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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Marlo, just give it up. Kenya is eviscerating your a**. RHOA: This reunion was damn good. Totally makes up for a lackluster season. It totally makes sense how Kenya saved her peach b/c part one was all about her, and she dragged everyone that tried coming for her. I'm eager for part 2 when Kim arrives. Oh and Marlo can go. She flopped with her tired reads. Kenya ate her up. No peach for you, darling. RHOP: Potomac is riding on a high. They did not come to play this season. However, there are a plethora of hypocrites this year. For one, Ashley, Robyn, and Gizelle should not be counting Karen's coins when they all don't have a pot to p*ss in themselves. All of them rely on their male partners to stay afloat. I found it weird too that they thought it was weird that Karen/Ray have different accounts. It's called being smart. Everyone with a brain knows that money is the root of evil and demise of all marriages. That's why Karen is still married while Gizelle/Robyn are divorced and Ashley is on her way to being divorced. Karen went of the jugular when she brought up Michael abroad playing with them twinks! It was valid too as Ashley loves to call out everyone else's deeds but doesn't like her own transgressions thrown in her face. Gizelle is a mean, nasty b-tch. I don't find it cute at all that she is basking in the misfortune of Karen's finances. I find it gross. Gizelle has no read of the audience at all. She tries so hard to be shady thinking the audience will like it, and she's comes off as foul and unlikeable. Andy's plan to make Gizelle the "it girl," which I never found her to be, is gonna blow up on both of them. Much like Erika, the audience is gonna turn on another one of his favorites.
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IKR!!!  Ms. Kenya did not come to play. She's been on ready and it's been fabulous to see. Kenya v Marlo was the highlight of Part 1. However, other than that comment Andy made re: Mr. Daly disliking the show and telling the producers aka Andy's friends, I agree that Kenya dragged anyone who came for her. I've never seen her so on point.




I can't wait. Just that clip on the other page was great. #TeamKaren

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Kim is a damn fool to come against Kandi. I knew her spin offs were the most successful without even looking. People need to stop sleeping on Kandi. She is probably the most popular and important housewife they have. Kandi is the glue that holds this show together and the reason they survived without Nene is because of her. 


Yall know for years i been tormenting y’all with my love of Marlo, but Kenya dug her entire leg up Marlo’s ass! The Shereé beat down was glorious as well. I feel like this reunion so far seems a lot of fun and definitely not as dark as last year. It’s a good transition to the next season so far. 

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Agreed on Gizelle. I notice that whenever Andy fawns over a HW and hypes her up, that HW usually (though not always -- see Margaret) tends to be petty, mean and quite hollow and vapid. Andy is all about the surface, as he admits. Erika is one of his faves, so is Melissa, and, astoundingly, Gizelle is another. I never understood why he is so crazy about Gizelle when all her 'reads' and VTs sound scripted and over-rehearsed. There are much more witty and compelling people on RHOP imo. Gizelle is someone who has coasted on her Vanessa Williams-esque looks but not done much else (unlike the hard-working, smart and empathetic Ms. Williams who rebuilt her acting career from the ground up when she hit her late 40s). 


Clearly Gizelle, Robyn and Ashley will keep coming for Karen now that Charrisse isn't there to do their dirty work. It makes me laugh at the hypocrisy considering their own situations. Ray Huger is in hot water with the IRS, and Karen is obviously trying to save face, and it is arguably the most riveting story on Potomac this season. But Karen and Ray separating their finances and tax returns was long-term smart. Robyn is trying to make the separate tax returns a shady issue, like why would you file separately when you get a modest write-off to file jointly? But Robyn is clearly v short-term in her approach to money since she is already spending Juan's paycheck before he even got it. Karen and Ray were likely advised by their financial adviser years ago to file separately -- as I myself have been advised to do in the past. The whole convo underscores just how dependent Gizelle, Robyn and Ashley are on their men to provide them with even basic living expenses. The Hugers are in financial difficulties but Karen still has some income she can call her own and not have to ask Ray for.



This is AMAZING. Kandi shut her down and nailed the trap door shut just as surely as she will on ATL next week.


I especially love how Kandi pointed out that Tardy is not pulling in the ratings it once did and, by implication, its future is in question. Indeed, that is the reason why Kim did S10 of ATL in the first place. Her lazy ass would never have bothered unless she felt she had to land another show before Tardy is cancelled.


If Tardy gets yet another season or two, Kim can thank another predominately AA show, M2M, which helped to bring in new viewers and demos for that entire Friday evening death slot.

Edited by Cat
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I get the idea that it hurts to be called out, but I thought that he would have said something much worse (like whether she has pimped out her daughter) based on their reaction. She has destroyed her face. Not much to deny there. Even thin-skinned Igloo didn't say a lot about the White Chicks jokes on her.

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She needs to sue the nail technician 'doctor' who gave her and Brielle those lips. It looks like they injected cement in there and now there is an allergic reaction.


It's sad that she has destroyed her looks, she was pretty in her blousy, wig-wearing way of the early seasons! Somebody already mentioned on this thread that it would be interesting if there was a HW SL about addiction to plastic surgery, to the point of having to correct bad surgery. Not that I want Kim to return to RHOA or anything, but she would be a natural for a SL like this. However, Kim is so wedded to the Barbie/Kardashian-beauty ideal that she honestly does not think she looks bad at all. She's always been delusional that way. It's too bad she doesn't have people around her who feel they can point out a mistake like this, but Kim never liked criticism, even if it was constructive.

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I was reading some comments and one mentioned that the man in the TMZ video with Kim and Kroy who asks when the Wayans were last famous is Michael Beck. 


If that is true I wonder if he's going to be moved off the show and is just doing the Tardy show now...

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Tamara Tattles indicated something interesting in passing about this season's RHOA, which was that Michael Beck started out as EP but Bravo realized he was out of his depth as filming progressed. (Personally, I wonder if it wasn't Kim's first appearance at Nene's white party when she screamed "Michael! Michael!" during a fight with Kenya that changed things. The fact that she was ordering the EP around must have unsettled the other HWs who figured he was there to do Kim's bidding). Anyway, Bravo drafted in another EP to help steer the ship. However, because this season did not perform well ratings-wise (the jury is still out on Reunion ratings), looks like this other EP will take the fall for it. Beck will avoid the chop, but it remains to be seen if he will be back on RHOA where I don't think he is a good fit.


I'm not sure what to make of Beck being joined at the hip with KZB, but given that Kim won't be returning, maybe Beck got a dressing-down by Bravo, too, and they are commiserating?

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That's how I see it. Granted, I think she looks like a damn fool being so coy and saying one thing, but the camera shows other things. Or just not being honest and clear. But whatevs, it creates drama for this goofy show. In terms of how she protected herself financially, major props to her. You keep on going with your separate bank account and separate tax filings. You never know what tomorrow will bring. 

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