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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I saw this on another forum. If it doesn't consist of the original Miami girls, I doubt I will care. 


I want at least Lea, Alexia, Adriana, and Lisa attached to this new show. 


Honestly, I think Bravo would be stupid to not just pick up where we left off with the last 8 (Ana/Alexia/Lea/Adriana/Lisa/Karent/Joanna/Marysol). That group of women had a great dynamic which was nixed too soon. 


I've heard rumbling too that Bravo might be trying to do a Housewives of Santa Barbara too. I think they should go back and revive DC instead. I wanna see where the original 5 DC housewives are at in their lives as many of them are now divorced. Then I say bring on 2-3 more women to add to their dynamic and go from there. With everything going on with Trump and politics/Capitol Hill being a hot topic at all times, Bravo is stupid for not reviving this show. Plus, I am sure there are a plethora of women who are married to insiders, politicians, and lobbyists, who'd love to jump onto a housewives show and spill stuff. DC is filled with many famewhores as of late. 

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I was just thinking about Miami because Lea Black was on Flipping Out this week.  Looks like she has a home in Hollywood that she spends her summers in...  wasn't she the one that didn't really live in Miami, but something like Coral Gables?  Maybe she'll be the center with more affluent wives in her area?

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Shannon and Meghan are disgusting. The fact that they are trying to make Peggy's double mastectomy a story is gross. The woman clearly got the operation out of fear she doesn't get cancer. I feel like these women are eager to keep Cancergate going. Just shows how OC needs to be retooled. Fire 'em all this point. 


I found it sickening too when the ladies cheered and laughed over Vicki having the flu. How is it absurd that Vicki knew what strand of flu she has? A smart person would actually have the strand tested, so they know which one they got. I do it all the time. That's what doctors are there for--to answer questions and I'm asking everything. 


Peggy, Vicki, and Lydia are the only women that came off well tonight. Even Kelly annoyed me tonight with her joining in on the Vicki bashing whether she knows it or not. 


Kudos to Peggy handling all those women at the table w/o breaking a sweat; she let them know real quick that she might not be the brightest but she ain't the weakest. She got them all off of her real quick.




Brandi is messy and has loyalty to no one. I hope when Leeanne finds out about Brandi using her that she unleashes unholy hell on her. 


I felt for Steph talking about her son suffering form dyslexia but she still annoys me. I need her to get a backbone and stop with the faux fear for Leeanne. It's tiring. Same goes to Cary. 


Speaking of Cary, her husband continues to be heinous and continues to be exposed. It was obvious tonight that Cary spilled (in so many words) that Mark did not want Zuri to be born, does not care for the little girl, and has resentment towards the child. It's sickening. I'm wondering if he feels the same way about his elder kids too. 


D'Andra is a great find because she (much like Tiffany last year) is the one that truly understands Leeanne. I grow tired of these women taking everything Leeanne says as literal. Leeanne is clearly blowing steam and isn't gonna bust a grape in a vineyard. These women need to relax. The most Leeanne will do is chuck a glass, call you the c-word, and spread a rumor. These women act like she is gonna chop them up in their sleep. 

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Kameron officially won me over tonight. She was slowly starting to do so, but tonight solidified it. I am totally down for her bringing down Brandi. Brandi clearly hates Kameron b/c Kameron possesses everything she doesn't--the zip code she wants, the money, and a happier marriage. Brandi is miserable and I am not buying this lie that she and her hubby are happier compared to last year. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Thank you for watching so some of us don't have to! I don't know if I can face YET another #FakeCancer SL on this show. OC is a mess and I really don't enjoy any of them at this point. Can't we just FFed to Iceland already?


Haven't watched Dallas yet, but I plan to. First of all I love Cary (she's my fave), and I think D'Andra is a good addition. Definitely the new Tiffany -- only better. I was just about done with LeeAnne, but you have helped to contextualise her for me. I truly thought she had violent mental problems, but perhaps she's all bark and not much bite. I do want to like her because I can see in her VTs that she is often very self-deprecating and tongue-in-cheek about herself.

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@Cat, after learning Leeanne has a history as an actress, I just trump her actions up as being tomfoolery. She's just acting up for the cameras. I do think she is annoyed with the women, but I doubt she'll actually hurt them. All that trash talking is just for her to alleviate stress. D'Andra, who knows Leeanne so well, says that is her; she said Leeanne just pops up off but doesn't mean it.

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