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A bit slow, but another good episode.


I knew Karen would be at it again, but OMG I got to hollering at 'the walk.'


And kudos to Production!!!! The 'roll back the tape' shadiness on Wendy and the many, many, MANY times she has mentioned she had 4 degrees. Contrast that with Monique who only said she had four homes once and doesn't show off her money...it just IS. The split screen of Karen and 'the walk' and Wendy coming down the streets. The moment when Production added sound effects to Robyn's blinking her eyes cartoon 'doh' style. Production is just having too much fun and it shows. 


KAREN. What can I say? LA DAME WAS AT IT AGAIN!!!! KNOWING the Green-Eyed Bandits were up to no good. OWNING she said what she said and saying the real story. GATHERING every trick in sight. DEDUCING that Gizelle is behind everything. And as I suspected a while ago...it is going to come up on the Portugal trip. Karen mentioned in one of her interviews that she and Gizelle were heading for a major fallout. So...Karen must figure all of it out if Gizelle's claws are going to come out. Is there nothing Karen can't do? lol.


ASHLEY. I LOVE MOMMY ASHLEY. THERE. I SAID IT. lol. And I know my dislike of her is well known on this board (and with my cousin lol), but I will say what I have said before. Motherhood has mellowed her all the way out. Other than last week's regression to Messy Ashley, she continues to come across so well. And I've been loving her. I even loved her in the after show that @Cat posted above. So it's sad to see her struggling with feeling depressed. And next week isn't going to help her. It seems like after all our weeks here of talking about how the Green Eyed Bandits (and Wendy and Candiace) have mostly be ignoring her to go after Monique or Karen, next week is HER turn. I guess it's cold in Hades cuz I'll be Team Ashley.


GIZELLE. Messy. Moldy. Mildewy. I think Karen's on to you. And I hope with the reunion filming...this week?...that your comeuppance will be on its way. There's a reason that La Dame is no longer frakking with you. And I do hope that the producers show it. Sorry this part is short, but it's not like Gizelle has much of a storyline. Other than being shady to her BFF.


ROBYN. I agree, Robyn...THE MODEL DID LOOK LIKE KATIE!!!! It was uncanny. lol. Other than being Gizelle's shadow this week, she was being the comic relief again. I wish she would just stick to that. I loved Karen getting her payback by ribbing her about her tax issues, but being classy enough to be a good friend at the same time. Gizelle, take note. 


MONIQUE. Sorry, you are stressed, but you did what you had to do. Nuff said.


WENDY. Looked like she is butt hurt next week after being dragged by La Dame for the last two weeks. TOO BAD. She started that mess and La Dame simply finished it. I cannot believe she had so much potential and now...le sigh. And that tea that @DaytimeFan said about why she's on the show? Well...she really should have planned better because she is coming across awful to the point that the audience don't like her. I would rather see the Wendy I saw on the RACE IN AMERICA special that came on after it than this Wendy. The Wendy I saw on political clips. The Wendy I see with her family. There were so many angles she could have picked from, but instead she was trying to make Karen her storyline like Kary did to LeeAnne last season on DALLAS. However, La Dame is a smart cookie and is not falling for it like LeeAnne did with Kary. So not only is Wendy coming across badly, but also is coming across as a hypocrite. I would even take Wendy as Candiace's BFF if she had not pulled that mess last week where she purposely tried to drive a permanent wedge between Candiace and La Dame. Over her. And then she wanted to act all big and mighty on that after show? Try that again to La Dame's face. We can go 3 for 3 with the gathering you continue to get with all four of your degrees. How about being humble?


CANDIACE. Speaking of humble...that after show? smh. I hope you know Karen is going to devour you whole at the forthcoming reunion for all of that extra you were doing with Wendy. Wendy we the audience know why she is doing it. But if Candiace wants to throw her friendship away with the one person who will be needing when this is over, fine. La Dame does not need a hoodrat rusty #@A bitca anyway. And your friend is no Kai. Your direction in life is non-existent. And Monique properly checkmated you. #staypressed And when this season is over, I am sure the Green Eyed Bandits will be back coming after you, making your little power play worthless. Last night...unless she brings some new drama, Candiace's days are numbered. 


I am so ready for Portugal. I could use a vacation and this one looked like they found some sights. 

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Regardless of whether your opinion on Wendy changed or stayed the same, I'm glad to read your posts! I was getting lowkey worried you wouldn't want to post here because of the growing anti-Wendy sentiment. 


Edited by Cat
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I am D O N E with Candiace. At this point, I dislike her even more than Wendy! 


