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Bravo does need to rehire Tamra and Heather Dubrow. They balance each other out.


Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing Vicki return either. She's just sold her house in Coto (and bought a smaller house in Coto).


OC really needs to tread carefully this next season - they alienated a lot of their audience. 

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I just binged all the NY eppys . . . I loved reading all your guys' thoughts!


Re. LuAnn . . . this does NOT look like it's gonna be a good season for her.  But I have to disagree with everyone about her and Sonja.  Sonja has been droning on about this very false narrative that Lu steals all "her guys" since s6!  So Heather (and I think Carole) confirmed that the Sonja/Harry "engagement" was a flat out ruse.  Ramona lent him a ring specifically for that scene, and Harry & Sonja haven't been actually romantically involved since way before he married Aviva.  And LuAnn didn't just jump into a taxi with Harry; Heather & Jonathan were in the car, too and they all went to a nightclub after Carole's 50th birthday party.  The fact that Sonja still brings this up isn't just crazy, it's totally intellectually dishonest.  And I can't even with Sonja going on and on about Tom . . . they were f buddies but she plays it up for the cameras that Lu stole her boyfriend.  If I were Lu, I'd lose all patience for this nonsense, too.  Did she have to be so cruel?  No.  But she has every right to shut Sonja down with this bs and her obvious unhappiness about her happiness.  Sonja is so fun and compellingly tragic, but she's not harmless.  She is SO self-produced and for as "authentic" she is about some parts of her life, she's equally inauthentic about other parts, esp. her love life.  Now she's saying SHE left her husband?!?


But the "angry" stuff with Eboni was disgusting.  Eboni hit a nerve with the education comment (which was Lu's fault because she didn't articulate herself properly when she was getting all Countess-y with Leah) and I get why Lu misunderstood her, but once she realized she pushed a major button with the angry comment, she doubled down to hurt Eboni and made it about race.  Her smirk confirmed it.  I don't know where she's coming from here but she'll obviously make it worse with her lack of self-awareness and inability to actually apologize for anything.   I did love seeing Victoria and Nicole and thought Lu shading Carole was hella funny, even though I LOVE Carole.


But even though I thought she was great in the premiere, I . . . don't . . . like Eboni.  Maybe this has to with my own issues about lacking in the self-confidence department, but this woman is so goddam full of herself and comes off really entitled.  I think she has earned the right to be very proud of herself for all her accomplishments, but it really bothers me when people seem to not have a humble bone in their body.  Maybe it's her edit?


Ramona with her eyes and her continued knack for messing up every single saying on earth is the gift that keeps on giving, but she has not had anything new to offer for years.


I'm so over Leah and hate that we lose Heather because of her.  But Heather DID say that LuAnn and Sonja were, at best, around blow in St. Barths.  I don't know how she didn't expect to get blasted for that.  I remember when Bethenny and Sonja accused Dorinda of the same thing in s8 and while Dorinda was vociferously defending herself, Lu tried to get her to shut up and move on.  I always figured it's because Lu and Dorinda were "partying" together.  Anyway, now that Leah is not the "new girl" anymore, her role on the show doesn't fit.  Bravo bet on the wrong horse here.


I'm just gonna enjoy Holla! being back this week because it appears she ain't ever coming back to the show

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  She has so much more life as a housewife between her business, family, and real problems with LuAnn and Sonja.  Heather just isn't down to let Sonja get away with her bs self-producing and her "friendship" with Lu really went sideways.  I really miss the seasons 6-7 clique with Lu, Carole, Heather, and Kristen pre-Adam.

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He thinks he's being 'street' from the safety of Twitter.  He's a chef/caterer from suburban DC, not Biggie Smalls (if Biggie Smalls used water-gun emojis  ). 


He and his wife think they can say anything on Twitter, but they cry 'hood rat' when someone confronts them face-to-face. 



Great post! ITA with your points about Luann. She definitely has a right to call Sonja out about Tom and Harry. However, she did Eboni wrong with that comment and, as you say, her pride and cluelessness will prevent her from offering a much-needed apology.


Re: Eboni. The vibe I get is that Eboni may be over-compensating for a lack of confidence. She knows that OGs like Ramona, Sonja and Luann need someone to go toe-to-toe with them. But the educated comment I took to be Eboni feeling like she had to remind the OGs 'Hey, don't underestimate me, this is what I bring to the table.' And, let's be real, to stir it up, because she knew the comment would be taken as 'Oh, you think you're above us?' 


Re: Heather, what she did (bowing out) was what any sane person with family and businesses they cherish would do. I just wish she had stayed because the history and issues she has with the OGs are real and make for the most interesting drama! Having Dorinda there would have brought an added dimension to Heather's stay. If she'd had some backup in the form of a Carole or (god forbid) Kristen, I wonder if that might have made her stick around, but in the Hamptons, it was like 4 vs 1.

Edited by Cat
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It has nothing to do with Luann not articulating herself well; Luann straight-up took it as a personal insult and put what Eboni said re-education into what she believed was about education, yet, Eboni was speaking on a technical level, and Luann took it as a more metaphorical one.

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When Eboni asked LuAnn what she meant about being "raised in the church" and conflating that with "class" etc., Lu said it's not about class, it's about education.  I don't think LuAnn meant only uneducated people speak in a "derogatory" way like Leah, what she likely meant is that people like Ramona who were raised with a Catholic education were taught to not behave "like that" (which I personally think is absurd) or whatever.  That's what I meant about LuAnn not articulating herself properly.  Regardless of any miscommunication, LuAnn was dead wrong (so was Ramona for yelling at Eboni, who at that point was being very reasonable) and she obviously took Eboni's technical comment incorrectly.  She further misunderstood Eboni acknowledging her training as a nurse practitioner or whatever, but at that point the horse had left the barn and LuAnn was only thinking Eboni was putting her down.  Meanwhile, if Sonja felt like this was being directed at her, she probably would have lost her mind, too.  Like every time someone has rightly questioned her business acumen or social/financial status.


But now I feel like I'm defending LuAnn, which I'm not lol.  Lu couldn't have been more wrong in this situation and I cannot understand how she went from 0 to 60 like that and kicked Eboni out of her house.  LuAnn does not deserve Eboni's forgiveness and the craziest part is when she watches this back, she'll probably still feel justified in her reaction and deny that she was playing on a racist stereotype to provoke/hurt Eboni.

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Oh yes, Wendy tweeted about karma hitting AATT today. I've been watching the drama that went down with the panel a few days ago...and am no longer a fan. #teamplez #teambishop My only issue will be figuring out for real which stories were real and which were fake.

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Heather is dropping straight knowledge right now… Oh dear… I’m walking that back…


She meant well, but lord, Heather’s weird sense of affinity with black culture based on her work with Puffy, et al, has always been one of her more problematic aspects.


White savior complex aside, I appreciate her explanation to Luann about what happened.


Sonja’s the most attuned to the situation. 

OOF, Heather… ARTICULATE?! Don’t make me side with Leah to get you off this show. Haha. 

Edited by Faulkner
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