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I really f-cking hate Wendy Osefo. Like seriously. I hope they trample over her ass at the reunion. She is a f-cking hypocrite. She touts empowerment but in the same episode: 


  1. Puts down Monique at her lowest instead of uplifting her
  2. Gossips about Karen
  3. Creates conflict and inserts herself in drama with Candaice and Karen

And I am thrilled that Karen took Candiace to task. That hole in your face wrote a check that your bony ass couldn't cash. 

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Monique filing a criminal complaint against Candiace was simply based on good legal advice. The best defence is often to go on the offensive. When the DA’s office looked at an unedited tape, they dismissed the charges against both of them. 


I haven’t liked Wendy from the first episode and tonight’s show really reinforces that dislike for all the reasons you listed above. What a hypocrite. 

I was very glad Karen did not back down. She was 100% right and has been consistent with holding Monique accountable, as the flashback showed crystal clearly. Candiace is playing the game of wanting to make Karen choose and to shame her.

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Ooh I'ma try that! Last April, the site I'd use to download YouTube videos (basically, you'd just type in "SS" before any YouTube link and it'd pull up Savefrom.net) shut down. 


POTOMAC: The gift that keeps on giving. +1 on not digging Dr. Wendy. Although it's good to add in a new person, I'm not sure she's gelling with this solid cast. Plus, the whole hypocrisy re: Monique and Karen. 


Monique looked blown back by Ashley's lil bombshell about Karen saying she'd press charges if she were in Guinea Pig's shoes (OMG, that guinea pig comment stuck in my head and now I LOL whenever she gets emotional and her nose gets pink). 


Robyn's wig... LOL.  Gizelle's one redeeming quality is being genuinely happy and excited for her friend's engagement. Other than that? Nah... 


I can't wait for this reunion. They're about to film it

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Re: RHONY  For me, Heather is one I didn't appreciate until she was gone. I'd love for her to return. I had hoped Jill would too since she made that "the bitch is back" snippet on social media awhile back. Maybe she'll attend some events and be a "friend of"? 

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I don’t know if anybody still follows Cheshire, but Dawn has been arrested for racially harassing two people and possession of cocaine! Couldn’t happen to a nastier person! 

Here is Ampika talking about how she quit bc of Dawn’s racist attacks: 

Article on the arrest: https://www.ok.co.uk/celebrity-news/dawn-ward-court-charged-breaking-22909409

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Trailer is definitely dropping this week unless something crazy happens.


And right now Kenya, Porsha, Latoya, and Shamea are on a private jet flying off to Cast Trip Number 2.


So I guess we are about to see who is in...and who is out...

Oh, I completely agree and I agree with why Monique did it. 


Candiace is just bound and determined though to burn any goodwill she had coming into this season though. This clip is such a bad look for her. But her victim act now is bad too so...


Oh, yes, I know the end of it. But the trip to getting there has been juicy for sure. Promo has been very on point and soapy to boot. 

And HOLLA!!! LOL!!!


I knew there were rumors they were bringing someone back from the past in some form. I had hoped for Jill, but I like Heather, too. I am sure she will bring a good balance to the cast, too. Can't wait.


And her husband is a cutie.


What little I know of I like. And it's great to have some diversity there...especially since she is following everyone online BUT Erika.




However, I don't have plans to watch next season until a miracle happens. 

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I really wish the construction workers knew the motto: 'if it's not broke, don't fix it.' The episode itself was as easy and breezy as the show has been this season. Now trying to watch it....CHORE. I will never understand how wireless tv works but too many on at the same time and it has playback loop error. Thankfully Andy Cohen likes to attach his show to the show so it was easy to make it through (and rewind) since it kept getting an error at commerical breaks so I got to skip those and keep with the episode. LOL!!!


And I start with LA VIVA LA DAME!!! I knew I would be heated with those hoes for coming for you. But I should have known...LA DAME VICTORIOUS!!! They thought they were going to keep on her neck. Well...THEY WERE GONNA LEARN TODAY!!! lol.