The After Show did it for me. What a nasty, snot-nosed brat. And so, so jealous of the other women. Her cringeworthy "Woot" and "Chile" to whateverthefuck Wendy was babbling about. Karen is snake-like how? Karen told you from the start that she supported both you and Monique, but you couldn't handle it like a big girl! I am BEYOND TIRED of the fake victim act. Yes, Candy Ass is a FAKE. She made up with Monique last reunion and then stabbed her in the back. She admitted in an After Show earlier this season that she was part of the coven propagating that rumor about the baby. And now she is stepping into her worst Norma Desmond impression and acting all 'woe is me.' As you point out, she has nothing else going on but these 'poor-me' acting choices!


Also she needs to take that pointy, dry old kleenex and wipe off the 20 pounds of highlighter she smears on her face. It is a grease-fest.


As for Wendy...


Zero humor. Zero self-awareness. Only thirsty and desperate. Congrats on becoming the puppet of Gizelle & Gizelle's Henchwoman. The pinnacle of your numerous achievements, I am sure. Four degrees and yet you remain a mere fan who thinks she Knows It All. Well, there is no greater fool than the fool who thinks she is wise! Also, in the After Show, Wendy gave us a long stump speech about uplifting Black women before ending it with "Shut the f*** up, Karen." The irony was not lost on me! 


I love Potomac, but I worry it may be heading into RHONY S4 toxic territory. Worse, I worry that the combined forces of Gizelle, Gizelle's Henchwoman, Candy Ass and Dr Phil will win the day. I am now officially nervous for reunion.

Edited by Cat
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This big bruhaha over calling Gina's house "small" or "sad" is so blown over the top. It's very tits-on-an-ant nitpicky crap that Beverly Hills is always guilty of milking. 


I'm so blah over everyone in this. I feel for Braunwyn but she's also acting up goofy. Shannon being Shannon with her short-circuited Ramona-like meltdown, but not in a fun-to-watch way. 


Meanwhile, so far we've had Tamra appear in a flashback in every episode. Too bad they couldn't convince her to stay for the 6 episode arc. 

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I'm stunned. I thought she would stick with that marriage-in-name-only to the end. Isn't he also funding 'Erika Jayne'?


I actually enjoyed Tom Girardi's rare appearances on the show. I am dying to know what prompted her to do this -- and carefully bury the news on election day -- but I believe that she won't say a word against Tom or the divorce next season. It will all be very amicable and Nothing To See Here.

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That doesn’t make me feel better about Erika’s long term place on the show. I guess it depends what kinda settlement she gets. I’m wondering if this is why she has been so quiet and not spotted filming. Perhaps she really will only be a friend. Or maybe she’ll use this to secure her Diamond. I don’t see how she gets by another year though. She has nobody to film with.

If Sutton can’t get a diamond because she can’t film with her kids, how do you justify keeping Erika who has no family to film with? I’m hoping Sutton’s 18 year old films with her and helps her secure her diamond. 

Edited by Chris B
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And the same thing is...this could have been avoided...for BOTH of them.


Just watching Candiace being a better (and independent) version of herself could have been interesting. She proved that at the start of the season with everyone attacking her. How she handled her tension with Ashley was classy versus last season where she was Ashley 2.0. She still had her temper, but she was managing it so she could still be fiery. Meanwhile, she could have been focusing on ways to be independent of her mother. She could...MAYBE...be a mentor on the pageant circuit...focused on her music like she is now...help out at Chris's...and STILL had some drama. She got a LOT of goodwill and that could have led to other things.


But that girl in that after show...ugh. So over her and ready for Monique to get her together verbally.


And Wendy...she could be using her platform more for sure. There have been great moments for that here. And the production well timed that WINE WITH WENDY given that we here in the U.S. are dealing with the elections. And thanks to this year, I definitely want to be focusing more on politics on the local level and look at what Wendy was discussing...THAT VERY THING. She talks about empowering women...well...MORE SHOWING, NOT TELLING. Or we could be exploring Nigerian culture, and how is it different interacting here in Potomac vs there. Dive into the 'dirty' secret of why his foine husband's family are not talking to him. Okay...too much, but ORGANIC drama. Not being transparent and going for the alpha dog. That is part of why fans do not like her. Things to make her look human. Relatable. She should have taken notes from the ladies of MARRIED TO MEDICINE honestly. They keep it real, good, bad, AND ugly. Instead...she is getting played.


I agree. With the reunion coming...I am worried that maybe this group might have gotten toxic. We'll see. There have been moments where this show could have gotten dark, but they manage to turn it around.



Hehe. You are making me think of that Kyle gif.


Well at least with Braunwyn, she is dealing with the withdrawl so I can get why she might be coming across the way she is. She will get that in time and be able to express herself better.


Well, I think the real drama starts tonight with Kelly and her Co-Vid comments. We'll see.




I wish I could say I care about Erika. Well...


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And now...when was the last time two HOUSEWIVES shows aired back to back? I am thinking POTOMAC SEASON 3 with RHOA? Am I wrong?

I'll give them this much...the Green Eyed Bandits definitely do it better than Kyle and her shadow.

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