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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I am honestly surprised this argument carried the day.
Noone forced her to make a professional commitment that required or benefitted from the twins being able to participate. How is that his problem?
I don't have a dog in that fight and I ultimately think the twins should decide whether they want to be filmed but it seems to me "taking a job and then using that job as a fait accompli to force my ex to accept something he doesn't want" is a strange slippery slope.

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I thought it was well played on Shannon's part especially since it's known that Bravo prefers people film with their kids and use it as an excuse to fire folks if not outright lowball them. 


That said, it suuuuuuure would be funny if her kids stopped filming with her. 

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Lord. It was a 2 minute cameo, Terri. 

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Oh they would never do that unless they *really* wanted to troll Shannon. The twins in particular look like they enjoy being on camera rolling their eyes at their mom.

The real issue was David Beador not wanting his kids to mention him or the new wifey/family on camera. That's why he wanted to block them from appearing. 

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So I heard re: David and new wifey. Then again...I could see the kids trolling Shannon at some point for laughs.




I still can't believe they are going with a large cast a la Season 2. Here for that. But can it get that vibe again?

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I don't know. Old RHOM feels very of its time (2010-2012). With regards to the reboot:



-Alexia in the main lineup. Yesss! Queen as far as I'm concerned. She really showed her life -- the good, the bad and the Pablo Escobar.

-Adriana can be messy when she wants, so fine.

-No waste-of-space Joanna Krupa. 

-Marysol (even as a FOH). Honestly, Marysol is so thirsty and that always creates drama, lol.

-Newbies look representative of Miami's diversity.



-No Mama Elsa. RIP 

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-Lisa Hochstein. Overrated.

-Larsa. Did any of you watch S1 RHOM? There's a reason Larsa did not progress any further. She is the Kardashian child that Kris gave away because her other kids are much nicer. I predict she will bring nothing to the table but outdated glam and a Kardashian Special face overhaul. 

-I feel like Miami as the source city means that there is going to be a lot of gloss (and fake implants) but not much substance, and very little about what makes the place special (gateway to Latin America, etc).

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Jersey and OC were just as much about the families so I can see why Shannon used that as an argument.  NY, Atlanta, BH, Dallas, and Potomac are less about that (though the husbands on Potomac get a lot of focus..which enriches the show..imho).

Plus, the show has filmed for at least 2 seasons since the divorce with last season not even mentioning David.

So I think that helped Shannon's case.  And Sophie's talking heads were so funny with her deadpan explaining debutante balls, her mom's tendencies to overdue things, etc.  So her daughters do add an element to the show (not quite on the level of Brianna though)

Sophie was the deadpan eye rolling daughter, Stella was the spirited mischievous daughter, but I don't recall much focus on Adelaide...tbh.

And tbh, Tamra not being able to have her kids film with her did diminish her a bit.  I think she focused more on pot stirring because she lost an avenue of her life to film.

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I meant, legally. I am confused how that carried the day legally speaking.

From the POV of the show it makes all the sense in the world. I fully agree with the examples you give.
We also know that Kenya has had trouble with production because Marc doesn't want Brooklyn on the show.

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I think both being 17 worked in Shannon's favor, plus in season 15,..there wasnt much talk of David, his new wife, nor his new family.

So Shannon proved that the girls are could be filmed with little to no mention of him and his new family.

Now had David said the show was a negative environment for the girls, he would have had a case since it was alleged Brownie hinted about a drug source for one of twins.  But he didn't opt for that claim.

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Finally!!! And by finally, I meant my tv system started to work. lol.


I think Garcelle, as per usual hit it on the head in last week's episode. This group is now a group of two. The Coven. And the Newbies. Note that the Newbies are real vs the Coven who will do anything to deflect from what's real. In a way it again takes us back to the early days except for the fact that it's less about the haves and the wannabes and more about the Jones and the people who want to be keeping up with them...some of whom aren't what you think. It is an interesting dynamic for sure. And that was so very clear this episode where (so far) the usual tactic of the gangup on one was met with 1) facts, 2) women with the balls to back it up and 3) more than one woman of like mind so when you have two groups of said women....DRAMA.


Well from what I heard that L.A. Times article is not long at all. And that alone should let you know what the Coven were trying to say. I myself is still of the mind that Kyle is definitely being Producer Kyle and playing both sides. I hope eventually someone will call her out on that. But it's been 11 seasons so...in any case, it was good to see that with two groups within the group, some of the old tactics (for now) won't work anymore. Which means...as someone joked on Twitter...that it's time to see what happens when people stop being polite, and start getting REAL.


