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I hear that Vyle and Andy spent the rest of the episode cackling about how irrelevant LVP is -- despite the fact that LVP made Camille's allegation go viral. These two losers always fall back on 'LVP the villain' when they need to deflect.

Kyle's face when she finally clocked that Andy was shading her. 

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My own fault for multitasking. smh. Let's try this again.


Finally get to do some catch up...these work weeks be rough.




Episode 2 for me. And I feel it already has a rhythm. But SLC has always been about the slow burn. It built nicely in Season 1 with Meredith and her marriage problems and how that rippled through the group's little community. And while we are all ready to get to the arrest, I don't mind seeing how it built up to that moment. It's like a nice little soap opera.


We definitely have things to tie us over. This episode was still continuing the fallout from the reunion. It was a matter of time before we had a sitdown between Jen and Heather. Of course everyone had an opinion. I was not at all shocked by Whitney's. I feel she (like Mary) see Jen for who she is. But...Heather is a ride-or-die. And then...Meredith...


Ah...Meredith. Lordy, lordy. She is giving that fire. And it does not feel so much fake as it feels like a natural progression from where she was at last season. Last season she was our heroine dealing with her marriage and how it spilled out into the community. And this year, she is showing that this heroine is a mama bear, and showing off those claws that I've been enjoying her showing out rarely last season. This feud with her and Jen is going to be messy.


JEN. Well, I shouldn't be surprised. After all, we all knew that Jen studied the HW shows and the fans to get a feel for the persona that she wanted to present. And this year, I hate to admit but unlike a certain other housewife dealing with legal issues, it is clear that Jen was taking notes of what was said about her during Season 1. So this year, she really has been putting in the time to be seen a certain way. And she is using everything in her armory (humor...more low key reactions...family especially) to be seen in a softer way...without losing any of her personality. And dare it if she is not pulling it off for now. Now she has to bring the girls back over into her corner. And I don't see that with Meredith...simply because it's her child. While I get where Jen is coming from since it's a kid in grown folks' business...this is one of those moments where Jen has to be the adult. As for Heather...Lord, Jen is THAT friend. I know THAT friend and that kinda of friendship can be toxic. I think Heather might have forgiven her too easily.


LISA. Oh, look at Lisa playing peacemaker!!! Just when you think Fabulous Ice couldn't be more...human...here she is. And I continue to also enjoy her friendship with Jeannie. Even if Jen did feel threatened for a minute. lol.


WHITNEY. Lord. I'm tempted to pick on her for making her sex (or lack of it) life her storyline. After all, that did not work for Ashley and Michael on POTOMAC.

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 And while it was still hilarious for her confessionals. However, that could make people underestimate her. And as I've known after last season, Whitney should never be underestimated. The best example of that was with her pow wow with Heather. Definitely makes the forthcoming scene of the arrest look interesting since she was the one who immediately said what the blogs are reporting.


MARY. Oh, I loved her son's room. And I think it is hilarious how she keeps pulling out a new quirky relative for viewers to go What? lol.


HEATHER. Outside of her family, I was not feeling her. Is a case of the EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES where now that I've seen her at the reunion, I cannot unsee that she's not what she might seem. Or is it the fact that I was on Whitney's side when they met up in the episode? Jen and Heather can be a fun duo, but is Jen really Heather's friend, or is she just knowing that Heather is the fan favorite and want to suck up to her to be liked? I wished she had made Jen work for forgiveness harder. 


MEREDITH. Speaking of working for the friendship...lol. Meredith is suuuuuuure making Jen work for her snowflake. While I can see her stance on the Brooks situation, that still should not excuse Brooks being thirsty to be on tv and start mess to be relevant. I can even understand the thing about labels and Brooks given I have probably missed out on a few loves because they were afraid to be labeled. Though it seems what Brooks is...well...time will tell and he should be allowed that until he harms someone. Then all bets are off.


JEANNIE. Loving her so far. And her family life. 


Good second episode. 




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Agree, especially with the bolded. Something has to give. That old ki-ki-ki sisterhood (even when they were saying the most awful things to each other) is fading. Some of the cast feel like co-workers only now. I just hope Karen isn't one to go just yet!

Ashley's pot-stirring light has been hidden under a bushel of babies, but I'm ready for it to emerge. Ashley instigates like no other (Gizelle and Robyn only wish!). And seeing Candiace driven into a blind rage by Ashley's mere presence is worth the price of admission.

