. And then Larsa brought it up in front of Martina...juicy. But loved that Martina paid it no mind and laughed it off. It was so reminiscent of RHOA season 6 when the gang got Natalie together and Kandi flipped the script. And I awww at their romantic moment in the water. 


MARYSOL. She was a hoot at the video shoot.


ADRIANA. Always Team Adriana. And loved her in her gorgeous element at her video shoot. I wished everyone else took her and this side of her more seriously. 


Another good episode.





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Sad but Potomac is in the doldrums. Very few franchises have gone this long without major changes, and it’s due for a rethink, especially if Gizelle is simply gonna fake her way through the series. Mia is still a flop. I don’t care how much contrived drama she brings. I wouldn’t mind if Candiace moves to ATL and anchors a reboot there.

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I definitely agree about Mia. In this current era of Housewives, most new castmembers don't really pop anymore. So even if they're mediocre, they get to stick around for multiple seasons (see: Potomac's Mia, and even Wendy, BH's Crystal, ATL's Sanya, etc.) 

Yes, I see y'all's point about Potomac being a tired rehash versus the other returning shows. They are familiar faces but they're starting to hit their expiration dates. However, Potomac's enduring strength is that most of the core women really have known each other for years, even before the show (and I'll include Charriisse's tired ass with them), so while some rotation is needed to keep the show fresh, then we get into the alternate option of having fake friends forced to hang out for a TV series. Catch 22. 

Also, much like Salt Lake City, new castmembers for Potomac have been lukewarm or duds, save for Candiace.  I actually think SLC is in one of the worst shapes of all the Housewives shows because their cast is full of Basic Bettys. 

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I’m curious about casting in smaller cities/regions (like Potomac and SLC). Granted, we’ve seen them struggle with casting huge cities like NYC, but the difficulty in a place that has a tinier group of potential women must make it really hard (unless they’re literally recruiting people to move to the area to be on the show, which wouldn’t seem that reasonable. Becoming a HW isn’t a sure thing).

It’s also harder to recruit authentic people unless they’re batsh!t crazy (and not in a good or fun way). You have more and more people who’ve watched for years and are either playing the part of HW (badly), looking solely to self-promote and give as little as possible, or find themselves at sea trying to navigate the game of it all. There’s a lot of straining for effect from new housewives and very few people can pull that off.

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Whew, the first episode of the reunion was an ugly look for Tamra and Shannon.

Tamra shut up real quick when Jen shot back that Tamra cheated on Simon with Eddie after Tamra screamed at her for being a cheater. We all may have forgotten that tidbit, so thank you, Jen, for bringing it back to light. Tamra is no better than anyone and how dare she assert any kind of moral authority.

Shannon is a terrible person. Her nonsense about "I don't remember saying that" is proof positive she's a sloppy drunk and her friends like Jeff Lewis are doing her no favours by enabling her alcoholic behaviour. But we only have to look at the 'medical team' Shannon has surrounded herself with to see that all she wants are sycophants around her. That Shannon isn't already in inpatient rehab tells me she has no interest in changing her ways.

Emily took hits against everyone except Jen and Gina, and all of them landed well. 

Taylor is obviously a one and done. When Andy said "it was so nice to see her happy ending" that felt like the kiss of death in the Godfather. 

Jen stood up for herself and did OK. She would have been better off keeping her story/timeline straight, but whatever, she knows that Tamra is simply using her for a storyline.

Heather was staying calm and collected because she knows it's the most effective strategy against Tamra and Shannon. 

Gina won the reunion. The internet is with her. The "what are the names of my children" was the most lethal wound I have seen Shannon take on a reunion because it demonstrated what a self absorbed [!@#$%^&*] she is. Gina had every right to scream at Shannon because Shannon is shameless and could excuse any action so needs her feet held to the fire. 

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I see that but a few of them could be dropped to friends like Charisse. Either Robyn or Gizelle should have been demoted. They could have demoted Robyn and made her work for her full time spot back or they could have kept her full time, made her the target and demoted Gizelle as her friend 

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Same here. I am loving the nuRHONY, and I didn't expect to. I of course miss my RHONY originals and can't wait to see them soon (though I feel like im over Dorinda), but sonething about this new show's lightness appeals to me at this moment in time. The women have revealed their flaws, and that's what makes them interesting to me. I love Ubah and against my will am warming to Brynn, of all people. Like Miami, I sort of wish I could jump on the next episode immediately after watching a current one. 

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