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@FrenchBug82 what DaytimeFan said. The people in the clip (all of the cast actually) have long history, long established before and in Season 1 so I'm not surprised that it sounds like it boils over in Season 2. The clip is for @Cat who I got into FAMILY KARMA in Season 1.

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 So I know he will get it when he sees it. But if you want a show about culture, family, and drama, but not toxic I do highly recommend it for a good watch. 


Like the past season of BD: SAILING YACHT (which I'm midway through) and SUMMER HOUSE, I will get around to watching Season 2 of FAMILY KARMA. Just been extremely busy with my personal and professional life and well...my shows have suffered. In time...;) I at least saw the undies scene with the guys and I hollered. 


I agree on Claudia. Perhaps she can be a FOH?


I am sorry that I might have been wrong about one of the girls when I mentioned them rumored. But it seems like the newbies are somewhat friends with who is left so it will be interesting to see how it goes. I don't like that Twitter fanbase seem to be angry about such a drama change a la NY Season 5, but let's see if this turns out to be true before we get angry.


I knew you would want you some Kary so for you I am sorry. 



Yeah, I know people are saying 'but Bill has a REAL job.' but since they are really playing up Louis and the new girl's husband...I will wait and see until we get a trailer.


Do I think LeeAnne is living her best life? Honestly...yes. As a matter of fact, earlier today I was surprised to see her online, back on the charity circuit, talking about domestic violence I believe. And other than when Brandi brought her up at the reunion this year and she of course made that response video I posted, LeeAnne has been surprisingly low key. Even that wedding planner of hers has ceased to be messy.


However yes, she did cast a long shadow. And this past season proved that. While other HW shows had to deal with the pandemic, DALLAS came across soo bad. OC and RHOA were not much better, but they had big enough personalities to keep some interest. Outside of the soap opera nature of D'Andra and newbie TIffany and Kary, what did DALLAS have? 


But that said, I would love to see LeeAnne back postSeason5. Like you, I always felt her and D'Andra were two sides of the same coin. And clearly, one cannot be much without the other. They nutured as well as enabled each other in a way that made for fascinating television. And I live for any situation where you mention her being the cliffhanger at the end of an episode just to shock everybody.


TEAM PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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I saw. 

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 That's probably why Amrit could not join WWHL. He seemed to have been super close to her.

And yes I SAW Monica make a bid for season 3 by throwing Anisha under a bus! Bless her heart. That WWHL was basically a reunion episode. In fact, they SHOULD have a reunion! And maybe its just me but Andy seems more present and interested in Family Karma than in some other shows.

Ratings weren't amazing, though  especially with BH as its lead-in. I am desperately hoping that streaming numbers were solid.

Oh yeah, they are Bollywood-level Beautiful. And so are a lot of their moms (also on the show). They nice thing is that they are also quite self-deprecating and a little dorky/awkward. They are very human and most are not pretending to be cooler than they actually are (which can happen on other reality shows).

These 20- and 30-somethings are second-generation Indian American. Their parents immigrated from India (or from Singapore/Hong Kong in 1-2 cases) to start a new life/family in the US. They all live in this suburban Miami enclave where the parents have been friends with each other for 30 years or so. The kids played and grew up together, and those years of friendship, crushes (and even a few petty resentments) add underlying authenticity to their interactions. 

The parents (and even a few grumpy grandparents) participate in the VTs too and its very multigenerational. These family and friendship groups are tight and largely traditional, which brings its own drama with the kids who are more Americanized (and in one pretty moving SL, in particular, involving Amrit). The cultural aspect is vibrant and as a viewer, I felt immersed. It helped that a couple of the producers were Indian-American too.

The cool thing is that both seasons are short. S1 is 8 episodes, S2 is 9 episodes, so easily digestible. As you can see from the length of my post, I really recommend it! 


Not that it matters (I just realized that in all the years I have posted on SON, poster gender has never been really mentioned), but I am actually a she!  Thank you for posting the clip and for giving @FrenchBug82 the heads up. You said it better and more succinctly than I did.

I hear you about work and other pressures. I'm behind on a lot of shows, and it is what it is!


