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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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IA with you. I haven't watched Sunday's episode yet (so may rue my words). But this season, Candiace is carrying the drama -- even if it leaves me riled up. The fact that we are seeing these patterns emerge across a few seasons is interesting to me. That psychological aspect keeps me watching RHs (Hello, BH -- people can't believe Erika agreed to do the show, but we watch to see how she is going to come across, if she is going to give herself away. It's kind of like a Columbo, lol).

With Candiace, it is evident that her mother is central to the way she is and lashes out. And maybe Chris's coddling -- he feels like her dad sometimes with the way he had to carry her out of the restaurant and talk her down.

It may also be youngest/smallest syndrome where she feels the need to show the other women how 'big' she really is. There is an insecurity with regards to her perceived status within the group.

Something has got to give, though, and I hope reunion might have been an opportunity for break-through. Because on the show she continues to stubbornly double down on her attacks.

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Yeah. I don't mind the T but I am not sure this is making Bethanny out to be a monster as Carole seems to think it does.

First, I don't think anybody doesn't understand Bethanny to be a strategic calculated person. Is she even hiding it? Who's being fooled into thinking she is an angel that just lucks out? Nobody. The fact she is making her success is part of her persona. Who does Carole think is being fooled here?

Second, she did the right thing. She didn't invent Tom cheating. She just set it up so that LuAnn would find out in a dramatic way for the show. Which Lu might thank her doubly in that regard: it saved her from a bad marriage AND provided her with a lasting moment that has kept her afloat for a couple of seasons.
Frankly, even without the show, that might have been something I'd do so that my fingerprints are not all over my friend finding out their significant other is cheating. You want proof and you don't want it to backfire on you.

Third, the SkinnyGirl thing is brilliant. Can't blame the hustle. They are ALL hustlers. Carole, who I don't dislike, sounds bitter some hustles have worked better than others.

On the list of "things that happened between seasons and that we clearly never got the full story out of" I'd place Carole's sudden unbridled rage at Bethanny near the top. None of the explications given on the show made any sense.

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This tidbit is obviously no shock to anybody!

(Interesting that this Bravo-sanctioned book has so far promoted two stories involving departed HWs-- LVP and Bethenny. Yes, I know LVP has VPR, but Bravo no longer seems invested in that show or her. But that's a discussion for another day. In any case, Bravo has some lingering beef with these two. Could we be getting a leak about Nene soon? lol).

Back to "It's about Tom." Yes, it was juicy, yes, it encompassed three great seasons of RHONY. But when it initially happened, it left me a little 

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. Because Bethenny wasn't doing anyone a favor, not Luann whom she absolutely despised and was trying to ice off the show. Clearly, the blame falls squarely on Tom for being a skeevy cheating rat. But Bethenny used the cheating as a stick with which to beat Luann. It didn't sit well with me because it was done to humiliate. 

And Bethenny's performance at reunion that year -- oof. 

However, this really isn't the bombshell Carole and Ramona think it is. They were egging Bethenny on and ki-ki-ing the whole time. They loved seeing Luann brought down a peg. They need to stop acting shocked, because they 100% rubber-stamped this.

Today, Ramona is obviously threatened by Bethenny, and Carole will never forgive her (or Andy) for what went down S10. Carole holds onto her grudges.

As for what really went down between the two, you may have seen on this thread last year a Tweet about Carole, Bethenny and Brad Grey's widow. Brad Grey was a major producer, and Carole was BFFs with Cassandra Grey. Anyway, while Cassandra was grieving and Carole was spending time with her, Bethenny badgered her to get an introduction so she could pitch a production deal. According to Carole, when Carole refused, Bethenny got revenge by villainizing C on RHONY and playing victim.

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Apparently, we can add Nene to the list too as they are discussing the Nene choking Kim at Atlantic Station story in the book. 


Honestly, is this book supposed to take a shot at the women that put Housewives on the map--Nene, Bethenny, LVP...????


Also, with the LVP bit, who cares if she sold a story to the press? They all sell sh-t to the press. I wish that LVP would come out and be like, "I did it and what?" 


With Bethenny, like @Cat stated, Carole and Ramona can't be mad when they were laughing and prospering from the Tom story. And I don't even like Bethenny any more but come on now. 


IMO, I feel like this book/exposé is about to result in the death of Housewives. Why? B/c the fandom is gonna pick this book apart (they already are) and prove what we suspect--production playing favorites to certain wives. 


This is a book you put out after a show is dead and gone, not when it still has some life force. I think this book is gonna cause so much drama amongst the women, the network, and production. Hell, Bethenny already tweeted that she is this close to putting out her receipts online. This is about to be a big mess. 

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I knew Bravo would target Nene next! The network is using this book as payback. It is so short-sighted -- Bravo wants immediate buzz, but no consideration for the longer term. RH is a brand, and you have to maintain the brand. 

These books lifting the curtain on BTS shenanigans take away some of the mystery. I mean, I'm not a complete fool when it comes to 'scripted reality,' but... And of course, Bravo faves get preferential treatment -- until they fall out of favor. This kind of BTS gossip is one of the selling points of the shows, but when it becomes the only juice? Then the show risks swerving out of control and crashing as it burns through HW after HW.

As far as LVP is concerned, she should cop to it. I find it a bit gross that everyone is so pressed about (gasp) feeding a story to the tabloids, which they all do. Versus Dorit adopting and then quickly dumping two puppies.

Bethenny will put her receipts online. LVP is massively retweeting her fan support. Nene is not going to take this one lying down either. As usually with the RHs, everyone is obsessed with controlling the narrative, and with this book, we know that was Bravo. So HWs are going to want to claw some of that back.

