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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Uh what Caroline was refering to with Danielle and with Tre/Dine wasnt made public so she didnt want to disucss it on the Reunion show, nor was why Jac didnt show up for the Reunion, so I can understand them not wanting to discuss in those forums

Juicy Joe's escapades are PUBLIC so Tre getting all upset because her SIL mentioned "jail" after she has publically dissed everyone, and taken heresay and idle gossip she prolly started and sharing ti with her Bro who she is supposedly trying to make amens with makes her look CRAZY, and yes she is getting attacked due to her own selfsih actions.

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Teresa's an idiot. For the years that this show has been on, stuff has come out about dodgy [!@#$%^&*] the Giudices have done, Teresa's fantasy life, Juicy Joe's mistresses, the money, everything, and Gorilla Face acts like it is all lies and that she can pull the wool over the audience's eyes. Teresa, we know it's true because you admit it to In Touch! And Bravo will replay the flashbacks if need be to clarify what you said & how.

Also, she was looking for a fight when Melissa came to her table expecting an apology. She didn't want to say she was sorry at any cost and instead blew something up out of all proportion so that she could stalk out of there and play the outraged party. And, like Cheap, I tend to agree that Melissa is fake a lot of the time, but she was in the right calling Teresa out on her BS and it was cathartic to watch. Teresa needs to be put in her place.

I love Jacqueline but honey got off your cross, other people need the wood. She either is a martyr or a little scaredy cat. I know Italians don't play when it comes to "famb'ly" and "respect" but she's tough enough to stand her ground, surely? Instead she's running between Teresa and Melissa to try and get everybody to play nice, and she can't even bring herself to confront her daughter on her assy behavior or drive her to the airport.

Contrary to lots of people here, I think Kathy is ok. Also, forget all other RH spin-offs. I could watch a spin-off show consisting of the Giudice/Gorga/Wakile kids all day. Gia as the exasperated eldest daughter bearing all her family's responsabilities on her shoulders, and Milania as the terror. No wonder Rosie needed some cigarettes and a GINORMOUS vat of wine to handle looking after all the little ones.

Caroline and her daughter Lauren... sigh. Firstly, Lauren is veering into dangerous Ashlee territory here with the "I wannabe rich and thin and beautiful (but I don't want to do the hard work that will help me achieve that)." The way Caroline talks about her daughter's "spectacular personality" but also references her "belly" could be construed as cruelty and bullying. However, I think she is concerned for her daughter's health and truly believes that, if her daughter succeeds in her battle with weight, her confidence will soar. It is hard to hear a mother talk about her sons the way Caroline does in front of Lauren but I think a lot of this stuff is prevalent in our own RL families, too. TBH, these family relationships are why I keep watching RHoNJ.

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It doesn't matter. If Teresa doesn't want to talk about it she doesn't have to. All of them are on television, and the fact that Jacqueline's husband filed for bankruptcy and has a lawsuit pending is public. Caroline's husband losing his job is public info but is Teresa going on about it?

You do realize Joe Guidice is an ongoing case right? It wouldn't be wise to be going into full detail discussing it on a reality tv show.

Edited by Eric83
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Exactly. Tre was seeking a fight, she was seeking a way to make Mel the bad guy in this situation. She did not, and will not say she is sorry because she is not. I do disagree that me is fake. I think Mel is in a tought spot. She knows that if she lets Joe just walk away from Tre and throws her under the bus that it can come back to bite her and make him a little resentful. I think she wante Tre and Joe to have a relationship and she takes a lot of Tre's [!@#$%^&*] but this was too far and I am so glad she didnt let it go. She stepped up, adressed it, and did her best to try and make tre own it - to the point that tre was losing and knew it so she fled, no shocker there.

I am clearl the Jaqui defender here - lol. I love her and she is my favorite to watch. I think she is in a very tough spot. Tre has been a good friend to her, but i think she is seeing what a truly evil bitch tre is in how she is treating those around her. The comments alluding to Jaqui should not speak to melissa and should shun Caroline because Tre doesnt like them def got her attention a few weeks ago. This is a slow boil and i cant wait for it to explode.

Oh, I have no issue with Kathy shes just a bore. But really, they have enough going on to where they dont need the 5th wife to be all that much drama.

This is so interesting to me. I have a lot of those issues Lauren has, esp when it comes to siblings who just seem to have all the luck. I think that if Lauren told caroline I know i am overweight, but I am happy and ok with that and am trying to eat healthy and do my best caroline would say OK and back off. I think it is clear Lauren has a lot of trouble losing the weight she had, and Caroline easily shed hers and Lauren wants that so Caroline is doing her best to make it happen for her. The way she boats about the boys in front of her sucks for her, but at the same time why shouldnt Caroline boast about her sons, not doing so would be punishing them to spare Laurens feelings and thats something it took me awhile to realize in my own family.

The family dynamic is absolutely why i watch NJ. It is totally different from the others.

She really did look 65. It was just atrocious.

Yes. Ronnie controls Jody and Reiko. She allows Jody to think otherwise to keep her. Its quite smart.

People who truly love, care, and respect those in their lives do not treat them the way tre has. They do not insult their familys and make jokes about them in order to sell books and land magazine covers.

They turned on her because of her actions. her words. her inability to see anyone elses point of view but her own.

