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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I used to hate Karen but she saw that she needed change (in front of the cameras) and she did just that.  Karen will not be punked by these women and I love it even tho I'm living vicariously thru you guys in regards to RHOP.  Karen has been thru too much to be owned by a bunch of simpletons!  She's a good friend and care giver but when you need to be gathered, Karen will handle business!  

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I came into this season thinking I wasn going to like Karen bc of the early shade against Wendy but the Grand Dame didnt not disappoint and I still ride for her. I think she carried herself quite well this season.


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if anything the way she stayed on Gizelle's neck and did not play into her games sealed it for me. Karen was VERY transparent about her life this season so there was no tea to spill. She called out the bullsh-t when necesary and didnt let Gizzard hide in her glass house. She also did the best she could to support both Candiace and Monique. Does she lie? Yeah but like she said, the women dont need to know everything and they dont. They (GEB and Wendy) tried but failed to knock her down bc she stayed 2 steps ahead of them at all time


FYI Muva posted some receipts and of course the GEBs have not apologized



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Well...I see you all have been busy. lol.


I agree with @Cat @DaytimeFan and @Gray Bunny as well, but the above hit across the points that I especially mentioned many pages back about why I was liking La Dame...especially this season...and I'm not really going to go into it again...in a long way anyway lol. Nothing humbles someone like losing a parent. She lost her parents back to back. And she was definitely humbled. And like the above, she did change. Which is why also said above, she is been VERY transparent IMO and I love her for that. Rather than use vinegar to win the audience...she used wine with a slight bit of bitter. And....IT WORKED. All she had to do was be herself. And herself is a lady who can be serious when she needs to be and yet have a sense of humor. A woman who can look beautiful without even trying to be. A woman who can also be messy, but real as a friend, caregiver, and diva. Cuz yeeeeeah divas can be real...and classy. And even better, she is constantly growing. Clearly those deaths made her look inward and she did not like what she saw. So she is working day by day. And look at her now. No wonder those hoes are pressed. And given she sees them so clearly she stays ahead of them constantly. 


I would personally like to know why people are so triggered by La Dame turning her life around and still being messy when other housewives...both on this show and others...do what she has done (setups, fake storylines, potential fake storylines, alliances) and don't get half of the irk that apparently us just mentioning her name here seems to bring people to.


One last point...what I like about POTOMAC is that there is no black and white. For people who have started off liked (Gizelle was a fave first season), there has been people who have been hated. But that changes constantly and gradually on this show. No one person is just white. Or black. Gray for sure. And I find that enjoyable. You never know...next season we might all be hating Karen or be on Candiace's side if she comes back. One only has to tune in...



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Well...that opening.


Like POTOMAC'S opening (which was soap opera goodness in its recapping), the beginning of RHOA's new season was all kinds of realness. And I teared up a little. 


They touched on the beginning of Corona during last season's finale and here we are with BLM. I admit...I never saw the video of George Floyd. Only the pictures. So yeah that was kinda triggering, but it got the point across. The world we left where Kenya dragged Nene for looking like she was part of the cast of WHITE CHICKS is not the world we are in now. A world where one has to wonder about sending your child off to college. A world where you have to question how many people you have at your wedding...or even if you are going to have it. A world where you have to think about your baby daughter and if she is truly safe.


For the first time in a while...RHOA got REAL. And it was not pretty. But...it was not boring either. Regardless of what people say.


PORSHA. Who would have thought that the girl who did not even know what the Underground Railroad was would be out there these last few months and be protesting and using her platform to get Breonna Taylor's name out? I know some people are picking on her for storyline. But I remember this happening in real time. And posting it here. RHOA was not even filming when she was doing that or planning to film. And the footage they used was from Porsha's own phone rather than cameramen...people actually thought she was bringing in crew. I...can't. And that tear gas attack was just as bad as it was when it happened. 2021 from what I can tell will be bringing a lot of Blackcentric things going forward from what I saw the last few months. In media. In books...even my own writing is reflecting that. We finally see the HW shows themselves diversifying. So I see Porsha as being ahead of the curve. As we know, she won't be JUST about the protesting. She will still have drama with Dennis. Some with a newbie. And Strippergate. Just let Porsha be real. It becomes her.


