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Agreed. I did not think Jennifer would grow on me, and there's still traits that are unlikable (no Housewife is perfect, not even my lovely tone-deaf Ramona), but she's entertaining now, and she's no longer a one-upper, thank God. Meanwhile, Jackie is miss Debbie Downer who just seems sour all the time. Did Dolores make it nice (to quote Dorinda) completely? No. But were her observations wrong? Nope. Jackie isn't gelling. I think Melissa feels compelled/producer-coaxed to be that one person that's nice to her to tie her into the group "organically." 


ATL: Speaking of producer-driven, Marlo's event looked like some last minute shindig that was thrown together to be filmed. Some random empty space, a bogus "valet," sad seating areas, and one wall of 7 ratty wigs.  Thank you Kenya for coming in and making it interesting. LOL. 


Having Nene come in and have lunch with Kandi really accentuates the fact that Nene is such an outsider in this group, which is otherwise doing just fine and creating enough fun and drama without her big stank attitude. If Nene wants to start biting at the hand that feeds her (i.e. Andy Cohen), watch out, because this season is proving that Nene could be a thing of the past and still thrive. 


BTW: I'm glad some of you like Tanya, and like, okay, she's harmless. But she looks so THIRSTY. So eager and desperate. Yovanna is desperate, but messy and catty so it comes through stronger. But make no mistake, Tanya's itching to hold a peach too. 

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I'm not very familiar with ATL... I watch a few episodes a year and keep up with the big drama, but I've only seen season 1 in its entirety lol.  But I have the gist on all the women and their histories... I watched this week's episode and despite what a hateful b Marlo has been, what Kenya did was unbelievable... tv show or not, she derailed someone's business launch and tried to steal customers?!?  More than even NJ, the 'wives on this show seem to have absolutely no personal or professional boundaries with each other and are not adequately held accountable for it.  MIND BLOWING.

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Kenya gave Marlo the same energy she puts out. What Kenya did was light hearted and fun compared to the vulgar things Marlo has said below the belt about her mother and marriage. Just last week she was trashing Kenya's hair care line and making digs at her launch party. Besides I doubt the event was real and seemed like something Bravo put together just for tv. Marlo and Nene thought that the focal point would be on Nene as this would be her first return to an event with all the ladies but Kenya upstaged them both and she did that with producers help.


I dont think the wives of ATL are any worse than the other shows. Have you seen OC and the personal attacks Kelly Dodd has made on most of the women, even going so far as to hurt the lawsuit that Tamra and Shannon have against them? The Beverly Hills housewives regularly come for each other's hsubands and marriages, even affecting their businesses. The Pnotomac women cross all types of personal boundaries and will take rumors on the internet and make it into a storyline with little to no proof. This is just how the game is played

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Fair enough.  Maybe Marlo's event was "fake," but it really puts in question the legitimacy of the businesses on this show then.  But if something like this happened on NY, NJ, OC, or BH (I don't watch POT or DALLAS), it wouldn't just be laughed off.


I think Kelly Dodd is a psycho and should be fired as she is a serious liability.  She's even more out of control than BH's Brandi.  And even though a lot of these women are unbelievable and I watched the very REAL life obliterating carnage that was NJ seasons 3-5, I still maintain the opinion that OC's Vicky and Tamra are the two most evil garbage person housewives out of the shows I watch.  If Hell is real, there is a very special place reserved there just for them.  And I know lines get crossed all the time (BH is a weird case as none of them truly pull the trigger), but ATL feels different me... there don't seem to be any relationships that last and the fallings out seem to be all about hate, not love, hurt, or even betrayal (except Kandi and Phaedra--that was insane).  Even the bat s stuff with Vicky/Tamra and Teresa/Jacqueline has so much unbridled emotion behind it. For instance, I don't see that with Nene and her conflicts with Kim or Porsha, any of the times it's fallen apart.

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The thing is the women you posted did and said some real nasty and below the belt stuff which IMO does not compare to what Kenya did on last night's show. She didnt hit Marlo below the belt. Sure it was uncalled for, but at the end of the day, it was intended to be a humorous fun moment. Marlo's character was not attacked nor was any personal business of hers aired out. Marlo talked about Kenya's edges last week, so Kenya being petty, got her back at this wig event, which ultimately was harmless. This wasnt rooted in the hate and vileness that we've seen exhibited by the likes of Kelly Dodd, Brandi, Vicki, Tamera, or Teresa as they went after their enemies.

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Am I watching the same show? I find Kelly Dodd funny. Shannon especially is a hateful and self-obsessed shrew. Can't stand her. Vicki participated and encouraged a cancer fraud. Kelly did nothing to help Bellino's lawsuit against Shannon and Tamra. It's just something for Shannon and Tamra to whine about. Do you think any sane lawyer is going to call her as a character witness? If anything, they would just use the show to prove how Tamra helps to spread rumours about people.


ATL: Why is Nene on this show? She looks unhappy and she brings nothing to the table. I've never seen a housewife look so miserable.



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Kelly is one of the, if not the most vulgar housewife currently employed at Bravo. I find nothing of her antics and below the belt digs to be funny. She is intentionally spiteful ang goes out of her way to be mean and inflect as much harm as possible. She is nasty. As others stated, she is borderline crazy and a liability

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Kelly can be hella funny, but she is literally out of her mind.  No one is black or white, but she actually thinks she is a normally functioning person when she's a human wrecking ball.  She has zero self control and I'm waiting for her to lose her temper and get violent.  She's Tamra x10.  But I don't think she's wicked like Tamra or Vicky... Kelly indiscriminately lashes out in all directions because she can't restrain herself. Tamra and Vicky have deep, plotted desires to destroy people's lives and nothing gives them greater satisfaction.  Kelly is a cracked, rotten egg, but she's not THAT.


