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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Im with Chris B, I LOVE this show. I loved the sea plane as well. Im really impressed with the production values. Its REALLY good


Ronnie; "I went to rehab, it was fabulous. The only thing missing was happy hour"

Jody: "WTF does she think she is? Britney Spears? Like what the f--k is that look at 50?" "I was appalled. It wasnt appropriate, tummy tuck or no tummy tuck?"

What is the big deal about Mary saying Jody and Mia werent Jewish? In Canada, is that grounds to hate the women? In the US, if something like that were said, I think the women whould just correct her and move on butits being treated like the ultimate insult here. I think there's something lost in the culture translation.


Christina looks like she's had alot of practice



If I could rank the 5 hottest husbands it would be:

1. Apollo (Phaedra, Atlanta)

2. Mauricio (Kyle, BH)

3. Joe Gorga (Melissa, NJ)

4. Ed (Lisa, Atlanta)

5. Mario (Ramona, NYC)

Edited by Cheap21
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When it comes to the Jewish thing, it's likely lost in cultural translation. It's a big insult in Vancouver because everyone in the city is very hyper aware of other cultures and ethnicity, it's a cultural mosaic kind of place so when someone says something about someone else's heritage, it's treated as a very big deal because it's seen by many as a personal attack on heritage.

Here's the problem for Jody: MARY NEVER SAID IT! Mary did say she had heard Jody wasn't Jewish, but she never declared it as gospel herself.

The production values on the show are superb. Vancouver isn't called Hollywood North for nothing!

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I like that I stumbled on this show by accident and you guys did, too. IA that if RHoV went on Bravo and was a hit, it would ruin the show and its participants.

This last episode was absolutely great. The rich locales, production work and that sea plane are the stuff dreams are made of -- but the best bit IMO was showing the housewives getting their kids up and ready for school. It was incredibly relatable amidst all the glamour and I for one think it was all 100% real. Jody in hair rollers fighting with Hannah (SO adorable) over wearing an itchy skirt? Oh, yes! Brilliant. I loved when little Hannah went to tell her big brother that she was going to big-girl school. Also, Mary feeding her dog yogurt, finishing up the pot herself, running around in nightgown and slippers as she fought with her son over whether to take Grade 12 math.

Also liked Ronnie extending the hand of friendship and inviting Mary to her birthday. Their extended hug spoke volumes about both wanting to make up.

I am trying to decide if Ronnie drinks because she is sad or because she looks and feels so young and wants to have a second youth. I think it's the latter. I also think she and her husband are crazy in love with each other.

Mia was out of line prodding Mary. TBH, I think she was just looking to pick a fight. But I can understand the cultural sensitivity. A lot of my very closest friends are Jewish. It is one thing when they meet somebody and ask amongst themselves "Is he/she Jewish?" It's actually pretty common. However, if somebody non-Jewish were to ask that question or tell them "I don't think so-and-so is Jewish," it comes across as highly ambiguous and somewhat threatening, and that's because there are hundreds of years of racism, apartheid, pogroms and annihilation leading up to this question of identity. Not so long ago, somebody would say something like that and it was a life-or-death assertion. I donlt think Mary meant it in any way other than innocent, though.

Ronnie's eldest son + Mary Zilba make me go Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Edited by Cat
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I was feeling bad for Teresa this episode. She went to the party, brought the kids, was staying AWAY from the conflict. Stupidass Kathy can't even leave well enough alone. When you have a huge rift with someone, sometimes it's progress just to be in the same place as the other person acting semi-normal. It helps break the ice. They were doing well, not fighting, exchanging pleasantries. That was actually progress. Yet, Kathy has to encourage Teresa to talk to her brother, and Joe has to wrap her into a conversation that really should have been private. Of course, she could have just walked away, but I really feel like these people are TRYYYYIIINNGGG so hard to engage with her. I saw it last week. If all these people were always trying to get into it with me, I'd be defensive, too. I just refuse to buy this Teresa-is-the-root-of-all-evil storyline they're pushing. I think she's pretty dim-witted and has a hard time admitting fault, but they're ALL like that. Melissa has totally said her share of bitchy stuff, and I assign her lots of blame here, too. They're trying so hard to make Teresa look bad that she's actually become a sympathetic character for me.

Edited by Eric83
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I agree. The way they're painting Teresa is very contrived. There is just TOO much behind-the-scenes quarreling that we the viewer don't know about for certain, but we can make guesses and have heard whisperings thru gossip blogs. Here's my issue with the whole New Jersey dynamic:

If Teresa is so vile and Caroline and Jacqueline are such saints, why is Dina Manzo not speaking to either of them? It can NOT be solely about Teresa. We've heard whisperings about why Caroline and Dina are on the outs (some say Caroline is mad that Dina left the series, some say Caroline is actually homophobic and there is tension amongst the siblings over their gay brother, some say it's Teresa's fault for whatever reason), but we don't know for certain. And we don't know why Dina and Jacqueline aren't speaking. But surely these 2 aren't the innocent angels they are portrayed to be, year after year. There's just more here that we're not privy to.

Why is Caroline so hard on her daughter for being overweight? Something's not right there. She'll fight to the death for her gay son and her other alcoholic son, but says digs about Lauren like "she's beautiful on the inside, but still needs to work on the outside." I mean, really? Has Caroline looked in the mirror? Even though she herself lost weight, she looks like a deflated balloon. And what about Chris, the boozehound younger son? He's putting on some weight there. Is it just expected that Italian men put on the pounds, but the women have to be bodacious beauties ?

