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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Last week, many (myself included) wondered why Mary barely appeared. 

As we know, they switched production companies at some point, so Mary won’t be appearing until the finale. I’m assuming this means she won’t be on the cast trip either. I’m so confused how this happened. Was she hired full time and then made part time? If she was always part time I wonder why they suddenly stopped filming her? Apparently when the new company started editing the show, *they* liked her and are the ones who made her full time. 

If this is true I’ll be disappointed. She was fun and crazy. I hope it doesn’t get boring. The past couple episodes have been borderline. 


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OMG yes enjoy.


I am just now passing the first hour mark (it's two hours; listening around my work schedule) and it's been an hour well spent. Monique has been spilling a lot.


Just a few things...



Someone pulled a Nene on Monique a la Nene's last reunion...except instead of the wrong clothes to paint a narrative, they sent Monique to the wrong hotel. And if she had not called Karen for a kiki before the reunion the day before they filmed it, Monique would have never known. 



Monique used it more than we saw on the reunion. So much so that yes, Ms. Andy really, really wants it. She's debating it and if she does, she will be making copies of all the receipts within it.



So...the Samuels really truly did go scorched earth on Gizelle's ass. We...just didn't see ALL OF IT. Monique dragging Gizelle in Part 1? Went on longer than 5 minutes. Think 20 and she WENT ALL THE WAY IN to the point that Andy had to run interference. Or as I call such reads the Claudia Jordan Special.  She got it all off her chest. So Gizelle's meltdown was during that whole 'why is that mfer here.' Why? It turned out that Chris had gone around apologizing to all the ladies after the LIVE he and Monique did because he felt so guilty for getting so heated and made the Bruce Jenner comment. He called Candiace's Chris and apologized. He called Juan and Robyn and apologized. He told them that he asked them to say he apologized to Gizelle. He even saw Charisse at a grocery store and apologized to her, too. And he brought all of this up AT THE REUNION. And when he mentioned it and Chris and Robyn verified it. Once he got to Gizelle, she lost it. And that brings us to his verbal takedown of her at the end. Well...there was MORE to that too. He GATHERED...HER...ALL...THE...WAY...TOGETHER. He said called her out on her potstirring, referencing how she tried to destroy Ashley's marriage, Karen's marriage, AND his marriage....THEN he said those epic words we heard on the reunion. No wonder she had that face.



...is in the producers' hands. Monique sent it to them a loooooong while ago once fans of her sent it to her. Long before the reunion. THEY KNEW.



Monique did film her whole journey post-fight. We just never saw it. And like Nene near the end of her last season, she was not at all paid for those absences on screen though she did film. 


That's just the tea off the top of my head.





Oh really???


I knew that something had happened in passing. I had thought that originally Mary was just supporting, but someone saw something (the kookiness) in her so they filmed her more. I remembered there was a debate if they would make her a HW. She apparently filmed so much like one. but I never knew all this tea or that she never really became full time until muuuuuuch later.




Perhaps they stopped filming her because the show was suppose to be about Jen. But they saw how much of a little scene stealer Mary is. Or perhaps given what is coming with Whitney, they felt Whitney needed someone in her corner who is not afraid of Jen. I've always said so far that the friend duo groups appear to be Meredith/Lisa, Jen/Heather, Whitney/Mary so if Jen tries to go after Whitney (and Heather lets her which I doubt), that Whitney will need someone who has her back. Mary so far has proven to do that. And Whitney her.

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I am really excited for RHOD too! The taglines are solid, and D'Andra's (or LEEAndra's perhaps I should call her after her 8th plastic surgery) is the best. The only tagline that pisses me off is Brandi's, because it is clear that Bravo is contriving some kind of redemption SL for her. She doesn't sound all that sorry in either her tagline or the trailer TBH.


Looking forward to Dr. Tiffany Moon. Her little-girl vocal fry bothers me a bit (Tinsley's bothered me, too), but the scene with her, Mama Dee and D'Andra bringing up Brandi's video got me excited about watching.


I think this will be an easy, breezy season and I'm good with that.


Hoping to do my best/worst of 2020 later today...

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I'm happy to say that some time yesterday I started to get excited I'll be off tonight to see this (and RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE). Excited. I think we all know I disliked last season and being triggered but I was at least curious. So excited is a step up. Bring on Asian Kenya!!

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@Cat I'm steal the name LeeAndra.  






After some decent few last episodes, this episode felt so much like the calm before the storm. The nature of Seth and Meredith's separation is a ticking time bomb that is right out of a soap opera. And as we know about soap secrets, the more people that are in the know, the more ways that it can come out. And someone is going to have egg on their way. And someone will be very, very angry.


Speaking of angry...we were discussing 'where's Mary?' at yesterday. And it seem that yes, when the production company started, she was a FOH. Post-production the new production company (RHoNY's company) saw how much they liked her and she went to HW. So they edited her in and did solo pickup scenes so we would see her for the second half. Makes sense. They are used to the NY girls who are their own kinda of fun.


JEN. Jealous ass. Here she is in her confessionals taking about how fake she feels Meredith is for acting like her and Seth aren't separated when they are in the jacuzzi...it's called putting on a stoic face. If you weren't so emotional and overdramatic you might be able to see that. But NO, it has to be about you.  Will next week be the week when Meredith finds out how much of a 'friend' she is? Stay tuned...   I will say it was nice to get a little more about the relationship between her and her husband. Interesting indeed.


HEATHER. Her on the jets was hilarious. Also great that her again showing how much of a friend she is. The fact that it is clear that she feels Jen is in the wrong for saying anything, but said NOTHING when it's also clear that Jen told her everything (the separation, Meredith with another man). We had not seen her mention the other man to Heather so the scene when Whitney was probing her to see how much she knows and she knows EVERYTHING was a juicy scene for me. And she's right. It's none of their business and they should leave it alone. Sad she is going to be in the middle next week when it's Whitney vs Jen.


WHITNEY. So, so much more than she seems. And that has nothing to do with a blind item I saw last week.  Her talk with her father (with her husband as backup) was intense. I hope he does not backslide, but her worry of that and how much she has to do tough love was rough. I shook my head given what she said last week...that he has done this before. And she was so hoping this time would be the time when he got his life together. Alas...  Meanwhile, she is so going to be a target with her not liking that Jen is running around running her mouth about Meredith's other man and looks like she will be defending Mary next week. I guess we see what her tagline is REALLY about.  


MEREDITH. I know this is shallow, but I loved her Denise Richards's ponytail in the jacuzzi. She was looking flawlessly beautiful. But maybe that is the point. This episode it was like she was the Serena to Jen's Blair Waldorf. And we know Blair was mildly jealous because Serena was the beautiful one, the one who got everything, the one who no one saw any wrong. And that burned her. So it burns Jen. However, what she seems to be doing is figuring it out...and Jen should give her time to figure out her new normal. But...alas.


LISA. It was nice to see more of her husband...all of the husbands in fact. Not sure if there is potential for conflict there. Sometimes her Type A personality seems to really annoy him. And it's clear he loves her. Time will tell. I also liked the talk about the very subculture within the Mormon religion. 


MARY. Was in it for a moment. Can't wait to see next week. After they came to a truce, Jen should have known not inviting her would lead to them feuding again. 


So...calm before the storm episode, but a good one. 



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Jen has completely lost it, comes across unhinged and throws a glass just bc the girls talked to Mary




I cant tell if she is being for real or if she is overacting for the camera bc she wanted to make this her Teresa Giudice table flip moment



This is perfect timing for Nene bc after the reunion, I want to boycott Andy as well

Edited by Cheap21
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