I am not familiar, off hand, with Jaqui running off screen to avoid talking about an issue. We know what the reunion thing was and why she didnt go - the huge fight the night before with Tre. They are not allowed to talk about season 4, only season 3, and i doubt that would have been possible to be honest. Watching what goes down at this fight will be very interesting.

perhaps melissa is just more open and honest than tre's shady ass is, because Melissa doesnt have this false life to keep up. And when she was brought on it was CLEAR production intended her to be hated and to cast tre is a good light, however it changed as the season went on and everybody could see how truly evil tre was to her.

i am seriously LOLing over them being called "vultures feeding off of Tre's flesh" lol.. like.. what? how? tre is the one who disses them and trashes them in every single episode. Shes the one on the attack. Melissa actually takes her attacks pretty well - but this one went to far and melissa stepped up - and truly showed that tre talks a talk but cant back it up with anything.

As for Kathy - She sees who tre is. She knows what shes like. Family doesnt apply to people who cut you out of it and trash you. Shes a smart woman, of course she is more on carolines side.

If tre was rteally interested in fixing this mess, she would downsize, she would live within their means, she wouldnt sell out her friends and family for magazine covers and publicity. She contenues to live in denial, to judge others, to whore herself out for press, to try and break her brother and his wife up because she is jealous and can not deal. its clear she only gets worse as the season goes on.

Do they go sell their story weekly to In Touch and then act as if it isnt happening?

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I can only really comment on Vicki - and it aint gonna be pretty. This selfish bitch. really, I am not sure what else to say. I get it - your daughter runs off and gets married, of course it hurts and it sucks she did not include you. her brother was clearly hurt too. However, Bri has dealt with her parents divorce, her mom having a boyfriend WHILE still married, a cancer scare, her boyfriend off in a way - she needed a little happiness and bravo to her for embracing the moment and letting love in and all that good stuff. i wish her the best. And i do not blame her at all because Vicki made it very clear this has everything to do with Vicki making an announcement, throwing a party, throwing the wedding, basically it was all about her. bri does not seem like the kind of girl who wants that. And wow and Vicki being so deliousnal that she thinks they are super close when it is very, very clear there is a mountain of distance and issues between them. gretches reactionw as the best, "Do you know who your mother is?" lol. And then to force Brooks into her kids lives and expect them to respect him? No.

This episode had way too little Heather. But i was grateful for almost no Alexis.

And Tamra is just on point in her interviews.

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Brianne was rude to Brooks though. She is too old for the way she acted when she met him. Her comments and attitude was unnacceptable for a 25 year old. I was embarassed for Vicki. I think Michael handled meeting Brooks much better. I do think Vicki was wrong to force Bri to sit down and meet with him when she clearly didnt want to. She probably should have just introduced them to each other out there on the floor in passing. Like a quick hi, bye, we'll talk more later.

I do think Vicki has some valid concerns though and Tamra spelled it out. It does appear Bri made a quick hasty decision baed on everything going on in her life and she probably should have taken some more time. We'll see if it lasts and hopefully for her it does.

Ryan needs to shave bc his beard is gross

From a couple of episodes ago but I loved this


Haha, Im watching 3 series at the same time, Vancouver, NYC and NJ and Im not burned out at all. I wonder if the UK will jump on and do a Real Housewives of London edition

Edited by Cheap21
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Well, technically they already have one -- namely The Only Way is Essex. They also had Desperate Scousewives which is in Liverpool but that was dire. My favourite glitzy reality show is Made in Chelsea but that is focused on the aristo twentysomething set and not housewives. Daytimefan loves it too. laugh.png

ETA: These are The HIlls rip-offs more than RH, though. RHoOC and RHoNY all appeared on UK TV. Why they never went for RHoBH with Lisa Vanderpump, I will never know.

Edited by Cat
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When Ronnie pulled out the sea plane I almost fainted lol. That was so adorable and PERFECT for a show like this. I wish they'd included that in the trailer for the season. This needs to hurry and come to the US. Such a good show! I've completely dropped New Jersey and this is the perfect replacement. I'm also about 5 weeks behind on OC.

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Airing RHoV on Bravo would ruin the show because what works about these women is that their egos, while huge in comparison to normal people, are tiny in comparison to the rest of the RHos simply because they're Canadian. While RHoV is a huge hit in Canada, it's still Canada, a country of around 34 million people...the notoriety these women would get if it aired in the US on Bravo would go straight to their heads and they'd be ruined. As well, Bravo doesn't have any role in producing this franchise, it's a Canadian production company (Lark Productions based in Vancouver) and a Canadian network (Slice, owned by the Canadian media giant Shaw Communications), I feel like what we've seen with NJ, OC, NYC and to a lesser extent BH and ATL is a focus on nasty, overblown, confrontation...the RH franchise has gotten darker, nastier and uglier as the years go by, that likely has something to do with Bravo so for the good of RHoV I hope it stays exclusively Canadian.

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What a pint-sized stud smile.png I still think he and wifeypoo Melissa totally wanted to cash in on Teresa's fame, though.

If I haven't said it before, my all-time favorite housewife husband, in terms of studliness, was Atlanta's Lisa Wu-Hartwell's hubby Ed Hartwell (who have since divorced). In the words of Phaedra: Mm-hmmmmm....

Edited by Gray Bunny
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