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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm going to need Bravo to stop indicating one thing in the trailer and the episode being another thing. Just get to the juice when it comes to RHOP. 


That aside, I think Wendy finally sees what people have been warning her about. Gizelle cares for no one. Not even Robyn after tonight. 


And per usual, Karen is the one to uplift these women when Gizelle tears them down. She is such a good egg. This is why the fandom loves her.

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It would be a tragedy to lose Luann. An absolute tragedy. Bravo should think long and hard about that if it's being contemplated. I totally agree with you that next season of RHONY doesn't need any subtractions, aside from Leah, it needs additions of the old guard. 

That last scene with Wendy and Karen was moving. Karen was so uplifting, gentle, and wise with Wendy. And she was hilarious. And most importantly, real

I am enjoying how Askale got the ball rolling against Gizelle and her hypocritical ass at the dinner table as she sat in judgment of every one of their lives while refusing to provide any information about her own. And Robyn, sweetie, focus on your son's 48% in English instead of Wendy's rack. 

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The many lies and contradictions of Erika Jayne


1.Erika initially said Tom was being the "biggest baby in the world" about his car crash and that he had a broken ankle and was fine, later said he had a broken clavicle, shoulder, and ankle, was unconscious for 12 hours and found him but also that he called her. it's odd that she's coming in with such a different, more dramatic story than we saw on camera at the time of the accident. We even saw Tom only a couple episodes after the accident supposedly happened, working from home (despite his terrible, personality altering head injury) with no visible damage beyond the ankle (despite his broken shoulder and clavicle?).


a. Erika adds this episode that there was a severe head injury as well.

b. see the transcript here: [MEDIA=reddit]BravoRealHousewives/comments/owa0n8[/MEDIA]


c. see how she previously described the accident here: [MEDIA=youtube]5m1EMG7dd68[/MEDIA]


d. on Jenny McCarthy when asked about Tom's health after the accident: "He broke his ankle, he's fine, he had three pins. He healed up so well he broke the pins so he's good [He broke the pins!?] Yeah, the bones healed up so-he's kind of like...i don't know this man is kind of indestructible. He's 78 still running the firm. that is one feisty bastard. I am married to one feisty- watch at 29:38 [MEDIA=youtube]r_W1btnLwPo[/MEDIA]


2. Kyle and Mauricio discuss how Tom is "sharp" and a "young 82", Erika says that he has had a significant shift in his personality, decision making and who he is, and says THERE WAS SEVERE DECLINE (forgetting what they were talking about mid-conversation, repetition-repeating stories 10 times per day) since his accident THREE YEARS AGO


3. EDIT poor phrasing: Erika has repeatedly praised Tom for being kind and supportive of her successes, Erika now says that Tom was not supportive of her success. the reason why this is included is because it is a direct contradiction of how she used to praise him and their relationship. It seems fishy to constantly (in every interview i could find where Tom was mentioned) to emphasize his emotional support and then turn around and say that is the reason for your breakup. Typically, you don't brag about poor points in your relationship you find the elements of good in a person and embellish from there.


a. Erika says: "it's great to have financial support, but having someone's emotional support is something that i wish i had more of growing up" After returning home from broadway


b. Tom's reaction to Erika on Broadway: [MEDIA=youtube]oeOJORM8b8o[/MEDIA]


c. Tom's reaction to XXXPENSIVE: RHOBH: Erika Doesn't Know Why People Are Worried About Her Marriage (Season 7, Episode 13) | Bravo


d. Erika stating that he was very supportive of her joining RHOBH Erika Girardi on Joining #RHOBH


e. Feb 7, 2021, says Tom is very supportive of her on housewives 5:13 Erika Jayne on Broadway!


f. 2017, 14:21 The Inner Circle with Jenny McCarthy: Erika Jayne


4. Erika says [in regards to her and Tom's finances] "all of that is kept very far away from me. Tom was doing all of that. I wasn't privy to anything. It's not my business, i'm not a lawyer" Erika signed off on loan applications in 2019 for millions. A client of Tom's was paid from their personal joint accounts in excess of $200k Tonight she said it was all credit cards. If she ever needed cash she would just go and say I need some money and he would give it. So the $20 million dollar loan was what then? She had to sign, she had to have accounts, she had to GO TO THE BANK, and facilitate receiving it.


5. Asked on WWHL if Erika thought she should cut back on her glam squad since her husband Tom was being sued for a huge amount of money. Erika responded: "it's a lawsuit so I can't comment on it. And I pay my own bills so no I don't" [think i should cut back], also states this season that she had no access to her or her husband's finances.


a. Erika Jayne Is Asked About Her Husband’s Lawsuit | RHOBH | WWHL


b. I feel safe and I feel like i have a mentor. I have somebody who is really educated, right? And he's got a lot of experience. Whether I have a legal question or business question or anything i'm calling up T and i'm like Hey T, is it right that blah blah blah and he'll say yes, but Erika, think of this. In any contract I have i'm calling T.


