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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I like Dallas but it does need a cast overhaul. Keep:







Bring back LeeAnn. She was tv gold and Dallas' most iconic wife


Consider 2 new wives. Id even take original recipe Cary

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I wholeheartedly accept your apology and as I prefaced the post that started this, I am not intending to relitigate all of this because, indeed, all the receipts have been given and if people already have a set opinion on what happened - ironically mine is that it was complicated and many people showed bad judgement - then we are not going to change our mind now.
I wanted to type down my opinion because the vitriol was very one-sided. I said my piece and your opinions are very clear and that's how it should be. We disagree but that's really not a problem.

No hard feelings and I am excited to be watching the new season along ya'll.
But know that I am not predisposed to think any of 'em ladies are entirely truthtful or evil witches. They are messy attention-seekers. Likeable at times. Interesting often. But not worth blindly stanning... or hating.

Although since we are talking Dallas' LeeAnne, open recorded racism is as close as I will grant you the show will give us a reason to intensely dislike someone. 



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Now tbf, the majority are ALL messy.

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  Nothing to do with stanning OR hating. And as already been mentioned, opinions on the ladies always change.  


No hard feelings here either. Going forward, looking forward to your thoughts on GH once I catch up.


LeeAnne is just another thorn. And that recording again is complicated by BTS and personal experience. But again, that has already been spoken on. So with all of that in mind...and how Brandi did this season...it would be interesting if they tried to drop her back in. 

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No to Leeann coming back.  Her head would be so large, she would become even more toxic.


Next season should be 13 to 14 episodes like housewife shows in the past.  Quality > quantity.


NJ with just 13 episodes is a surprise...it's been an interesting season thus far.


Rhod reunion preview:


The zoom video portraits on the chairs is so campy lol

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Bershan did an Instagram Live with FacesByBravo and I’ll try to recap it. She was pretty good about not revealing spoilers, but it was still interesting. 

Backstory in her: Years ago she found out she had breast cancer and she didn’t tell anybody and beat it in private. Then two years later she was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and given 3 months to live. She said she immediately told her family and friends and regrets not saying anything the first time. She beat it and says she has now been cancer free for 13 years!


A business client asked her to speak at an event about her experience and that led to her becoming a wellness coach. Prior to that she owned a restaurant near the Waldorf Astoria in NYC. 

How she joined RHONY: 

Reading between the lines (bc she mentions not filming with Heather), it looks like she lucked into the gig. I’m going to say Heather’s leaving is why she was hired. She had done an unrelated pilot for Bravo that wasn’t picked up and instead Bravo asked her to do RHONY. She thinks she doesn’t have an Apple or cast photo because she started late. She said once she arrives she’s fully involved and is filming confessionals. 

Her intro to the show is Ramona who she knew socially prior to filming. She said she came in with preconceived notions based on watching the show, but once she got comfortable and got to know them it was fine. She’s closest to Sonja and Ramona and wishes she’d gotten to know Luann better. 

When asked if there is a villain this season or someone who will take the heat from fans she said no. She said pretty much everybody gets into it with everyone, but the NYC ladies keep it moving. Basically everybody has ups and downs. 

It was a great interview! If she’s anything like she seemed she should fit in well. She also told a hilarious story about her OWN reality show which makes me want to find it. Apparently she took a cast member with her to Africa and paid for her flight and hotel and the lady started treating her like [!@#$%^&*] once she arrived lol. The way she told the story let me know she’ll be great if there is conflict. 

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That’s what I love about this show. Ramona and Dorinda saying the meanest, most below-the-belt sh!t to each other, crying bitterly, and then hugging it out within the same scene…


ATL: May 8th: Kandi and Xscape will face off with SWV in the latest Verzuz…

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My favorite Housewives-ism is the beginning of every season, when they haven't seen each other in months, they hug and agree to "move on."  Followed by the obligatory confessional statement about forgiving, but not forgetting.


Or, the effusive compliments every time one of them enters a room, regardless of how much trash they were just saying about each other.

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Awww...I thought she looked decent here. BUT I also hope she steps it up a little for Season 2. 


Oh, which I'm here I meant to ask you if you happen to listen to Kandi's follow up SPEAK ON IT to the first one she did on the reunion? She told some more that I heard was eye opening. I haven't had time yet to sit down to listen to either yet and was curious.


PS. Thank you for the info about Bershan. I wish that someone would drop the NY promo online where she is shown a lot more than the one promo they are showing you for like a nanosecond. I truly believe she filmed a lot more than they are showing. Moreso after that information from her interview. It sounds like it is really going to be 6 really (Heather as the 6th first, then Bershan as the 6th second). 

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Despite its obvious faults, I mostly enjoyed RHOD this season. Editing out Jen's story at the last minute meant that production had to panic-fill the higher episode count. If I had been EP, I would have made an executive decision to cut to 13 episodes and excise most of the Oklahoma trip.


The finale was lowkey, but I enjoyed all the couples having a delicious-looking steak dinner on the Southfork back porch, dressed up JR and Sue Ellen styles. It was a positive note to end on -- despite Bryan Redmond looking completely dead-eyed whenever someone told him that he and Brandi make a "great couple." No, they don't. 

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Brandi worked extra hard this episode to 'keep her place.' She almost got me with that red wig and the way she apologised to the Southfork organiser. Yes, I almost warmed to Brandi for a hot second. But, god, that stage-managed scene with Stephanie where she declared her love and gave her a ring (!). Brandi needs to admit that Stephanie is the love of her life, dump the cheating ginger tool, and duke it out with Travis for Stephanie's love. Season 6, y'all?  J/k!


Kary is a reckless, entitled, spoiled brat dismissing people's concerns and playing victim. As @DaytimeFan pointed out, Dallas was a cultural gamechanger in TV which put the city on the global stage. I don't buy that her marriage problems are what triggered her vandalism -- I could have told you last season Kary would act out this way because, drunk or sober, she thinks of nobody's feelings but her own. It's all about her immediate gratification. And her carelessness extends to potentially exposing others on the way to reunion. Like, you had one job, girl. 







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Dolores's mother was giving me this when asked if she liked David. "Um he's a good doctor"


Teresa when she heard the girls saying she was in love. Margaret is so obsessed with who Teresa is f-cking. She needs to get some business of her own. Her husband is also very messy. I like it


Why do the men get so many scenes on their own? No other franchise features the husbands this much


Gorga was DEAD wrong to call Dolores a broken woman in front of everyone at a party.


I think I could like the realtor woman but they should have featured her more. Why wasnt she a housewife?



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@Cheap21 about Michelle (the realtor) if I am not mistaken she was either seriously considered to be a new housewife, was a new housewife (I want to say this because people online was shocked at how little of her was seen when she filmed heavily), or a heavily featured Friend Of. I really want to see what little I saw when NJ was filming it is Number 2. But something happened. I could be wrong.


@Cat I can feel the shade every time you post those pictures. I am over here hollering. lol. 

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