Last season, as much as I hated Wendy targeting Karen, I felt like there was more spontaneity in her game. This year, everything feels much more rehearsed, as if Wendy is terrified of being left out there without a script. Somewhere along the way, Wendy lost her confidence, especially to think on her feet and react spontaneously, and now she feels a bit robotic.

Speaking of 'acting like she thinks a RH would act'... Mia. I think she is one and done, too. She's doing the assignment, I guess, but it's like she read the Real Housewives handbook and is ticking boxes on a To Do list. Her social media game came unglued this week when she tried to come for Askale and Askale ended her with ease. The mother convo is becoming repetitive, too -- her mom is now coming into every scene knowing that her bad parenting is going to come up. I would start declining that invite!

Robyn isn't even trying to hide the fact that she is here to spur things on behalf of production. The picking on Wendy is just unnecessary and cruel now, and it makes me Team Wendy. Robyn is bending over backwards to make this new 'feud' with Wendy turn into a thing.

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Kyle's been waiting a while to trot out her old LVP impression. That was one hell of a rehearsed read, and I notice she didn't fully deny the allegation, lol. Oh, Kyle. You tried.


Also we got some RH 'Ultimate Girl Trip' tea:


Still no release date though:


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Glad they are looking to acknowledge Gregg’s passing with a potential Nene return.

Drew needed to be a one-and-done, regardless of Porsha’s status. Her first season was a whole-ass fail, and her reunion performance was a disaster. Her husband will need to parade around in boxer briefs every episode to justify keeping her on.

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Ooh honey! He's right up there with Lisa Wu's Ed Hartwell for me... ::fans self::: But I digress... 

Admittedly, I haven't been following the gossip around ATL too much, so I'm very surprised we're just NOW getting casting scoop! Wouldn't they normally be half-way done filming by now with a December release of the new season? 

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Oh my lord!!!! The shade!!!!


This episode was an odd little beast. It started off great. Why? Because EVERYBODY (except for Kathy I believe) was shading TF out of EricFake. Whether it was in Confessionals or just in the scenes when EricFake was not at the table, The Coven (and the Real Ones) were mocking and questioning EricFake's every move. And I LIVE!!!!


And to add the cherry on top...EricFake was not being very nice in her confessionals either. Way to save your image, Hun. So all those scenes of her with Sutton...and everyone gossiping about whether they were making up...were moot when EricFake showed how fake she is by admitting she hates her guts. Well...Girl, bye.


Then it took a turn. And while it was full of fun moments...and I enjoyed seeing the other side of Shelter Island with Downtown San Diego and Little Italy (where I work) in the background at one point...it...was pretty boring.


KYLE. All that shade she was pushing at the table and in her Confessional. I hollered at Andy shading her with it later on on WWHL. Other than that, nothing much but a feeling for real her and Dorit (and Ex Soap Opera Star) might actually be trying to railroad EricFake. That's the only reason I can think of that the reunion is 4 parts.


DORIT. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Too little, too late to be getting on the winning team now, don't you think? Trying to voice her opinion about EricFake and STICKING to it...yeahhhh...late. Goodwill gone.


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. I think it's telling that she told Crystal to wear a bathing suit knowing Crystal's body issues and then she herself did not wear a suit. What else does one need to know about her...except she stay being trash.



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CRYSTAL. It was nice to see her come out of her shell. It was VERY good to see her explain why she has been on EricFake's side so far. So far...that is. Cuz she was right there shading EricFake, too.


GARCELLE. Look at her being shady with that 'Never Have I Ever...stolen something.' Oooooo EricFake felt that burn. And I continued to like her friendship with Sutton. And just like good friends, that scene of them gossiping about EricFake was hilarious. 


SUTTON. That's right, Sutton!!! Trust your gut. And I felt she did while having fun and being comedic relief with her little cart. EricFake is not over your questions. She is just playing nice. She has no intention of getting over Sutton putting her in the spotlight. Oh, well...Sutton can keep it moving. 


Ready for reunion clips. 




Oh, I saw the clips, too. But you found it.  It was lame except for what you said...Kyle's face was PRICELESS.



Yes, she made it official today.

And I...have mixed feelings. Actually.


I agree. She's a coward. After all that blowhard. After all her manipulations behind the scenes that Kenya and Kandi exposed. After an alliance with Drew and falling out again with Cynthia allegedly...she knew they were coming for her. Kenya is used to fighting 5 against 1. I thought Porsha was the TOUGH one so her not coming back to face something Kenya has had to face countless times...which she would not have to do in the first place if she had not been fake in the first place and taken a castmate's man...is weak. Or as I said a few times since this last season has ended...KENYA WON!!!