On to Teresa's family... How many iTunes sales would Melissa Gorga be making if she wasn't exploiting her alleged feud with already-famous sister-in-law Teresa? I can see why Teresa would say Melissa's a copycat. She rode on Teresa's coattails on to this reality show and is cashing in, whereas Teresa was the first person in the family to get on the show by her own merits, not by being a relative. Kathy is just time-filler. Her lesbian sister Rosie is way more interesting to watch than Kathy.

I'd also be interested to know what kind of conversation that Melissa Gorga had with Danielle Staub before Melissa joined the show. How did Danielle Staub know at the Season Two reunion that Teresa had yet to see her nephew/niece (can't remember which gender) ?

There's more to the story, and I'm not so quick to jump on the Teresa-Is-The-Bad-Guy bandwagon here.

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When was she not? Honestly.

The homophobic Caroline thing is one of the most head scratching rumors to come out, and i wouldnt be surprised if someone planted that. Her and her gay brother seem very close, as evident in past seasons and his wedding this season. Her sons rommate is openly gay and treated like a part of the family. And then there is the rumor that Albie himself is gay and out and everyone accepts it but he doesnt want it played out on reality tv.

I think lauren has an issue with her weight and likely has struggeled with it but gives up instead of putting up the fight. Her and Caroline started a weight losing journey together and it worked for Caroline and Lauren just gave up. I think it is much more likely that Caroline is not easing up because Lauren needs someone to push her to keep it going. I am also sure that if Lauren accepted who she was then caroline would back off. Sometimes people need someone in their life to hold them accountable, push them, and yes be tough - and not that sweet supportive encouragement, i know I do anyways.

How dare Melissa have the audacity to accept an offer for major money to join a reality show. You are absolutely correct. Come on now, is it really a stretch to believe that Bravo pursued her? Do not get me wrong, I think she would siogn on for pennies to be honest. She wants to be famous, she craves it, absolutely. As for teresa getting on for her own merits, its been stated a few times she was cast because other Manzo women did not want to do it so they brough their friend teresa in as well as Danielle...

Didnt Dani say she called and asked? Ive always thought this was a producer hand tipping move tho to bring on melissa onto team Danielle and take on the other women. When melissa joined she was so clearly edited to be hated, but it didnt work and slowly a lot of fans came to like her, and turn on tre as the season went on. I think a lot more people will turn later this season after what tre does next...

All that can really be judged is what is on screen. teresa doesnt get a free pass because of editing while everyone else gets held accountable. And from what is shown, from what she puts out there in magazines, she seems like a genuinely awful, hateful person.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Exactly, all that can be judged is what's onscreen. I'm holding everyone accountable. Caroline is accountable as being the saint and the voice of reason. Jacqueline is being held accountable as the loyal friend and misunderstood mother. Etc, etc., etc., but what I'm saying is, there's more than just what the producers are portraying, for EACH of them. Hence, the falling out between sister Dina and Caroline and in-laws Dina and Jacqueline. Not to mention all the unmentioned tension between Teresa vs. Melissa & Kathy. That's why this whole fight between Teresa vs. Melissa/Kathy seems so incomplete and pretty petty altogether, because they're not addressing all the issues. I'm guessing the show itself is one major issue. Season 3&4 is basically watching the Guidice/Gorga/Wakile clans dodging a pink Italian elephant in the room that isn't spoken of when the cameras are rolling.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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They talk about sex, coming out, his career, the book, how he got his show, etc. Its Howard tho, so if you are offended dont listen.

Andy Cohen on Howard Stern


They really go in on it about Camille. Andy says that he told her she was going to be hated and judged but people would come around by the end. Howard tells him how she claims she was edited poorly, andy dismisses it and says they say what they say in front of the camera. he says he told her she needs to get off twitter and own what she said in season one instead of trying to defend it. and he basically agrees she only had one good moment in season 2, "we dont say that he hits you, but now we do". also says she will return ins eason 3 here and there. Also he states he basically decides who comes back and who doesnt to the series.

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I think part of the problem with Tre on RHONJ is her husband Joe Guidice. From the episode last week it appears that he is nothing but a big bully, controlling of Tre and verbally abusive to her and the girls. Look at the way he speaks to all of them. From someone who USED to be married to someone like Joe Guidice, he is trying to control every aspect of Tre even cutting her off from her family and friends and saying crap to start tension and fights between them. I will say that Tre has done her share of gum flapping regarding Joe and Melissa and both the Gorgas and Walkile's have done their fair share of gum flapping too...all of them are at fault.

It is obvious that Joe doesnt love Tre.....I think they're DEFINITE problems in their marriage,but both put up this front like everything is hunky dory between them for the cameras. I wouldn't be surprised if Juicy Joe is indeed stepping out on Tre. The best thing for her and those kids would be for Joe and Tre to divorce and her to make amends with her brother, Melissa and Kathy and her crew.

My heart goes out to Joe and Tre's oldest daughter Gia though. From the last few episodes, she appears to be the care taker of the siblings, putting Audriana to bed and tending to her boo boo, cooking dinner, etc. She is being forced to grow up WAY to fast and not enjoy her childhood.

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