KYLE. I know someone mentioned online that she might be releasing a cookbook in the future. I believe it. Otherwise, why would she be having cooking scene after cooking scene after cooking scene? Don't you have servants for that? Just...ugh. So transparent. Like her at the meeting, being one way after from Erika (but you could see her wheels turning) and then another at the dinner. How else to explain the Gnat being there as her NotFaye? Again...transparent.


DORIT. This ain't the one you want. And then that clip next week calling Garcelle a chickens*()? Yeeeeah NOT...THE...ONE...YOU...WANT. After a season of just sitting and look pretty, Dorit opened her mouth...and revealed it was better she stayed quiet. Last week with the help comment. This week (with Production reciepts) bring up the orphans and widows as much as possible only to be lying to Erika's face when she was in front of her. Loved Garcelle chin checking her. 'Let me finish.' Finish what? Your attempt to lie? Yeeeeeah NO. NEXT!!!



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She was doing so well. It was fun to see Lisa Rinna again. And then...just like that...she was back to Ex Soap Opera Star. Ugh!!! I didn't like her coming for Garcelle last week (and loved Garcelle calling her out on 'OWN IT') and I didn't like her thinking she was going to get Sutton to 'own it' either. Good thing Sutton shut her down with the quickness. Trash box. I bet she was the one who tipped Erika off about the party. Speaking of...



So this much drama over Garcelle saying Tom calls her when she said something differently to everyone else and then thought Garcelle was being the villain and looking for a moment??? NO, BITCH, you...yes YOU...were the one looking for a moment. Why? Because YOU...GOT...CAUGHT. And this week she definitely came into that party being in the know. Otherwise she would have not even glazed over Garcelle or Sutton. Awkward chat or not, body language betrays everything and your body betrayed how much you probably knew. And sadly (for now) playing the victim card was not working on Sutton. So I loved her holding her feet to the fire. And I loved Garcelle backing her up when everyone but Kathy and Crystal was trying to throw Sutton under the bus. And now that we know...well, the general public knows...how LLC works, she will be hard pressed to have defenders. And thank you @Cheap21 for that looooong list of what was going on concurrently to filming. You know REAL STUFF. 

SUTTON. THANK YOU FOR THE SMOKING GUN!!!! Did these women get so distracted by glam that they forgot that this show is supposed to be about RICH BITCAS!!??? And Rich ones...DO have a reputation to worry about. And a lawsuit involving orphans, burn victims, and widows dating back 10 years NOT 3? Yeeeah, people are going to talk about it (c)Lisa Rinna. So Sutton did, discussed her worries, ANNNNND BROUGHT RECIEPTS. And just like that...she snatched the narrative that Coven was trying to paint of Erika just being the wronged victim? Yeeeeah no. Good job being sure you keep your diamond, GirL!!!!


GARCELLE. LOVE every moment of her having Sutton's back. Love her gathering of Dorit. And I loved her being a 'grandma.'


CRYSTAL. She cleans up reeeeal nice. I was the same as the others. 

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Kenya also won her court case to allow Brooklyn to film. I think what also worked against the husbands in both cases is that they had no problem allowing their kids to film and only decided it was a bad idea once they got a divorce. It’s hard to argue you don’t agree with it when you previously signed a release for it. 

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Not sure if this has already been posted and I've just missed it...but the bankruptcy trustee's lawyer has determine how EJ Global LLC spent $25 million:

$14,259,012.84 was charged to an American Express card. Her company also spent $1,532,774.88 at the McDonald Selznick Associates Agency — which describes itself as “the first agency dedicated to represent dancers and choreographers exclusively” — and another $1,417,587.50 on unknown purchases.


Jayne’s company also allegedly gave Stephanie Shepherd — formerly Kim Kardashian’s executive assistant — $102,596.77 and Opus Beauty — an agency that represents “best and most influential and sought after artists in the business” $17,415 from her LLC.

Mario Dedivanoic, better known as Makeup by Mario, received $1,000.

E5 Global Media — who publishes Billboard and The Hollywood Reporter — received $8,480, while the Los Angeles Times Magazine was paid $10,400.

Jayne, 50, through her company, also appears to have paid various public relations groups high sums of money from the account among other charges.

Source: https://pagesix.com/2021/08/19/heres-how-erika-jaynes-company-allegedly-spent-25m/

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