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I honestly thought Kary would be participating this season. She came off well (and contrite) at reunion, and her story is going somewhere. She is also a drama queen and very childish, so good RH fodder. What TF did Kameron bring us? She listed her home, whined about a McMansion, and then showed her ass at reunion/on Twitter. I still cannot believe she got her BIL to swing his dick and try and get Tiffany fired from her job. Unconscionable!

I was also hoping Claudia Jordan would become a HW. She knows how this game is played, actually lives in Dallas and would be a lot of fun. Honestly, RHOD is badly served by its under-performing production company.


We can agree to disagree.  I think she'd be back in a heartbeat if asked. And if what Brandi alleged at reunion is true, she really is invested as the villainess of RHOD (hence why I call her Maleficent!) and should return for that reason alone. I am glad to hear that she seems to be moving on and back to her charity work, though.

Agreed. Stephanie, Brandi and Kameron contributed only the basic minimum. They were waiting for someone else to play bad guy so they could throw pot-shots from the side. I find them very sly and cowardly participants. At least D'Andra brings us good old-fashioned family money dealings! Mama Dee is pure soap.

Team Pretty indeed. I think Claudia would be a HIT on RHOD. She would definitely stand up for herself.

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LOL!!! I know you told me this a long time ago, but I guess at some point in the middle of one of our conversation my mind gendered flipped. My apologies. 


No, I like how you said it better than I did IMHO re: Family Karma. I am really looking forward to sitting down to watch it (along with SUMMER HOUSE with the comeuppance of Hannah and BD SAILING YACHT for the baby drama and foine Colin). 


Don't get me wrong! lol. LeeAnne would totally come back just do 'I told you so's on those heffas. lol. But her not being there and those girls having to work while she was off doing her own thing was the best revenge.


And Claudia won't mind standing up for other people. Did you see her take on Megan Kelly I believe over Naomi Osaka? 


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I genuinely do not like Mia in any facet unless dealing with her children. You can tell her soft spot are her children, but, other than that, she is as fake as the work she's had done.

But, regardless, Potomac continues to bring IT with their seasonal workings. How people can sleep on this franchise is beyond me.

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Askale and Mia are doing a LOT to kickstart a feud, and it's a little exhausting but also fun in its basic pettiness. 

Mia is messy in an entertaining way, but she bit off more than she can chew with the texting back-and-forth with Gizelle/Robyn. Maybe she was trying to impress Karen (more likely she has watched the show for years and already has her opinion of these two), but she backed herself in a corner and had to apologize to Gizelle. And when Gizelle is able to lord it over you, the newbie, who has been forced to grovel a little bit, that is not a good position to be in.

I like Gizelle's daughters and their natural, untutored response to things. Gizelle is at her lightest with them. But every time she talked about her 'relationship' with Jamal, oy. Robyn had this face: 

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 and Kal had this face:  . They don't believe a word of this either.

Filler episode, but decent. Next week Gizelle vs Karen looks juicy.


RHONY preview.

I really liked this little scene. It reminded me of 'old' RHONY, from the surroundings (somebody's upholstered bedroom??), to Ramona scarfing the free snacks, to Luann in what looks like her wedding gown and Ramona in whichever-three-handkerchiefs she sewed to her swimsuit. And some juicy gossip and snootiness. Anyone who thinks firing the OGs is the way to go on RHONY is Leah's sister a dead-eyed fool.


In BH news, Tom Girardi (yes, that's him) has been seen out and about.

Maybe that shiner is from falling out of a car going off a cliff behind the Girardi estate.


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Now that the board is working...

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Filler it might be, but just like RHOA in its golden days even filler episodes can be fun. And in this case, I had a rough work day (and will be having a rougher week in another day or so with family) so I will take filler that makes me think less of my problems (almost caught up with GH and I see B&B will be dropped into my schedule due to that bombshell) and focus on fun.


And I see Production was at it again!!!! I hollered at 'Candiace and Dorothy's Townhouse.' And I loved every reaction that they caught from other people. And I am always here for Kai to make an appearance though I was sadden to see him going with that silly storyline, but like I said elsewhere even Robyn ain't buying it and it SHOWS. 


And then Mia...AND? Granted she is not the second coming of Kenya Moore circa RHOA Season 5/6, but it was nice to see something slightly different going on with her other than her vs Wendy. And she gets points for doing 1 (with an assist by La Dame) vs 3 (Alaska-side note....why is everyone calling her this?, Robyn, and Gizelle) and holding her own. And also she OWN she was arrogant...something those girls wished they could do. 


