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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Rating for OC too high to dump it. The rank of ratings is NJ>ATL>OC>NYC>BH>DC. I thought OC was good the first three seasons then that fourth season began and it was like a new era of housewives and became very phony and fake. Tamra is unbearable to watch and so is Gretchen.

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I think The Real Housewives franchise has hit it's zenith. At this point, adding a new city would necessitate dumping one...at the very least, the scheduling needs to be altered, it's almost like there are too many franchises at the moment.

Each franchise should really flow into the next. Airing Atlanta and Beverly Hills during the same time period was a waste, ratings wise, since each show was a success. What BRAVO needs to do is diversify the network more and not rely on the Housewives so much.

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Airing ATL & BH together was actually smart, IMHO. BH was new, they didnt know if it would be an ATL or a DC.

I do not think there are too many. OC, NYC, ATL, NJ, BH, Miami. If they air them two together then its perfect, and there is room for another one or two to rotate new programming year round.

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I was thinking about this after last night's Lost Footage BH episode... all the series' have had Lost Footage episodes EXCEPT DC. Just another thing to add to the DC list of unfair treatment IMO.

I think 2 at a time is just right... but if they keep coming out with more series, then with 2 at a time, it'll be years between each series... which is too long. Like I don't want to wait 2 years before seeing more ATL (for example), just because all the other series have to have their half-year to air first.

OC Season 5 is really good - that was their first season in HD. Tamra is a bitch... I love Gretchen though. I didn't realize that OC ratings were higher than NYC though - that surprises me.

While I think Miami looks horrible based on previews... remember that NYC was originally supposed to be 'Manhattan Moms' before it was edited and changed to be RHONYC (after filming). And I think NYC turned out great :)

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NYC's ratings in season one were similar to DC. It still isn't huge, more in the 2.5 mil range than BH is at, but it's gotten much bigger over time. Especially with that third season. Didn't they have a three part reunion plus a lost footage? I just recall that season going on forever (in a good way). Maybe the second longest behind the current season of ATL.

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Yep - 3 part reunion... it had to be pretty popular, which is why I'm surprised it wasn't ahead of OC in ratings. I didn't start looking at ratings though until DC started, after NYC.

I guess it is just timing now? I'm sure NYC's first season ratings were considered huge for Bravo when it aired, but now that Atlanta and NJ have exploded - they have set the bar higher. So anything like DC's ratings (which would be considered huge in 2007-2008), now seems "horrible" in Andy Cohen's eyes. I'm guessing anyway...

For those interested... Bravo is airing all of Season 2 of the OC next Tuesday! Cheap - I know this will make you happy :)

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Oh my god are you serious?!?! WHat time does the season 2 marathon start? I'm so pumped to see Jo again, she was my favorite from season 1 and unfortunately the CW jumped straight to season 4.

I actually really like the OC franchise and can see why they keep it around. I do wish the diversity was there that they previously had where everyone wasn't just a plasticed up dumb blonde, but at least it looks like Jeana will at least have a huge impact at one point in the season. I've read about the altercation and thank god the cameras were rolling.

It's weird now that BH is done, I actually as much as I initially liked it have a really bad taste in my mouth from it...The way their personalities all shifted outside of Kim and Adrienne really turned me off..I also think it sucks that Andy filmed the reunion before America could see the final episode, as I think Taylor would've gotten even more flack from the viewers had they been able to send in questions about her "non confrontational" demeanor when approaching Kim for the talk.

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Yep - I'll have to go back to my DVR after work - but it starts in the morning around 10ish CST. Runs until 6pm CST.

This season on the OC - they are bringing in a dark-haired lesbian (not sure of ethnicity). At least that's some diversity? :)

They sure are milking BH for all its worth - next week is an hour long producers cut of the 'Dinner From Hell'. Reminds me of NJ's Season 1 with the Director's cut of the table-flipping incident. MILKING.

Edited by alwaysAMC
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How was the Lost Footage? I didn't see it but I did find this interesting clip with Taylor being outted as a phony. Just check out Adrienne's face!

<object width="400" height="400" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1281640"/><param'>http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1281640"/><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed src="http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1281640" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="400" height="400" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object>

Edited by Antoyne
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It was ok --- I like how Kyle kicked the drunk lady out of her house/party for being all over Mauricio. Also sad about Giggy. Nothing really shocking or new though. Oh, you also find out that Kim's boyfriend from a long time ago was murdered.

BTW -- just saw this on the news about DC's Michaele:

White House Party Crashers Crashed Super Bowl Too

Infamous White House party-crashers Michaele and Tareq Salahi claim they were invited to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday from the owner's suite at Cowboys Stadium, but the Director of Client Services for the Dallas Cowboys told the media yesterday that the couple were not invited and were immediately, but discreetly, escorted out of the suite by security. The Salahis have developed a reputation for crashing parties, but vehemently deny ever doing so and routinely have their attorneys stop interviewers from refering to them as 'party crashers'.

Edited by alwaysAMC
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That's awesome to hear Bravo is re-airing S2 of OC Tuesday, maybe I'll tape a few episodes. I have season one on DVD and I've seen MOST of season 4. I started watching the Housewives full time in the summer of 2009, so I thought OC S5 was fantastic. That was just me.

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