KANDI. Last season she was basically the new bone collector. So it was good to see her as support and dare I say it comic relief. Her with Don Juan. Her with her family. Her with Titty Cents and Marlo. It was a hoot. And while a repeat, I guess we could have used an update on where things stood with Block. Like Gizelle over on POTOMAC, Kandi really needs to listen to Riley when it comes to her Dad. They tried it. It didn't work. She don't care. She might some day. But Kandi shouldn't push it. It should come naturally. I continue to enjoy the Kandi/Cynthia/Kenya friendship. But given filming hasn't finished, I wonder if Kenya's renew association with Shady Phae Phae will come into play then and cause drama. 


KENYA. Like I said Sunday...it was great to see Brandon cameo in. It has been a moment...or Season 7?...since he had been on. But WOW. After reigning supreme at the reunion, seeing Kenya broken was shocking. I like she was admitting to the weight gain and worried about custody, but where is the fiery Kenya of old? Marc really did a number on her. And I like her determination to make it work, but it does not seem like that is what he wants. So like Kandi and Cynthia said, she should let him go for good. She is too beautiful to not be happy. 


CYNTHIA. SMH at Titty Cent. lol. That said...what is this I hear about her getting a camera crew to film her wedding when Bravo refused. Well...if it worked for LuAnn... But...I don't think that will be a good look on her at all. I know what she said to Mike about why she wanted to get married anyway...*cough*flashbacktoPeterwedding*cough* but I could not help but feel for the first time that was a lie. She is doing what Vicki tried to do on the OC to stay on the show...have a wedding storyline. And one has to wonder...how desperate is she to stay on? It definitely seems like the wedding is more about being seen than it is about marrying Mike. Shades of Carrie/Big wedding in the SATC movie? 


MARLO. YYYEEEEAAASSSS!!!! Hilarious!!! I wish more people here in SD would be like that if they must be extra. JS.


A good start and soft reboot. 


Is there life after the Moose? Yes.


Oh and speaking of Porsha @Gray Bunny, to answer your question (I looked for clips so if I find it I will post it), she said that Monique told her that Candiace only did the lawsuit as a money grab so she could afford that new house she bought. Gizelle was trying to disagree and say lie, but Porsha checked her by saying she heard it from Monique's mouth. She then went on to say that Monique said she did try to resolve things with Candiace, but lawyers would not let them talk at all. Kate from BELOW DECK started to say something, but Porsha checked her too. Some of what she said did gel with what I've seen online and the timeline on the show so I really do not disagree with it. Hopefully we will hear more at the reunion. But yeah...Porsha and Gizelle went at it for a few minutes. 





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Joey on Twitter: "#RHOA Season 13 ladies taglines! (Source @BravoTV @NBCUniversal) https://t.co/55Dr1gdxqr" / Twitter


Solid choices, but Kenya's and Kandi's are my favorites...





Meanwhile, mags are reporting that Tom now wants to broke Erika from getting spousal support and having her pay for his legal fees to fight her on it.







Joey on Twitter: "#RHOA Season 13 Episode 2 SNEAK PEEK. All new, Sunday 8/7c on @BravoTV. (Source @BravoTV @NBCUniversal) https://t.co/jOtaYt5T7f" / Twitter




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@Taoboi I think that is another scam from Erika and Tom. He had all this time to respond and conveniently waited until a lawsuit was filled saying their divorce was a scam? Just looks to me like he’s playing hardball to undercut that lawsuit. “How could it be fake if I’m asking her to pay my attorney fees and asking for no spousal support?” That’s just my speculation. 

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