And the first trip starts next week. Can't wait!!!!


LA DAME. Still being quite vicious in Confessionals I see. And I loved that one with the golden choker/necklace. Granted she does not need to play nice with these heffas, but La Dame does appear to be a little...visibly annoyed at them. I prefer my Dame more unbothered. That said, her solo scenes are still great, a sign of a great Housewife. And look at her daughter! She has rarely appeared, but even I was like awwww she's grown. And yes, I loved that while Mia held her own against the Green Eyed Bandits that La Dame was there to keep everything straight and on the table. 

GIZELLE. Le sigh. I wish she would be more real. There honestly was a few flashes of that here. Pick on her I do and I do it well, but I have never knocked that she and Robyn have a real friendship and it's great that during the pandemic they decided to do a podcast. And I admit that I would be tempted to listen to it if I saw it in passing. Why? Because their friendship feels geniune. And same with her relationship with Kai which is why I looooooove seeing him and his shade. 'Not Ms. 4 degrees' lol. Even the tackiness of filming her daughter fail her driving test. Don't like it, but it was real. But I can also tell Production are trying their best to repair her face from her unmasking at the Reunion. It's a shame they are going about it all wrong per some tea Wendy gave out online about how they edit Gizelle a la Porsha last season on RHOA. Loved Mia needling her in that text since she knew it came DIRECTLY from Gizelle. And I would consider Mia vs the Green Eyed Bandits Round 1...a draw.

ROBYN. Just trying to stay relevant. So...*shrugs*

CANDIACE. Speaking of people and edits...I admit...they are doing hers right. How do I know? Because HER ALBUM IS COMING OUT NEXT MONTH!!!! I was just thinking her getting into her career was just storyline. Same with the bonus kids. Same with moving. But...out in the real world...she appears legit. As in...she might ACTUALLY be showing her life for good and for bad. And here she is being the voice of reason on that of that. Candiace? Did I see that right? Did I see her BREAK up a fight and not start one? WOW. And she's been touching on this on show. And while I don't want to be disappointed like I was during the transformation of Porsha from Princess of Thots to a mature woman, I have to say that she has been intriguing with the real stuff. Cuz she still has some fakery about her. And loved her brief kiki with La Dame when La Dame got to the pajama party. 

WENDY. Stay keeping up with the Jones...if you can...Girl. lol. I loved Mia drive-by shaded her in the fight when she tried to start more mess. That said...I was not feeling her this time around. *cough*secondseasoncurse*cough*

ASHLEY. HA at someone online mentioning that she ain't letting Michael mess with her settlement money to start another failing business. Might be some true in that. And I hollered at her prepared she was. Such a Gemini mom. 

MIA. BOSS. Is she doing too much? Well...yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhhh!!! But that's a newbie for you. At least she is not giving us Jen Shah. JS.   And any over the top-ness is being nicely balanced out by her family life (which a first season wife should use to humanize them) and her scenes with La Dame. And I love the shade @Cheap21 posted above. Get her!!!!


Looking forward to the trip!!!


@Cat wow at that Tom picture. How the mighty have fallen. 


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Someone on Twitter said he looked like Uncle Junior of The Sopranos. 

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I think she is serious about having a singing and acting career. But did you catch that the producer last season who offered to sign her to his label... suddenly he's not a 'good fit' for her anymore?  So she's the one paying for production on this album and, I assume, the music video (which features all the other Potomac ladies). Which is  a lot of expense to take on yourself. Is Ms Dorothy financing some of this?

Interesting about Candiace getting the Porsha edit to rebuild her image from being a hot-head. I am inclined to believe you on that. I don't know how successful Bravo will be, though. Porsha had this image of being 'nice' deep-down, but I'm not sure Candiace has that 'niceness.' She is scrappier. And strategic, if her throwing her lot behind the GEBs last year was anything to go by (an alliance that was already in motion even before the altercation between Monique and Candiace).


I am glad you are enjoying Potomac, especially if it's a tough week! I'm the one who called it filler but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it!  

I'm hopeful that this week's RHONY will be enjoyable also! It is the filming of Luann's new Christmas mv.  Chic c'est la vie! C'est bon! C'est bon! 

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