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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Agree 100%  That a was fu-king weird ass episode last night. That whole dinner was a buildup to try and tear down Denise (all the talk about her filmed three-way on Wild Things and Rinna & Dorit's faux concern about how uncomfortable it must've been to film it). I gotta say, Denise fu-cking Richards took it all in stride. In fact, she barely raised her voice the entire time. Well done Denise! 


But yes, the way they're acting like Denise is a prude for wanting to prevent her children (and children's friends! Just think the potential backlash from those parents!) from being exposed to adult talk is ridiculous. Their comments and talking heads were tacky and stupid. Yes. Trash. 


I too am ready for Garcelle to interact more and to call a spade a spade and for Denise to give no effs and show 'em how it's done. I love our resident "ragamuffin." 

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I really cannot believe them. I thought Denise made sense. And surely all of these ladies remembered when they were kids and the parents are always wanting the kids to go play and be in their rooms when the 'grownups talking.' She explained it nice and calmly. They were just looking for something to think badly of Denise on. So I guess they are going to make this a true battle for the crown then. 


KYLE. I saw that smirk. I guess as the villain of the piece, you get to have your wins. That means your comeuppance will be sweeter.  It made me wonder if she told Lipsa and Teddi offscreen to keep bring up the party so she could keep her hands clean. I suspect next week at Garcelle's event that there was some editing involved and there was something else said that made Kyle have that look though.


ERIKA. Girl, I know you did not. I know people mentioned it online, but I didn't see it before now. Erika really is feeling some kinda way about Denise saying that they should not be talking about adult things around kids. Just because you didn't raise your own, you might not understand that. So...it is her house. It is good manners to do as the host wins. You know...like you would want done at YOUR house. And then Erika wanted to talk behind Denise's back. Uh....no. That makes you fake and since you are the one that said her daughter probably has done a threesome, I fully expect Denise to DRRRRRRRRAGGGGG you at the reunion. Be on ready, boo. PS. You got a taste of it at the dinner last night when you tried to come for Denise when she did not send for you. And you found...DENISE FRAKKING RICHARDS DID NOT BACK DOWN TO YOU. And she has you on her good side. Wait until you land on her bad.

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DORIT. I know I have not forgiven her for Puppygate and want her to get her comeuppance. That said, Dorit seems to be the Kandi this season. I said a few pages back that this past season of RHOA that Kandi was on point fashion wise, body wise, and I don't see Kandi like that, but this was the first time that she just had an oomph that I never saw in Kandi. A sexy hot. Dorit has really been giving all kinds of looks for me. Not quirky 'let's be camp for the sake of it.' FASHION. I've...admit that I've been loving it. Her shade (especially against Teddi) has been flawless. And she has been subtly potstirring in a while that I find so much better than Lipsa. It is like in a way she is owning her fakeness, embracing it, and staying to play with it in a tongue-in-cheek for the audience. Like we are in on a joke that only we are sharing. And...it is working.


LIPSA. That was gross. Denise is your friend of 20 years. I guess I should be surprised since she was friends with all the girls on BH before the show. But that was just gross. And you knew what you were doing. You were NOT subtle. And if she does not see why that would hurt Denise, she is just a soulless bitca.


GARCELLE. I wish she had been there, but I enjoy that she got time with the family. I do worry they are treating her like a black character on a soap (a B story), but I am going to continue to say she is being OC Season 9 Lizzie...which means she will be in the thick of it (and TeamDenise) soon enough.


SUTTON. Still living off the last week 'let the mouse go' for me. Dorit properly checked. Yeah...I like her. She is quirky as us Southerners can be. She's rich and doesn't mind showing it. And she can tell it like it is. And like Denise, she has been disappointed in Lipsa. What we are seeing is what we are getting. I am just worried she is being too Team Kyle. 





Camille said this last season. She always just have to step in it. You transparent, weak sauce, insecure chick. If you don't get off my screen with that weaksauce wish-you-were-bad mess. How dare she think she can come for Denise and STILL want to get mad at Dorit. Guess what? Dorit is RIGHT. And I don't like Dorit so what does that say about your basic stringy hair a$$. Just girl gone.


And THEN you going to try to come for Denise next week. I liked she checked you. And I hope she read you before she stormed off. And I do mean REEEEEEEEEADDD. 


Weak piece of...


DENISE. Continues to be one of the realest. And we know I LOVED seeing her at B&B with Katrina, Thorstan, and Katherine. Looking glamourous. Living her life. These other girls...are just jealous. They wished they had that and the surprisingly normal family life. 


Like they are still setting up what is to come...it has been a nice slow burn. I just need that heffa in Kyle's butt off my screen. 

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I found BH exasperating to watch. This [!@#$%^&*] is Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy all over again. How long can we keep watching Denise explain and re-explain her totally valid motives for wanting to keep the sex bragging down around the kids?


First somethig nice. Rinna looked 20 years younger and 20 times better without makeup and in her jammies making coffee. She seemed lighter too.


And how good was it to see Denise at B&B with Thorsten and KKL?? Though I don't keep up with B&B anymore, this was the first show I watched from Day One. In its day, it was fantastic! Also, the sunset shots over Santa Barbara reminded me of the closing credits of SB (MY show as a kid) and that bombastic trumpet music which was so iconic. 