6. On wwhl said she would be very upset if Tom cut her Erika Jayne budget (of approx 40k per month) but in a different WWHL says that she pays her own bills


7. Erika said she had "went to the bank for the first time in MARCH" and "did not know how to deposit" but previously her mother discussed how Erika would go to the bank to deposit any money she made. She also states that she never had a bank/debit/atm card.


8. Erika said that Tom completely cut her off in her Cabana, in La Quinta then states that Tom reaches out to her constantly begging for her back


a. sub point: Erika also says she has had no contact/didn't pick up the calls but then discusses why he called. In the words of Kyle Richards: Who told you? How did you get the information?


9. Told Garcelle that there was no "third party" in her marriage, then says Tom had been cheating on her for years


10. Repeatedly has tried to dispel the "sugar baby" rep, is now leaning into this reputation saying she knew nothing of anything in her marriage. She also said in earlier seasons that Tom would constantly explain things to her about the law.


11. Erika stated that she did not know about the lawsuits but was subpeonaed first on May 28, and then on Sep 28 2020.


12. Said COVID allowed Tom and her to reconnect and spend hours talking, then claimed he was horrible to her. Not sure how him being horrible got them to reconnect


13. she also claimed that he’s been in mental decline for years, but then claims she always trusted him full with their estate and legal issues, rarely asked questions and signed documents that ostensibly he instructed her to sign.


14. Erika says "I just wish that all of this pain that he’s in would stop for him. Turn in the bar card, let’s work it out," but her reasoning for leaving him is that he is mean to her, how does turning in his bar card solve all her issues with him? oh wait


15. Erika says she never even knew the address of Tom's and her home in La Quinta. Kyle finds this in approximately one google search.


16. Tom is 81. The average male life expectancy is less than 70 years for men in the year Tom was born. Would she not start preparing to be able to care for herself? At the very least she has her own earnings. Tom also was in a very serious accident and in her talking heads said that she thought about having to run/take care of their household on her own


17. he said she tells her lawyer to tell his lawyer not to contact her. In the next sentence though she says she responds with baby I can’t talk to you or something to the effect, implying that she may have said that to him directly.


18. Tom says "Love you, miss you, come home, are you sure...?" [Erika] "I'm like stop, you have to stop, honey you need help."


19. Five days before filing for divorce, “I’m really content to let people be who they are because I like to be myself. That’s one of the things I love about Tom the most is he lets me be myself.” Why mention how much you love him at all?


20. Erika about her and Tom's relationship in 2017: "And when you are genuinely rooting for the other guy — you know Tom is very supportive of me and I am very supportive of him — and I think that's what makes it work. " Tom's supposed jealousy of Erika's success was one of the main reasonings behind why she is divorcing him


21. Erika states that she foud Tom unconscious after the car accident; she also says in the same story that he called her. In a previous scene [view point 1.2 above] she says to Mikey Minden that she received a phone call after getting back about his accident


22. Rinna: "did you see this morning they're saying he was hospitalized." Erika: "No, I didn't. What did it say?" Rinna: "said he was hospitalized and can't remember anything and that's why he didn't pay those people."Erika: "Yeah, I saw this morning but..."


23. Erika said "where am i going? where am i going to go?" as her reasoning for why she didn't leave Tom when she realized that he was having an affair. Apparently, this wasn't enough of a catalyst for her to leave, but Tom not hugging her back was a better, more legitimate reason to end their 20 year arrangement.


24. Erika said she never looked at Tom’s phone or his papers until AFTER Yolanda divorced David, which was in 2015 (announced) or 2017 (finalized). So earliest date of her looking at his phone is 2015. As we know, she posted those screenshots of the evidence of Tom’s affair where the screenshots were of Tom’s Nokia phone circa 2011 or earlier. in one of the cut scenes where Erika tells the women about Tom’s affair, Kyle (I think) asked her if it was a fling or a long term thing and Erika said she didn’t know. However the screen shots she shared showed text messages over a few months and she accused Tom of funding the woman’s plastic surgery and paying her Saks bill. So Erika would know it wasn’t just a fling.


25. I’ll add that he has been in a car accident that lead to a severe head injury and possible dementia three years ago. However, she invited all the girls over to a party FEATURING Tom at their home last year. He was telling stories of growing up, about movies & actors while not missing a beat. If he was a mean old man with dementia, how could he hide that whole night with cameras?!


26. Erika is on the Board of Directors for Girardi Financial, whilst claiming to have no involvement in any financials.


27. E: she said the reason she didnt answer toms calls was bc she needs be able to tell a judge she left on "this day" and never looked back.but on her divorce filings she purposefully left off a date of separation, choosing to enter "undecided" instead.


28. When they were all talking about the Scott/Amelia relationship, Rinna brought up the age difference, and in confessional Erika said age differences don't matter look how well it turned out for her (this is right before all the SHTF)


29. Erika stated that she has absolutely nothing to do with Tom's business and that she's not a lawyer his is his and hers is hers, then says that the lawyers Tom was working with called her to help, how uninvolved could she have been if his firm reached out to her


30. He's resisting everything. Still to this day. Or so i'm told. When I came home from Broadway we reconnected because we would eat dinner together every night, but things had definitely changed. He was changing rapidly, The calls i was getting from lawyers at his firm. One of his lawyers crying on the phone to me "we have to do something, we have to do something"


31. Erika says that there was a huge disconnect between them but they reconnected when she came home from broadway. this puts his decline and all of their issues within 6-9 months of her leaving.


