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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Twitter has taken over. That and the whole full time job, full time student, boyfriend, friends, parents have a new baby, life thing. lol.

I don't. She was nasty, she made terrible comments. The psychic was hired gun. I wrote about it before. Yet... And I know it doesn't make things any better, but Kyle did the same. It was just a pre-set battle. Camille/psychic vs. Kyle/decorator. I guess I'm constantly pushing Kyle into it because – you're not. For several reasons, whether it's really true or not, the story about Camille being vicious and vile doesn't hold up. As much as it used to.

You tend to only talk about the dinner.

SHe was nasty, vile, and made awful comments before and after. I do not know how her vicious and vile does not hold up just because she is aware that she is so hated and hired PR people to manage her and what she says. And she does, clear by the fact that when she is unsure of how to say something now she says "ouch" "that hurts" etc.. key go to phrases.

I like Kyle, a lot. Do i think she is perfect? Not at all. She has a ton of flaws but based on the show i still like her. I get her. I can feel for her for having to deal with Kim. The only thing one could possable feel for Camille on is her husband leaving her, and to be honest as awful as that is, i doubt she was blind to his past when she got into it. Of course he left her.

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Its very dissapointing that Cedric used Lisa bc he was my favorite gay sidekick early on. I didn trust him midway bc he did seem too dependent on her

Surprised with all the Kyle hate bc I still love her. I like how she at least owns up to her crap. She was bold and was like yeah that was catty, yeah I did that. She said itlike she meant it and didnt try to do damage control. Camille on the other hand stillplayed the victim and tried to act all sweet and innocent

I hated how Andy kept trying to push something out of Kim when she clearly did not want to go there. She's a mess and while it may have made for some intereting drama if she brokedown, I didnt want to see it. I wish he had a bit more class and left it alone. We all know the deal. She doesnt have to spell it out for us


I heard that Bethenny will be appearing on this season bc she is contractually obligated to 3 episodes. Dont know if that will be the first 3 with the new girl taking over after or if the 3 will be spread out across the season

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Sigh... BH had a LOT of momentum with the Kyle/Kim fiasco and they had an opportunity to capitalize on that in addition to Camille/Kyle and they failed miserably. The reunion could have been one for the ages but it just flat out sucked.

I love Andy but he can be exasperating at times, especially when he's kissing ass. He's a [!@#$%^&*] stirrer and an instigator and he loves it, however I absolutely hate it when he allows the wives to dictate to him and he lets it go. Case in point, Kim. He has every right to illicit a response from her about the fight and the fact that she did not want to was a huge buzz kill. Keep in mind that part one was already boring. Of course everyone wanted to know about the circumstances surrounding the fight and the accusations she was an alcoholic. As a fan I felt cheated. These bitches have zero right to privacy if they sign on for a reality show and once it airs they damn well better know they have to discuss it. As a matter of fact BRAVO should have it stipulated in their contracts. I'm tired of these broads with their "let's move on/ I don't want to talk about it" comments when their entire storyline was a focal point for the season.

I'm still pissed off that the reunion was so damn subpar. I really want to love this show but the reunion did nothing to make me look forward to next season and I blame Andy one hundred percent.

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Finally saw the second half of the reunion, I liked it better than the first, though I agree that the editing was terrible and made it seem disjointed. The tone was bipolar, laughing and crying and hating. Didn't flow well at all.

Camille: she came off great. Simple as that, she owned all her nonsense and bitchery with a tiny bit of humour. Well played Camille. She also did very well on Howard Stern and Howard tends to cut the BS right out of people, so I think, perhaps, Camille is slightly more tolerable than I'd originally thought. She might actually be kind of authentic in her shallowness!

Kyle: she came off horribly in the first part of the reunion, but I thought she repaired herself a bit in the second half in regards to Kim. There is plenty of crap between those two sisters, both of them need a boatload of therapy to disentangle their codependent relationship and sort out their self esteems. That said, Kyle is still fun and she has great hair and adorable children and a nice husband.

