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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I must admit, I loved them too.


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I like Crystal! Her talking points reminded me a little of Tiffany. I like her style, too -- more NY than LA.


Rinna is so fake-schmoozey. She seems to be mentally noting Crystal's idiosyncrasies... for future usage. Also she is morphing into LVP in her VT.


Kyle humble-bragging about her favorite subject -- herself. 'People always tell me I look too young to have a 31 yr old daughter!' 

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Re: "The Help"

Right. Remember what I was saying about Ramona's problems going way beyond just the "I-just-put-my-foot-in-my-mouth" borderline-autistic excuse?

This is a perfect example.
It is not just that she said something awkward or rude or inappropriate. It is what it reveals about what she THINKS. And she is an awful person. Sorry. Entertaining but awful.

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@TaoboiI totally agree about Dallas. I feel like Andy was out of his depth and although it was a lackluster season, they needed a third part (with a better moderator) to truly flesh everything out. Kameron really is dumb. It felt like she was so offended at the thought of coming off racist, when all Tiffany was doing was explaining why certain things offended her. It was like she was so shut off to actually hearing Tiffany. Her receipts all fell flat and felt desperate. 

I agree that the lack of accountability for Brandi was also disappointing. Stephanie didn’t even exist this reunion. If she survives again, they deserve to be canceled. 

Tiffany cleared Kam here!


RHOBH premiere clips:


Side Note: Sheree fits in *perfectly*! Why they didn’t give her a friend role is beyond me. 

RHONJ reunion trailer:


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That pretty much sums up the entire dynamic of the racial conversation in our country, particularly with conservative-leaning white people.

They are SO offended at the word "racist" that they spend more time feeling victimized by it and being defensive than actually listening or learning to what PoC are trying to tell them about their experience and how to do better. Hence "being called racist is the new racism" "Cancel culture" and all that stuff whereby because people don't want to think they hold racist prejudices, even without knowing it, and because they want to define racism in its narrow definition of overt hostility, they don't listen to the lived experience of PoC and think *they* are the victims.

In a society with centuries of racism, misogyny, homophobia behind us, it is inevitable that all of us would hold - even subconsciously - some prejudices and learned bad habits from our culture.
The difference is not between good non-racist people and racists: it is between self-centered people who don't want to listen when their "feelings are hurt" and decide they know better anyway, and those who want to be good people and do better and learn and step back and defer to the experience of those who are not like them.

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Agreed that it would've been nice to have the Heather/Luann/Sonja lunch shown in real-time versus a quick flashback. I hope they don't minimize Heather's appearance. I never thought I'd be a stan for her, but she's a refreshing return of Housewives past, and I would/would've really liked to see her interact with this group without the presence of Bethenny to stifle/talk over her. 


And a big rolling my eyes at Leah "worried" about Heather's comments about L/S/R in the press. Girl, they already know! And they're still friends. Stop looking for tits on an ant, Witchy-poo. 


LOL at Ramona being Ramona all night long at the burning man event. I love when she tries to be deep but no one else buys it. 



New Jersey reunion promo - looks good! I'm pleasantly surprised it's only a 2-parter. They had a great season, but I suppose there's only so much to drag out when there was a lot of fun and levity (especially from the Househusbands) throughout. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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In an effort to prove they’ve learned absolutely nothing, Kameron is still accusing Tiffany of being racist (now against white people) and her husband Court is comparing Tiffany to nazis....

At this point I don’t know what to say. The season is over and they’re still doing this? I don’t know if I can handle another season with Kameron if she is still this ignorant about race. That would make three seasons in a row you have uneducated, bigoted white women trying to learn to be decent people. I’m tired. 

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'You beat me to the tweet.'

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I had noticed at work that it appeared that Twitter was coming for Kameron and had no idea why since it seem those tweets were deleted.




Such a fall from grace. 






'You instigate, I retaliate!!!'




And saying what we have been suspecting here and some people online as well (that the source of the Evan rumor was Marge) is the dynamite on a biiiiig powder keg. Especially given that sneak peek of Melissa vs Dolores/Marge over Joey on tonight's finale. This LOOKS GOOD.



That's what I'm worried about as well. Cuz it sounded like whatever happened between Heather and Leah happened at the Hampton and that sounded like it happened later. And we are already IN the Hampton with Heather. This season repeatedly is going to be a long one (20 episodes) so this happened fast then. 


Hehe at Witchy-poo. I miss Carlton.


Ramona, Ramona, Ramona. hehehe. Same. 


I found Tiffany dare I say quirky.


I find Crystal so far to be...hmmm there's a more shearness(?) to her. More city for sure. NY is apt. 


And I see in the clip above that someone in Production was listening since people wanted to see more of Will Smith's ex wife around Garcelle. Niiiice.



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@TaoboiI refuse to accept or believe Heather will be edited out. If they’re gonna have a long season they’ll need to use everything. My best guess is since this is a 5 day trip, the Hamptons will likely be another 3-4 episodes. These girls provide enough attention I feel they can get an episode out of one day. Next week we have the explosion with Sonja vs Ramona and I feel like episode 4 is when Heather will arrive and that will likely be episodes 4-5, maybe 6 and then Bershan will join them when they return to New York. She’s the one I hope they don’t edit out! She said she’s filming confessionals but it worries me that Bravo didn’t give her a cast photo or mention her in the season preview.  You never can tell what they’re gonna do with a Friend of the show. 

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I hope so as well @Chris B. I was pretty excited to have Heather pop in for a bit as well. They all have strong personalities and they have already set up so much in the first two episodes that I can see it going down like that. And THEN Heather shows up. lol.


You are seriously making me what to see if I can find that Bershan promo Bravo did when they started to drop NY promos. It was brief and she had a confessional in it if I remember correctly so she is absolutely right. I am surprised no one has posted it at all or seen it yet. 

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Brandi had a rough year, but she needs to get off the cross because there's a wood shortage. 


Kam vs Tiffany... they're more alike than either would like to admit.  Both like correcting others, both attack when hurt, and both love to badger (and both can't let [!@#$%^&*] go).


D'andra would be better off cutting ties with Mama Dee.  She's a great person and her mom will never see that sadly.


Jersey reunion sneak peak:


Pigtails (margie) did seem unfazed in episode 1 when Teresa spilled the rumor talk so no surprise if she started it..or helped spread it.


Jennifer vs Pigtails...what I didn't know I needed till this season of Jersey.

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