Shannon, otoh... I don't even know where to start with that wacko.  She is a spoiled, self-obsessed IDIOT who doesn't know anything about anything but can't shut her disgusting mouth.  One of the most offensive things I've ever seen on one of these shows was when Tamra said she was hysterically crying because she didn't know you had to pay for water while David was giving her, like, over $20 grand a month in child/spousal support (and she has her Bravo and family money).  Shannon is the problem.  F this ignorant, disgusting narcissist.  BUT she puts it all out there--she may be the most authentic housewife, and the fool can't even see what an idiotic nutjob she casts herself as.  She is pitiable.  It's hard to hate someone so clueless and sad.


These four deserve every bad thing that hopefully comes their way for the rest of their lives.


And even though I assume NY, NJ, and BH lean a certain way in today's political and social landscape, OC's cast has always been shockingly disgusting with their politics and "values."  Thank GOD that piece of sh!t Lydia is gone.  How she got out unscathed out of Bravo is mind boggling.

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I don't see that. I've been watching this season, but I didn't watch last season so I've been catching up on last season, and Kelly seems the kindest of the main four (or main three if you leave out Vicki). Shannon was a nightmare last season. She was so hateful to Emily and Gina for no reason and everything out of her mouth is DAVID related. Does she ever listen to someone without making it about her? (Something Gina also does). Vicki called her own daughter a liar for what she said about Brooks. She is a horrible woman. Does Kelly say things that are out of line? Yes, but I always think they come from being attacked--as she was on the bus trip or in the recent episode. Was the Vicki pig emoji nice? No, but Vicki purposely hit below the belt, and you can tell the tres Amigas  purposely try to provoke Kelly so she will react violently and be kicked off the show. IT obviously didn't work based on Shannon's Bravocon attitude and Vicki's "I'm no friend" no season ultimatum.

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Kelly has been hitting below the belt since day one.... "No wonder her daughter won't talk to her." re: Tamra.  Or just by calling whomever (I can't remember who) a C-U-Next-Tuesday at the dinner table. She's an erratic, sloppy, unintelligent mess. And you know she's gonna fight hard to keep this Bravo job in case her latest rich conquest kicks her to the curb before they say "I Do." 

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100% agree with first season part. They were horrible to her. I'm not saying Kelly is the greatest, but that bus ride alone was an example of how those witches behaved. From season one, they have tried to bait her and get her to react because they think they will get rid of her. IT backfired because most of the audience saw what they were doing. They have been trying the same thing this year, and it also hasn't worked. Shannon was so gleeful about telling Kelly that news. She really wanted Kelly to attack Vicki. You could tell in the bravocon clips that Shannon was angry that their anti-Kelly campaign failed. Miserable woman. Kelly might be vulgar and hit below the belt at times, but in comparison, she's a saint.


While I enjoyed Heather on the show for the most part, it's amusing that it was her reactions to Kelly that brought her down (as housewives say). 

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I feel where you are coming from 100%. Kenya crossed the line from her usual trolling to outright spite and tried to ruin somebody's business. Everybody was just kikiki-ing and saying: "Oh, that's just Kenya being Kenya." It took me back to Kenya's early seasons trying to embarrass Cynthia at her Bailey Studio events and going after Apollo. I found her completely hateful back then.  


And then I think back to when Marlo said that no wonder Kenya's mother didn't want her. It was so hateful that to this very day, I am glad Marlo does not have a peach. 


The highlight of the epi for me was Nene leaving the event without anybody noticing, and that trashpot Yovanna running after her and Nene growling to get her hands off the car window. 

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 Everything Nene did in this episode (and shouting at Andy Cohen on Insta) screams desperation to me. She knows ATL can live without her. The fact is, she actually cannot live without the HWs. It also struck me that Nene has no true friends. Marlo and Yovanna only put up with her because they are angling for a peach.



The Fall of Heather that season was amazing to watch. I hadn't realized what a truly awful person she was until I saw how she plotted to gaslight Kelly. And for weeks after the bus ride, on her blog, she wrote "And this week you will finally understand why I acted the way I did on the bus!" And we never did! The whole thing just served to remind everybody how she and Tamra gaslit Shannon her whole first season, and gaslit Alexis right off the show. That fall was oh-so-well deserved.


Shannon is a total mean girl and she knows exactly what Tamra is doing this season. It is in her interests to play dumb about Tamra, but she is as much behind all this as Tamra is. I will never forget earlier this season at some gym, the way Shannon and Tamra made Emily 'explain herself' and apologize to them for some imagined slight. The way Shannon looked at her was so mean. Kelly is definitely being horribly bullied by those two.


Having said that, Kelly is borderline violent and threatening, and I find that extremely problematic. The audience is cheering her on because Tamra is literally THE WORST, but all that audience attention is going to her head and creating a monster IMO. She now thinks she is untouchable and can say -- or do -- anything.

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See @Cat, I think Nene could make it outside the HWs.  She's simply afraid the show will be fine without her.  It's like letting go of a bf/gf because of how that person will do without you.  


I have seen Nene in a few guest spots recently and she could book something solid.  Of course HW, right now, is a guaranteed income but she's still marketable outside of the franchise, IMHO.  Nene needs to get out of her own way, put HWs in the rear view and go secure that bag elsewhere.   Really dig her heels into pilot season.  It's never too late to grow.  I'm WIP at 52!

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