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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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From the intentionally crude talk to the "vow of silence" everything Leah does screams "Pay attention to me". She wants to be the center of attention but is not self-confident enough to let it happen organically so she contrives various lame ways for people to pay attention to her, even if it is negative attention.

Frankly, it is annoying in general and it comes off as particularly pathetic when she is surrounded by half a dozen other women who are as much attention-seekers as she is and yet have the natural charisma and self-confidence to make it happen without being obvious about it.
That's what Leah is: obvious. And it is not fun to watch.


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How the mighty have fallen.


That isn't to say I didn't enjoy the premiere and I'm looking forward to the season, but I'm a hate-watcher. I don't like most of the cast and find the Coven especially troubling and hope they get their comeuppance. 

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I don't know what's going on with these ratings recently, and it coud be that a significant number of people have iindeed dropped the RH franchises completely. However, I would also love to see the ratings plus DVR and streaming (as someone mentioned in that Twitter thread). I think more and more people are watching these shows in the latter ways. I know lots who stream it (as I do!), and the BH premiere was also put on YouTube by Bravo in its entirety. 


Bravo also leaked a bunch of scenes from the episode in advance (maybe too many), so there's also that.

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I think it's DVR and streaming too. I noticed Bravo now has the episodes on their app with commercials. That's additional revenue, as well as when they post on YouTube. I don't often look at the delayed ratings because their harder to find for cable, but I did see some a while back and for example, Salt Lake City was averaging 1.2 million viewers and Married To Medicine (which gets 700,000-800,000 live) was averaging 1 million. That explains why SLC got that early renewal and was labeled a hit by Bravo. On the flip side, RHOC is on hiatus so obviously despite averaging 1 million in live viewers, they likely dropped a lot in delayed viewing and streaming which is why Bravo has the show on hiatus. I personally think RHOA, RHONY and RHOBH are all going to be fine once delayed viewing is factored in. The live ratings aren't *that* bad and the seasons are entertaining so I can't imagine why people would be tuning out in droves.

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IA. Given the amount of chatter around BH's premiere last week and how well-received it was (after pretty much 4 dud seasons), I imagine that with DVR + streaming numbers, RHOBH climbed over the 1 million-mark, easy. RHONY too (I'm noticing on social media many RHONY reactions are sometimes delayed 1-2 days -- people save up these episodes for a time they can veg out and enjoy them).


Let's not forget RHONJ, the little show that could, seeing +1 mil in live ratings alone last week (!), and undoubtedly more in streaming. It's been a consistent big-hitter all season, and Andy immediately responded to fan complaints that the season was too short, so Bravo knows this one is popular.

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Insightful remarks here regarding Leah's annoying attention-seeking. That vow of silence mess I used to pull with my mom -- when I was seven. The scene in the van was 

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Leah very purposefully read her book while the other ladies (including Eboni) laughed, fought and bitched with each other. It was like she wasn't even there. Right after the van ride, Leah quickly retired the silent treatment.


Having said that... I still like Leah more than Bethenny.  Big Shot sucked the oxygen out of the room. She constantly pulled needy/attention-hogging sh!t, too -- when she wasn't waterboarding us with Skinnygirl. The difference with Leah, though, was that Bethenny was an uncredited producer with power to approve/fire cast members (she tried to get Luann fired after S8 and it was the one firing the network blocked her on. Bravo had to up Bethenny's salary and give her Bethenny & Fredrik to sweeten the deal for S9). Leah does not have that kind of power, so her actions represent a different kind of desperation. It also means the OGs are not scared of her. I don't mind that dynamic because there is less imbalance.


Let's not forget that Leah + Luann were a tag-team at that dinner with Heather. You know I love my Lu, but #Countess knows how to play the game and 'light the match.' Can we blame Leah alone for the gang-up on Heather? Not entirely. The others are 100% in on it, although it seems like Ramona and Eboni felt bad for Heather and jumped to her defence a few times. Not that Heather needed the back-up as she seemed very relaxed and able to handle it all. I don't think this is the incident which sent Heather bailing.


I can see from next week's previews that Leah is going to be A LOT. Maybe I will change my mind about her pot-stirring next episode.

Edited by Cat
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Potomac looks interesting, and I am definitely tuning in.


As for New York, Eboni is a breath of fresh air, and Sonja has got to stop drinking. The only one who could actually break it down for her would be Bethenny, who would handle it without kid gloves. The other women seem to just accept it and lightly tip-toe around it.


I blame Ramona, too, because if she knew Leah was going to bring [!@#$%^&*] up, she should've told Heather, "Hey, don't come! It's not going to be good if you come!"


I'm pretty sure the moment Leah called Heather a Karen is when Heather departed.

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Through gritted teeth, I must confess that I am really, really enjoying the show. Perfectly sized group, and  the visit to Lake Tahoe reminded me a little of the season 2 episode when they went to Camille's Aspen house.


@Elsa said it best last week: Garcelle is a star and I can't take my eyes off her. She feels like 'the main character' -- she has that kind of presence. Her talk with Kyle was thoughtful and insightful. I still burn when I think back to Kyle trying to set Garcelle up at reunion! It was so loaded an accusation and you could see then and there it hit Garcelle hard. Kyle knows she f*cked up with that one.


I am liking Crystal but I'm not sure I understood the disagreement with Sutton at the very end. Sutton came off awkward and a bit drunk in what she was trying to say.


I wasn't sure about Kathy the first episode, but I totally get her kooky charm now! Unlike Erika who only pretends to, Kathy actually gives zero f*cls. She also makes the women relaxed, unguarded and open.  I think she is going to be the glue that holds the cast together.

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