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I appreciate you retelling me this story as I had missed it the first time. I can run hot and cold with Housewives and need a break from them sometimes LOL But this is interesting.
I can definitely believe Bethanny manipulated certain situations - and the show's narrative - for petty reason for sure but Carole's rage feels deep and personal enough that I believe there must have something done directly from B to her.
I feel the same way about Dorinda's anger towards Timsey btw.
There is just something that feels deeper about those as if they are really coming from a personal place rather than show BS.
But that's me. I probably read more into it than there is.


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No, I think you make a good point. Sometimes you have to dig deep with anger to truly uncover what is actually making you angry, because it isn't always the most recent incident. It can be an accumulation of things. When filming started on S10, it was clear that Carole was furious about something, trying to keep it tamped down, but for all intents and purposes she was distancing herself. I imagine Bethenny wanting an intro to CG probably worked Carole's last nerve, but the straw that broke the camel's back was when Bethenny told everybody that Adam wouldn't photograph the crisis relief effort in Puerto Rico unless he was paid. Carole felt Bethenny targeted somebody she really cared about, and that's when it became VERY personal.

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Well the book is published by Andy Cohen Books and he, along with many housewives, attended the launch party last night so to me it seems all very planned and with purpose. Maybe it’ll backfire but it seems like Andy knows exactly what he’s doing and is profiting from it greatly haha. 

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This Bethenny/Tom/Lu scoop is hardly revelatory.  It was sooo clear that Bethenny/Bravo had spies and that B, armed with the cameraphone photo, humiliated Lu on-camera and hijacked her big storyline, giving her what would become one of RHoNY's most iconic moments (even though this was LuAnn's storyline and life) and yet another opportunity to hock her $hit.  It was so gross and obvious, but it was what it was then and it's hardly news now.  However, I do think that some part of B was concerned for Lu, though, after her horrible experience with Jason (couldn't have happened to a more deserving person! lol) . . . but this was completely contrived for the show and it was very cruel.  The only genuine thing I think B did for Lu was the intervention because it happened off-camera and probably had a lot to do with her own family's alcoholism and that she'd been [!@#$%^&*]!ng with her for 10 years.  But Lu sure burned that bridge!

Re. Carole/B . . . I'm glad Cat refreshed our memories about Cassandra Grey, thank you!  B felt ignored all summer, even though Carole was helping her grieving friend in LA and then B obviously started passively turning on Carole once filming resumed and it was solidified when B "exposed" Adam's "greed" and implied he was just another Housewives grifter a la Jason & Tom.  Carole was protective of Adam and I bet she also felt it was an attack on her intelligence and judgement . . . and she had to fight to legitimize this relationship considering the age difference (which was sexist bullsh!t) and Lu/Nicole.  Carole's RHoNY image was largely centered around how chill she was, but she was just as, if not more, sensitive to any criticism directed toward her.

Then B started getting ageist with Carole and came for Carole's achilles heel--her career (or that she didn't have one).  All the while, Carole "got it" that B was using her (and I do believe they were very real friends) to create a false narrative for a s10 storyline.  Carole was always fine playing the game, but she lost her damn mind when she realized that game was being played against her after five seasons of being protected by Bravo.  And as much as production liked Carole, they liked Bethenny better.  I really felt for Carole . . . she was "show friends" first with Aviva and then with Kristen and Tinsley . . . but I think her friendships with Lu, Dorinda, B, and obviously Heather were super genuine.  And I think it was so shocking to her that B threw their friendship under the bus for story and then came for her integrity, which she valued above all else.

But then Carole just blew it.  Bethenny was wrong through the whole thing, but Carole's overreaction to the whole thing was SO much worse than what B was doing.  She gave B the perfect opportunity to legitimately play victim and she obviously took it, with Bravo and Andy backing her 110%.  Carole felt completely duped and I think that's where her anger and resentment came from, and she's obviously not over it, which is a bad look for someone who's above Bravo culture.

I still love Carole, though.  So I can only super speak to NY, NJ, OC, BH, and Atlanta, but of all those, I think Carole is, by far, the most enigmatic hw.  There's never been anyone remotely like her, and I doubt there ever will.  BH has some very real showbizz legitimacy with 'wives like Yolanda and now Crystal, Kyle always had the Hiltons and Faye, omg that Maloof $$, etc.  But on NY, the only super connected 'wife was Kelly Bensimon.  But Carole Radziwill had Kennedy ties--Carolyn Bessette was her best friend and she was literally solving the plane crash that night with the coast guard.  (Her book is a must-read if you're interested in any of this kind of stuff.) And, completely in her own right, she was an Emmy award winning journalist and NY Times best selling author before HWs.  And she was cool af and had better style than any of them (her apartment is still my fav. HWs property . . . Lu's Sag Harbor and Yolanda's Malibu homes are its only rivals, imo).  Lol I will always be in awe of Carole.  I just wish she didn't come off as sour grapes now.

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Erica is compelling, I find myself eager to hear what she has to say each week, even if she comes off as a Mae West impressionist, so I guess that justifies splitting up her questioning into four parts.

However, it really highlights how little Crystal and Sutton have to say.  To be honest I didn't recall being that amused by Crystal's sassy housekeeper.  And, I don't think Sutton spoke more than two words the whole hour.

The Kyle vs Dorit thing is clearly a non-issue given that both of them continue to be good humored about the whole thing, and nobody on the cast felt the need to contrive a reaction to some petty bickering between friends.  I did giggle aloud when Garcelle asked who Carlton was (Andy's reaction was amusing).

Lisa did her usual reunion stunts, with limited success.  Her lack of current references for Harry Styles and Florence Pugh just makes her seem out of touch.  But, perhaps age and poor eyesight are to blame for her approval of her glam squad's inability to match her the color of her extensions with the rest of the hair on her head.

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