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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I thought the episode had a good mix with the Brawnyrn stuff being the drama...while Emily/Gina being fun out drinking.  

Plus, we got a nice family scene with Elizabeth and her kin (her backstory is interesting so far) and Kelly realizing she's parenting Jolie like her mom parented her.

And I liked how Shannon was happy thinking Brawryn was pregnant again before learning the reason why B wasn't drinking 


Lastly, Bravo is saving money since Tamra is causing trouble without being on screen.

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LOL yeah, she caused drama (and therefore kept storyline moving) and isn't even on the show... though admittedly I wish she were. I keep waiting for the "A" players to show up. Gina vs. Braunwyn is yawn. At least Shannon seems happier in life these days. 


Side note: Eddie is in my top 3 hottest House husbands. Jussayin'... 

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I wonder who tested positive! Eboni mentioned she did have Covid a few months ago. Of course everybody is going to think it’s Ramona lol. If it isn’t Ramona, you know she is going to go after whoever did get it since everybody accused her of being irresponsible. Glad they are safe though! So far the only show we know of where nobody tested positive is ATL which is ironic considering that city hasn’t shut down at all. Jennifer on RHONJ, Shannon on OC and now a mystery girl on RHONY. If you want, you could also include Dawn from Cheshire, but they filmed around her and didn’t shut down filming. 

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Thank you @Cat now I just need to figure out how to download these off YouTube. Indeed, I have long loved the OC finale music - it has this melancholic tone that's also hopeful that I will always love. The memories it conjures are the OC wives in seasons 3 - 5 as the credit crunch unfolded and they were all blissfully unaware of the financial carnage that awaited them. The BH music is based in more active strife - the clearest memory will be the Kim and Kyle limo fight. That song was practically made for that moment.

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I find it funny that with NY, I do live and can't follow, but LOVE it when I binge. With OC, I watch it live, doze off, watch it later and it's background music. But it's background music that you dance to a little bit as you clean or work on something. 


I think this new dynamic is still starting and it takes getting used to. But so far, I don't dislike it. Much. lol. But it's so wild that the drama starting out is Tamra-based and she's not even on the season at all or isn't main. Gone, but NOT forgotten.


EMILY. Sorry. Emily as Bone Collector < Emily the Nice Girl. She is just coming across as two faced to me. Yeah, I guess that should be not surprising since she's a lawyer, but it is. We know Emily after two years. She has wit. She should use her wit. No need to be...a mean girl. And that was all her and Gina were doing so far. If anything she was being OC's Robyn without having Robyn's comedic timing that is emerging on POTOMAC. She was even doing what Gina said like Robyn does with Gizelle. Uh...when did Gina become the IT girl? Yeeeeah...NO.


GINA. Might as well talk about her. GIrl, you are trying waaaaaaaaaaaay too hard to be Queen Bee. First of all, if anyone is going to be on this show without Vicki or Tamra, IT...WON'T...BE...YOU. There is fun messy and I don't find Gina's messy fun. Mean...not fun. Bruanwyn was being an adult and Gina was just searching for a moment. Sorry, BooBoo...that backfired. And next week doesn't look any better. Exciting to see, but Gina is no Vicki, Tamra, or even Gizelle. Then again, Gina does have Gizelle's fashion sense so there is that.


SHANNON. She is still coming across well. I liked seeing her working. I giggled at her thinking Braunwyn was preggers. She does appear to be off on her own island. It reminds me of Garcelle on BH. Both in a good way. 


KELLY. Meh. Non-event.


ELIZABETH. Like I said last week...she's is giving a Vicki 2.0. Again not a bad thing. Nice intro to her family and life.


BRAUNWYN. The target. Clearly. No wonder she does not want to tell the group yet that she is working on staying sober. I respected her for talking to Emily...even if Emily now seems to be undeserving of it. And I respect that she told Shannon someone who would understand that. And while she was being honest about Shannon mentioning Gina's house...it did come across as throwing her under the bus when she needs Shannon on her side. She is going to be on a tightrope for sure this season since Gina is bound and determined to be the star. And what does a star need? A rivalry!!!! So here we have Gina mad about Braunwyn mentioning her house. All of a sudden, Gina and Robyn...I mean Emily...want to talk about Braun's husband coming on to her. Rem. So transparent. So far, Braunwyn has been the adult in that rivalry, but it looks like that won't be the case next week. And it already looks like I would be Team Braun. Sorry.


So a solid episode. 


Onto a binge of RHOM Season 2...




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Well and now what's crazier is she's publicly announced she's seeing someone else, but has no plans to get divorced.  She never mentioned what the gender of her new relationship, but she said she's finally able to explore something she's never been able to before, so I'm guessing it's a girl and she's bi?  She seems to be all over the place right now.


Oh well nevermind, I guess she is out:



Edited by alwaysAMC
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