That said...it's a shame that cameras did not immediately hop on her as soon as the Falynn and Simon stuff dropped. We could have had half the season done by now for a December opener. 



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Now this was more like it. 


I can't help, but feel there is always something more going on here. More nuanced. While you have the Coven being transparent to the point of being bored, the SLC ladies have a lot going on. And it's just fascinating trying to figure it out for me. 


This week saw the continuation of Meredith vs Jen. And while all the others are trying to let bygones be bygones, these two ladies ain't having it. Sorry, not sorry. That said, I am finding Meredith a little...dare I say it...TOO crafty. I have been on her side so far, but seeing her with Brooks and Mary just screamed 'alliance' to me. So now I'm looking at her whole fight at the fishing lake as just an attempt to keep the drama going. So...was Fabulous Ice, Jeannie, and Heather right to tell Jen this is probably her last chance to make it right with Meredith before Meredith decided to do...something? On one hand, I liked how Jen handled it starting out. However, Girl...Meredith brought receipts. And even if you truly did not know because someone is running your site, you never check on said site to be sure. I find that hard to believe of Jen given how self-obsessed she is. Heck, she tried to make the fight about her and how her pain was worse than whatever (if anything) Brooks is dealing with or not understand why.


Thought it was a good episode as the match continues to light on.


JEN. I've never seen someone work so hard to clean up their image to keep shooting themselves in the foot at the same time. I liked that Meredith and the others said a bit of what I said about Episode 2. This was the moment for her to be the bigger woman and simply apologize. But NO. Jen had to make it about JEN...which was another point Meredith was making. IT...ISN'T...ABOUT...JEN. I would at least think for someone who is editing their image that she could...I don't know FAKE IT...but God, Jen really is about herself. At least she has some humor about her cuz her getting Whitney's joke with the floatie (and her Confessional about the side head turn) was funny.


LISA. I am never going to get used to my Fabulous Ice as the Voice of Reason. And even Whitney was like WTF. LOL!!! Still I continue to like her friendship with Jeannie and it was funny watching the two of them trying to brokering peace between Meredith and Jen. 


HEATHER. Hmmmm. I get where she was coming from about wanting her daughter to go and be free to experience what the world has to offer. And what better place than at college. But I couldn't help but get a sour vibe from those scenes because it felt like she was forcing it. As if she wanted her daughter to live the life she never got a chance to do growing up Mormon. And while she explained the same in her Confessional, it still felt off to me. Meanwhile, she was trying to get Jen to make up with Meredith while Whitney was basically the person who is watching the drama eating popcorn was funny. 


WHITNEY. It occurred to me that she and Mary have not really had any scenes yet other than the luncheon. Usually, she is with her family and/or Heather. Hmmm. That said...it was nice to see that she and Fabulous Ice and Jen have buried the hatchet. At least for now.


JEANNIE. LOVING. I feel she is coming in smoothly and firmly. Better than Messy Mia I am sorry to say. Good vibe. Great rapport with half of the ladies. And with the other half (and the audience), she is being introduced like the best new characters on soaps...GRADUALLY. We are allowed to get to know her. And I enjoy her family scenes. I really, really, REALLY love her inflections/accent and just how she carries herself. And I loved that she cut through the bs and tried to get Meredith and Jen to also cut through the bs. Yes, it failed, but still...good showing. The only sour note was the fact her husband was pressing her to have another baby...how can he knowing the many miscarriages she had had? Please say that is just for a storyline. Otherwise...my crush will die quickly.


MARY. I am wondering if all these scenes with her son are foreshadowing. Are we going to see the police coming for her over the runaway, too? Things that made me go hmmm. Meanwhile, just like she was manipulating from her closet last season...here is Mary manipulating Meredith...or is it Meredith manipulating her? In any case, those scenes, while funny, just seem like an alliance. That said, I stay living for Mary shading Jen. And I already know they have scenes coming up so that should be a hoot.


MEREDITH. All I have to say really...whether she is right or wrong...I just find her so fascinating to watch right now. Jen really and truly has her on the warpath. So much so she lost her glasses while she was going off to Fabulous Ice. I was...*gasps* She seems like for Season 2, she is spinning a web of her own. Not bored with it. 


So good episode. 

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