KAREN. I LOVE HER. Karen has really been the MVP this season so far. This is definitely her defining season. She ain't just words, hunni!!! She ACTS. Her words and her actions connect and they have been and continue to be understanding. And she is always fascinating to watch. And this episode gave so much (and while I am mentioning it...go watch the after show where she really goes in on Wendy...and T'Challa lol). You saw her with Ray and discussing their feelings. You saw her attempt to support Monique and Candiace. You saw her speak the truth to Candiace. You saw her gather Wendy all the way together. Karen is smart and knew why Wendy was there while her and Candiace talked. Wendy (like Karen said in the after show) was just there to try to check her and La Dame was not having it. Heck, La Dame looked like she was about to take a page from La Kane of AMC legend and pull a famous Erica Kane slap on her at one point. LOL!!!


Karen is just coming across so real for me. And I am going to say...REALLY, RAY!!!! I guess it makes sense. So the age difference was the problem with them. But...they have been together for 23 years. So I hope they can continue to grow since it is clear that Karen for real loves her man. I was happy to see in the end that he held her hand. I was about to go off at first when he pulled his hand away, but thankfully he finally grabbed it. I hope they keep at it and sees that while he might not like how Karen is changing, Ray will still love these new parts of her...which are just old parts of her developing more. She is still Karen. Just love her. Love is hard to find and he has it and hopefully won't just throw it away.


Meanwhile, I knew that comment was going to come back and bite her!!! I hope Monique talk to her before she jump to conclusions. Karen meant that IF IT WAS HER, not CANDIACE SHOULD PRESS CHARGES ON HER. YES, there is a difference in the two. I can't believe people are running with that. Ugh. Oh, well. I also loved La Dame reading Candiace. She did it in a friend way and good job. I simply wished Candiace had heard what she was trying to say. 1)She ain't a victim and her mouth got her popped 2)she is her friend 3) she is Monqiue's friend 4) who had Candiace back last year even when she was in the wrong so 5)who has Monique's back now. And most importantly 'Let me tell you something, Young Woman...' is code for 'let me get you together for thinking you were about to come for your Elder' and that was the tone Karen had and THAT sent me. 


Wow. 3 paragraphs on Karen. lol. Well I am about to sit down for some writing stuff after this. But this should show how important Karen has been...is...and CONTINUES to be. Call it the La Dame Effect!!!


I keep saying...this is La Dame's world and those heffas are just revolving around it.

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I look forward to Round 2 of Karen dragging Wendy some more next week. 


GIZELLE. I said it last night and I'll say it again. You know what Gizelle's storyline really needs? Mr. Chocolate's mistress. AKA Shady Phae Phae aka MS. PHAEDRA PARKS, ESQUIRE!!! Because there's nothing going on here. It just feels fake and phony. Why else would she had felt the need to start drama with La Dame over Ray's (old news now) tax issues? She need to focus on her own drama...or lack there of. Not to mention her fashion sense.


ROBYN. You know what? Some people after this week are calling her the Cynthia of this group. Some have also called her the Tara Mae...Terri DeMarco...uh...what is that girl's name? Something. You know...the boring one of the group. While Cynthia at least gives breathtaking looks after breathtaking looks, I see what people are talking about. I really enjoyed Robyn's solo scenes this week. Darn it if I have not been liking this wedding subplot in hindsight. I knew I was picking on it. But I have been enjoying the slow burn approach to it. It even humanizes Gizelle as she is doing something relateable...keeping a fun secret from her BFF...only time she appears like a human being with feelings in fact. But it's light fluff and I don't mind it. That brings me to why I like Robyn alone. She has really grown into her comedic timing. If she would just stay the goofy Mom she would be a hoot. It is when she is being Thing Number 2 that she loses me. And loved everyone shading the new wig. I mean...WTF



You just could not help yourself, could you? Ashley knew Karen did not tell Candiace to press charges on Monique. She said that IF IT WAS HER, she would press charge. There is a difference. But she just had to stir that pot just a little bit. Shame on her. I at least liked that she went to Monique's event. Remember...Motherhood Ashley > Season 1 Ashley. Don't make me regret warming to you this season, Girl. 