32. S8 E12 19:46 She says she ordered a "brick phone"/"drug dealer phone"


33. Erika's tears. First they're black, now they're clear




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LOL!!! La Dame called it at the reunion last year. She said she and Wendy would be friends.


And if you had told me that not only La Dame would be right, but that I would be enjoy them so much, I would have thought you were tripping. But...I REALLY LOVE THEM TOGETHER. And they were even rubbing off on Askale. Her chin check of Gizelle (not to mention La Dame and Wendy tag teaming her) was just delicious. I was cheering on Team Left at the dinner table. 


The only thing I did not like about another good episode of POTOMAC was what @NothinButAttitude said. This commercial promos kept it real, but the preview from last week said the mess was really suppose to start this week. It looks like it is going to be a slow burn, meaning I suspect next week's cliffhanger will probably be Wendy vs Gizelle. And the editing is wrong for that. False advertisement indeed. 


LA DAME. And this is why we love her. She had straight talk with Wendy at the end, uplifting her after the Green Eyed Bandits tried to tear her down. She kikied with Askale...even though she is actual ROBYN'S friend. And she still had time to gather Gizelle together. But still knew to pick her battles, using a good amount of wit and grace. She was great throughout.

GIZELLE. She was really pressed. And then at that dinner she was going after THREE people (Candiace, Wendy, and Robyn), one of whom is her BFF. WOW. And then her continuing to spread the Eddie rumor...not unlike how she did Monique last season. Always in everyone else's business when she should be in her own. Love the chin check from Askale and gathering she got from La Dame. 

ROBYN. Okay, I get what you all were saying about Robyn and depression. I loved the talk at dinner about that. The pandemic was not easy on a lot of people. And while it's not over and people have gone on as best as they can, one can forget about the aftereffects. I did not like how Gizelle was badgering her about Juan. Especially while the other ladies were being sympatheic.

ASHLEY. ON THE OTHER HAND...I LIVE for Michael Darby shading Robyn re: Juan. I so giggled at him being all I told you so about Robyn and Juan getting married. Oops. It was great to see her with her babies, but it's time for Messy Ashley to hit.

CANDIACE. OOooooo look at that!!! Gizelle attacking her marriage? Shocker! But Candiace checked her with the quickness. and La Dame's looks when she did was the icing on the cake. lol. And her as the voice of the reason during the first round of La Dame vs Gizelle...growth?

MIA. Had a few brief moments, but was really minimum this week.

WENDY. Like I said earlier, I liked that the group got into it about New Wendy. And for the first time, I liked that I saw signs of last season's Wendy. And while she owes (especially those Bandits) anything, I liked that she explained herself. I did wonder if that 'a lot going on' comment was subtle shade at Production editing out her fight with Gizelle at the spa. And of course all of this talk led to her and La Dame tag teaming Gizelle...and the look Gizelle gave her when she giggled at La Dame gathering  her...PRICELESS. 


A good start to the trip, but ready for the mess. 



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Candiace has a lot of flaws, but her tongue is not one of them.  It's partly why Monique went for her because Monique wasn't as quick with her mouth as Candiace is.

I'm hoping Karen and Candiace make up truly...it was nice seeing their mom and daughter like interactions.

Gizelle going after Robyn?  That's so wrong...considering that Robyn actually likes Gizelle unconditionally.

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I know some people called that part of  the scene tough love, but I felt she should not have put Robyn's relationship with Juan out on Front Street like that. Especially since Robyn is down and Robyn always has her back.





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Per Variety, Bravo had filmed some test footage and then decided to step away:

Though Bravo had filmed some test footage with Moon, cast member D’Andra Simmons, and three other women whose names have been reported by the various “Real Houswives” fan accounts, the network has decided to step away for now.

Source: https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/bravo-real-housewives-of-dallas-1235043076/

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Well...I guess LeeAnne wins then.  LOL!!!!


But seriously, test shooting? Really?  Cuz I know they were testing out long before all these leaks of potential casts. Makes one wonder if they were just trolling folk.


Meanwhile...happy for Falynn, but it makes one wonder if Simon's tweets were right. And sounds messy. But sadly we won't be getting Falynn vs Porsha.

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So basically Simon was telling the truth the entire time. She IS pregnant by the guy he said she cheated on him with. 


I had a feeling once I saw the newbies that it wasn’t going to work. That show needed a complete overhaul similar to what Claudia Jordan suggested.

When they do revisit Dallas they need to hire Carlos King and let him use his production company, which is what he asked when they asked him to return to RHOA. The shows he’s creating for OWN are similar to HWs and they’re popular. Bravo is stupid for not making an overall deal with him considering he was so vital to RHONJ AND RHOA. 

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