Kim: she's a harmless drunk. But let's be clear, she's clearly an alcoholic whose likely been through rehab a few times. She's a frail mess with outbursts of security and strength that highlight just how truly weak she is. That said, Kim's not a bad person. She's flawed and aren't we all. I hope she keeps herself together. Sober Kim is a nice lady.

Taylor: just vile. The absolute worst on the show. Such a fake with that creepy silicone injected smile of hers. *Shudders*... I cannot tell Sylph how delighted I am to hear that she rents in Bel Air. That really is the cherry on top of the poser sundae.

Adrienne: as if she was going to botch her streak of straight shooting in the reunion. Well, she did, a tiny bit, with shooting down Kim joining the Maloof family. First time Adrienne's poker face has cracked...but can we blame her? Kim Maloof? Terrifying. I'd blurt out something inappropriate too!

Lisa: Cedric attempted to extort her. I'm glad she filed the police report and excised him out of her life. I still love La Lisa and it's just too bad that she got herself mixed up with that nasty gypsy Cedric.

And for the record, I think Andy Cohen is terrific.

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I agree with everything you said... until the LAST sentence *shudders*

I think Andy is so self-absorbed. Its like he was a bully as a kid, and now he gets to be the mastermind of how this all works. He almost owns Bravo (or maybe does), so he is the boss of all these ladies and he has his favorites, fans be damned. He thinks he is hotter than [!@#$%^&*], when he ISN'T. The gay icing on the cake was his NYE promos - good GOD he really is full of himself. He thinks his facial expressions are cute; they aren't. He can't give good interviews - he rarely follows up, he just goes onto the next question without really paying attention to their answers.

I could go on and on... but I'll start sounding like a jealous hater. :lol:

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I thought something was fishy this morning when I saw that Bravo isn't airing NYC Season 2 next Tuesday anymore. They are pushing back Season 4 to later this spring, and instead, are premiering The Real Housewives of Miami on Feb. 22!!!


I don't know if I'm pissed or not. I've been wondering when they would premiere Miami, since surely 3 seasons at once would be overkill, and we already knew OC and NYC were playing through the spring. But I was so looking forward to seeing the NYC girls! NYC is popular, so I'm wondering why they are getting the boot/push?

Has Bravo shot themselves in the foot by going promo-overload for NYC, only now to drop it altogether? They haven't been showing promos for Miami at all.


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:lol: I know!

He's also a terrible interviewer, I forgot to add.

All this being said, I could do away with all these ladies. Bring in a whole new crew and I'd be happy!

Though I would miss the pernicious Camille! :lol:

The 'cast' looks bland. I was hoping for something hotter.

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Bravo probably decided that NY and OC already has sustained fanbases and they want to get Miami off the ground first, especially off the heels of ATL. I could never get into NY and OC so I'm really looking forward to Miami but it makes no sense that Miami isn't being promo'ed. I know the delay of NY/OC will anger fans of those series

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Miami looks kind of boring, judging from the small preview. I'm sure I'll watch it, but I'm not really that exciting for ANOTHER new cast - especially when I've been looking forward to the NYC women since last summer.

I think the reason they are delaying NYC is because the footage may not be that great, at least that's what one article from Popeater was implying. I guess with Bethenny no longer on the show, there's a much different feel to it.

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I understand NYC is still filming, but I assume it's wrapping soon right? Considering the premiere is so close, they must have several episodes in the can, hell the majority of the season. If things weren't going well they should've never announced it's return. They knew Miami was on deck, as well as New Jersey. Not only that, but the promo campaign was pretty substantial. This is *very* sloppy.

Looking at Miami, it looks as bad as I expected. I never was excited about the cast and it looks like I was right. I'm sure it'll be watchable, but overall it seems boring and the production values are horrendous. It looks worse than the first seasons of OC/NYC. The interview segments look rushed and cheap. The photoshoot is cheap and I'm sure the opening credits will suck as well. The entire series just seems like a second rate rip off more than a true spin-off. I can't wait to actually see how it turns out.

OC fell out of favor with me so this sucks. I am stuck with two HWs series I don't really love. And my dear DC still hasn't been greenlit. Hopefully Cat and Andy's meeting this week will help spark things. A boy can hope.

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