WENDY. BABYGIRL, NO, NO, NO!!! LA DAME AIN'T THE ONE YOU WANT, BOOBOO!!! And I see next week, you try it AGAIN!!! And La Dame is going to DRAGGGGG YOU again. She ain't the one you want. 

Cuz La Dame will let you know...and she started to...and she DEFINITELY DID on the aftershow...no, no.  And it is a shame really. I liked Wine with Wendy. I loved what she was saying. Especially with the election a week away (and I voted). I really have taken her words to heart because going forward, I will be watching what my local government are doing now in a way that I did not before. I am really interested in the Board of Education race here since I took a chance on a teacher though both of the nomination were intriguing. I really want education to do better. But let me not get distracted hehe, Wendy's solo scenes are sound. Her husband is FOINE!!! And I understand as Candiace's BFF, she will have her back, but she really is not being a good friend if she is not only not seeing Candiace's part in it, but she is egging it on which is why she went downstairs during Karen/Candiace's talk. She knows Candiace looks up to La Dame as the mother she does not have and will take La Dame's advice to heart. Can't have that since she clearly does not like La Dame (and the feeling is mutual). Clearly, she is using the fight to cause a wedge between the two. But hey...Wendy is already showing herself to be a hypocrite with the fight then so what is one more thing, right? Other than her solo scenes and family scenes, Wendy continued to be a waste of a spot. Sorry, not sorry.


CANDIACE. Le sigh. Honestly? I'm disappointed. She gained so much goodwill. She was trying to do better. And then in one moment (c) Gizelle Bryant...she lost it all. She has way too many people around her egging her on. But that means nothing if she herself won't take...I hate to use the word accountability...for herself. It's like those movies where artists become famous and find themselves surrounded by snakes buttering them up while meanwhile the ride-or-dies they had as they followed their dreams fall to the waysides because they are not saying what the artist want to hear, but are keeping it real. And that was what La Dame was doing with her. And she does not see it. And Karen reminding her of last year could also be seen as a warning of what will happen later on. As soon as Monique was done away with, the whole group (maybe not Wendy) would turn on Candiace. But she don't see that, her mama, Wendy, and Giz in her ear wanting her to stand up for something. And then that clip from next week just revealed for me that Candiace might have been playing games in the first place. Sadly...the game is now much too real that she has been countersued. 


MONIQUE. Well, she said this would be the journey back part. And so far, so good. Now that weeks have passed, she was doing what she had to. I loved that she invited the girls personally. Again, I would say listen to the after show for some tea on those calls.   Veeerrry interesting how Monique saw those calls and what she was doing vs how the others saw the calls and what she was doing. The only one who appeared true to that scene honestly was Wendy. I will give her that credit. Meanwhile, Monique's event was good soap for me. She was the one who said any question could be asked. So when that question about the fight came up...that looked real to me. I liked her reaction, too. It might be weeks, but the feeling were still raw. And it would be more so next week when she countersued...and that promo...ooooo...producers are doing good with that cuz even I would say Monique was ice. Understandable ice, but ice. And then her meeting with Ashley...I hope she does not take that the wrong way and her and La Dame can clear it up. 


Wow. So much to say for an episode that for me was as easy and breezy as the first set of episodes. I am liking that each week we get another piece of the fight puzzle. I suspect there is a reason for that. hmmm. I definitely over the group's attempts to ice Monique out. And meanwhile, she is over here taking lemons and making lemonade. But I am ready for the climax to this. And wondering about the coda to this now that the first peak (the fight) has come and is passing...


And in case anyone missed it...sounds like the reunion is filming this week and it will be IN PERSON!!!! Andy Cohen is taking questions. 





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@Taoboi I hope this ATL trailer drops ASAP. We know bits here and there but I’m still confused about the main focus because we don’t know the cast. So far on both trips you have the core four plus Marlo, Tanya (well only first trip for her), Shamea, Faylynn and Latoya. With 9 women I'm curious who has peaches, who is an official friend and who is just a guest. I want that cast photo more than I do a trailer lol. 

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