Can't believe I'm going to say this but Kyle was somewhat right when she said everyone was being passive aggressive and fake ass bitches and not talking about the real issue. By the same token, she was totally sitting back and letting it happen because it meant Denise was taking hits.


Erika is so bloody obnoxious. The kids are probably already doing threesomes? Damn, what were your teenage years like? She thinks she is too cool for school but its all a ridiculous act. The sexualisation of those young girls absolutely must be brought up at reunion. The fact is, everyone wants Denise to be some wild, cynical young thing and she's not. They have perhaps heard the rumours that she started in Hollywood as an escort girl or something. Who cares? They just want an excuse to clutch their pearls and shame her. When they didn't get that, they pivoted and now it's "Ooo Denise is so prissy and such a hypocrite" because she's a decent mother who wants her kids to stay kids?


Not one of them would want their kids talking threesomes or doing them! Not a one. Lipsa had a stroke at the merest thought of Sutton making a scene at her kids' borefest event. Teddi or Kyle want their little angels having multiple partners in ninth grade? No way! They are the hypocrites. Teddi's outrage in particular was ridiculous. Just burp out your third offspring and shut the f*ck up.

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It was VERY GOOD TO SEE: re: B&B. I've been particularly waiting for it. I live for those behind the scenes at soaps. And I am an on-again/off-again viewer for B&B so I have a pretty good idea when that was filmed so I felt happy to see her in a photoshoot. I was happy KKL was game to be filmed especially. I always felt she might not do it. I am sure Kyle was green with envy. 


Now you know Erika's teenage years was her being on a stripper pole.

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Who's Teddi? Oh, wait. You mean that weaksauce heffa that lives in Kyle's butt that talks too much for some reason. I know her! The one who needs to STFU. 





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She DID just sit there and eat her pine nuts! All the fat-finger pointing and outrage was in her VT! She takes her cues from equally weaksauce Kyle. Teddi is a damn coward!

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I literally can’t wrap my brain around what I watched on BH last night. These women are really trying to take down Denise for not wanting them or their friends, to hear the cast talking about threesomes?


I’m absolutely baffled. I’m now more convinced than ever that Kyle brought Brandi back to finish the job they’ve started on Denise.

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Y'all know The Real Housewives of New York is my jam, but dang, last night I finally felt fatigued from the "groundhog day" effect of yet another drunken calamity. 


First of all, Leah was WAY too much. It's no wonder her mother wasn't speaking to her once she learned Leah was drinking again. She legit becomes another person and it's dark, reckless, and dangerous. She could give a possessed Dr. Marlena Evans a run for her money!  It was not at all entertaining, and I'm just glad that other people (notably, Dorinda & Tinsley, with LuAnn observing) were able to have a civilized and worthwhile conversation while the ape was running loose in the zoo. 


The back 'n forth of inviting and dis-inviting Leah's sister was a little messy, but Leah's reactions were just obnoxious. If Ramona was "black out" drunk, it certainly didn't seem that way as she tried to diffuse Leah.  Sonja, though I love a sloppy Sonja, became a +1 to all the craziness Leah was serving, so it all became irritating. 


Meanwhile, look who finally has a personality! Quiet lil Elyse finally had something to say and gave us cute mimics of some of the other wives. And once again, here goes Leah off the deep end when Elyse makes her comments. 


Christ, I think I'd take back Kelly Bensimon at this point. Leah girl, alcohol is not your friend. 

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Ramona is the only one on the cast that isnt an alcoholic. All these women have or have had major issues with alcohol. They are sloppy and its worse bc most of them are older. Dorinda is the worse bc she is a mean drunk. This is entertaining but I would not want to hang around this group. Sloppy and messy

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I totally agree with everything EXCEPT bringing back Kelly - she was the absolute worst.


I finally felt fatigue last night.  Each episode is just a boozy special event, which is fine every once in awhile, but it's nonstop.  Leah was so cringe and she needs to stay sober if that's how she's always going to act.  I wouldn't trust a drunk Leah around my belongings for anything.  I love these girls and NY will always be my favorite franchise, so I'm hoping we get a little more this season.


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Agreed, LOL. I'd never want her back either. Her craziness could at least be contained to some degree. I desperately wanted Leah to just go and stay gone. 


P.S. Newport, Rhode Island looks lovely. 

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Kelly coming back for season 4 after her mental breakdown was so irresponsible of Bravo. Imagine had she left and Heather joined that season as originally intended. 

I finally caught up on the past six episodes of New York and lord was it a struggle. I will say, I enjoyed Elyse the past two episodes. You can tell her contract is signed so she’s interacting more and the ladies are actually paying attention to her now. She’s most likely too boring for TV, but I love her insights into the group.


Leah has ended up being the trash Box I expected. I know many of the others aren’t better, but she is just draining to watch. I feel I would enjoy her in smaller doses, but the cast lacks an alpha or Greek chorus so she’s eating up more screentime than she should. I hope next season they do a decent enough revamp so we aren’t forced to watch her get drunk and destroy stuff constantly. 

I will also say, I’m slightly enjoying Dorinda more as the episodes go on. As she explains what she is going through I start to understand her behavior better. 

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