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She threatened to whoop Gizzard's a**. She's a hypocrite b/c she was anti-Monique getting violent last year and now she threatening to do the same--in a situation that is VERY similar to Monique's (defending heinous rumor against her family).


This is why folks shouldn't speak on situations when they could easily be put in the same situation. This reminds me of when Nene (who had altercations previously) came down on Porsha at the s8 reunion, only for it to come back and bite her (Nene) in the a** in s11 when she assaulted production. 

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  D'Andra was bending over backwards to make RHOD S6 happen, but I can see why Bravo cut ties. Better to focus on the viable franchises. As @Chris B indicated, choice of production company was a problem. They were, at best, lacklustre. From the beginning, RHOD had a tough time finding an audience and the cast gelling. S2-4 were the standout seasons for me. Firing Leeanne but keeping Beavis & Butthead was the beginning of the end. Tiffany was a great new addition but couldn't carry it alone.

I will miss Mama Dee, Ashley Abbott in the Jabot lab trying to concoct potions, the pretentious Deubers and their practice, DTM, Leeanne the perpetual outsider -- and what could have been.



I don't know why I haven't felt motivated to comment on this week's episode! It was a good one.

Robyn and Gizelle were basically expressing what some of us have been saying on this thread -- the personality change in Wendy, of which the new boobs are merely a sideshow. I guess it was hard for Gizelle to say "Did you change your personality just for the show?" without breaking the fourth wall. I liked how Robyn handled it, guessing that it was a confidence thing and gently telling Wendy that she thought she was beautiful last year. Gizelle was harsher, and that's why Wendy got hurt, because she was basically saying that she didn't accept the 'new' Wendy.

The other great unspoken thing they were talking around is the fact that Wendy and Karen are now friends/allies. That's why the GEBs think she has changed. Because Wendy is no longer backing them up against someone. Gizelle's look when Wendy giggled -- she isn't used to the other women laughing at her getting read. 

I thought Karen's talk was lovely actually. "Don't dim your light to make another girl feel better" resonated and IMO hit the nail on the head regarding Gizelle. Times like these, I wish Katie Rost was back on the show.

ETA: I know people are feeling Candiace as the Voice of Reason this year, but I am not feeling Ms. "Do as I say, not as I do" at all!


This week, Porsha started #RHOA again on her posts so I'm assuming she feels vindicated by Falynn's pregnancy, is back on RHOA, and thinks this will keep those pesky rumors at bay this season. Kandi and Kenya better mention something, though!



She is lowkey acting tough, although I found Candiace's "Drag me, Monique" and "Hit me, Michael Darby" more violent in terms of language.

Do you think Wendy actually would? I honestly do not. She still teaches, has professor status, and would not want to risk that. IMO she is talking the talk but won't walk the walk -- trying to 'dismiss' Gizelle that way she 'dismissed' Mia (only she didn't dismiss Mia with that rehearsed read, and she won't dismiss Gizelle with this one either). Wendy is coming from a weak position as she cannot stop the rumors from being brought out, so she has to put up a tough front, like "What you're not going to do is...".

IMO it's about time someone other than Karen pointed out what Gizelle does every season.

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While I think RuPaul's Ra'jah O'Hara Dr. Wendy is all talk, it IS very hypocritical to threaten violence after the hard stance she took against Monique's actions last season. Now that the shoe's on the other foot (the GEB's coming after YOUR marriage), it's not so easy to stay calm, eh Zen Wen? 

Candiace will never be the voice of reason in Potomac. I'd sooner give that title to NYC's Kelly Bensimon and I'll NEVER give that title to Kelly Bensimon. One second, she's talking about not holding onto grudges, and the very next moment, she's making tired digs against Ashley for no good reason. Candyass is another one that's all talk when she tries to be tough, but she is a weak lil *princess* (ooh sorry, is that a naughty word?) when she's in the hot seat. 


I loved that quote she made, too. Wendy's new personality is fake AF but Karen's words of encouragement were very good. 

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@Cat and @Gray Bunny, I use that phrase La Dame used quite often in my own life which is probably why I love that scene so much. I did not come from the best of backgrounds and can be an Anne Shelley (I know...my age is showing) when it comes to my temper when I was younger, but being from a small town and being black and gay it can be a struggle to just...be yourself. Not to mention following your dreams. Even now that I'm older and the workaholic it always seems like someone has to hate on me for being able to do things that they have years on me doing and yet I guess I make it effortless. Just be happy that I do my job and do it well and don't abuse it. Sometimes I need that reminder so I say it like a mantra. And I've been known to encourage people with the same when they feel down over a supervisor. 


And alas on DALLAS. I guess we are never getting that 'LeeAnne walks in at the end of' cliffhanger now. 


Now don't hate on me for voicing some Candiace like.

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 I at least have been clear that Production is clearly giving her the good edit (same as Gizelle) and why it's working for her (versus Gizelle). But like I said before...after being burned by Porsha, I am not sure I can say I am completely falling for it. But I can admit that I have drunk the kool-aid.  If anything, she seems like she has picked up where she left off in Season 3, but I liked Season 3 Candiace maturing. IF she is maturing that is. 

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For sure Zen Wen got a taste of her own medicine after last year. It's a whole different story when the shoe is on the other foot, and the GEBs could test the patience of a saint!

Is it hypocritical? Yes. But I was still lowkey doing this 

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when Candles zeroed in on Gizelle as the source of the rumors.

Thank you! Candiace is trying to be Greek Chorus this year, helped (as @Taoboi points out) by a sweet edit. However, her mouth will betray her eventually, writing cheques that her ass cannot cash. (This is why I have been missing Ashley in the mix this season! Just the mere presence of Ashley's knowing smile drives Candiace round the bend. If Gollum showed up, Candiace would go bananas). 

OMG Anne of Green Gables???

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Excuse me while I quietly reminisce about one of my favorite books of all time! 

La Dame's phrase about not dimming your light is very Anne Shirleyesque. You've been through some difficult things in life, @Taoboi, but I'm glad that advice like this has helped you to stand tall, be yourself and follow your own road. People will try to tear you down because it makes them feel better about themselves -- sometimes it really is mere projection!

I'm sad about Dallas. I feel like Miami got a chance to live again, but Dallas didn't?  Not even on Peacock? I was hoping for that 'Leeanne walks through the door' cliffhanger too!

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Ramona was unbearable last night. 

It's interesting that Eboni said "Sonja gets it, Luann gets it, how does Ramona not get it?" - I wonder if reports about Eboni vs Lu are true or whether it's all a red herring? 

When Sonja exploded at Ramona I heard an edge to her voice that I had not heard before. She was absolutely furious with Ramona. 

Sitting silently was, again, a very good look on Luann.

WTF is the point of Leah? Did we really need to see any scenes of her talking about spending $60,000.00 on school for her kid? 

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Two more episodes are left with no reunion filmed, but Eboni claims it’s scheduled to be filmed. 

I feel they’re trying to clean things up after the bad press, but something is going on. Someone held up the reunion and someone leaked to the press. I still believe it’s Luann. I have an inside source who DMed me that Bravo is upset with her because of this and she may not return. 

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