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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I would agree with this. I think Denise is problematic as a HW. I'm not sure she would have lasted next year because of her need to control the narrative. And let's face it, the Aaron stuff is a little bit crazy! 


OTOH, all the other HWs on BH are basically running production, and that's the problem. They have too much power because they can shut sh*t down and get things re-edited (or edited out) the way THEY want.


If there is one person who isn't necessarily doing that, it is Garcelle. She knows production did her dirty by cutting some of her stuff which would have contextualized certain situations. That's why she wearily gave one-word answers this reunion. She feels used and she is over it.


Similarly, I would argue that Denise blatantly lying at reunion -- and doesn't care who knows it -- is because she is done with production's agenda against her. So she is turning the tables on the whole system.


I feel like I am Team Denise partly by default. The Coven are acting like sleeping with Brandi and not 'owning up' to it is akin to the Watergate cover-up. It is not. That is why the entire viewing audience absolutely despise them.


I'm not sure if Bravo realise but what happened with BH this season and production's hand having been exposed... it's in danger of killing the RH franchises.

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I don't know, Cat. She might have lasted I would believe if the custody hearing that was going on with Charlie Sheen was over. But...we will never know now.


In any case...even though they are all different productions, there has been a LOT of peeking the behind the curtain with all the Housewives production this year so what can be real and what is not real is a question to be dissected for sure at this point. Just look at what's going down with Dorinda...not to mention the other members of the Coven...Sheana on VPR.


Now exposed, what is Bravo going to do with this because it was like I say and DaytimeFan...this is Frons's grip on the ABC soaps all over again...and that KILLS.




I am soooooooooo surprised no one has looked at the sneak peek for next week re: Ashley.

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 Her saving face or her revealing what ALL OF US already know about her and Michael. You decide.


I agree. re: the fight. The impression I've gotten from online, it isn't coming until the end of next week's episode. Kinda like how we aren't even getting the Michael stuff until next week really and they been advertising that for two episodes now. 


That said...the slow burn has started to...slowly set on fire.


KAREN. Love Karen. Love Drunk Karen. Loved how great she looked in her outfit when Ray arrived. Karen is Queen.


GIZELLE. I don't know why she had to sit in on Ashley and Candiace's talk when they had finally settled things between themselves. But I guess since it was growing well she made a good in-between since she's friends with both. It was nice to see she was not running around spitting all that tea, but instead had a private talk about what Michael did. Growth...?



Sitting over there, stirring the pot between Karen and Wendy. LOL!!! But other than that, she was just chilling. She ain't alone.


T'CHALLA. Our newest member had me hollering with all the subtitles. Love him...and producers. hehe.


WENDY. The things I would do to her husband. Just...mmmmmm...so darn foine chocolate goodness. Let me calm down. It's early in my morning yet.


CANDIACE. Is it really the apocalypse? I have been liking her clearly redemptive arc so far even in light of what's been going on behind the scenes. In fact, it makes what's on screen so confusing for me if I am honest. BTS, she appears sneaky, but remorseful to everyone but the victim aka Monique. But on screen...well...you kinda see why she is not toooo remorseful. She could do better, but she IS DOING. Period. But that is Monique's choice if she forgives her. And even with that, they would have to sit down and talk. And sadly it looked like communication completely broke down this week. Which is partly why the fight happened. 


BUT...Candiace definitely was showing that newfound growth last night. Pulling Ashley aside to show the text. Actually showing the text. Actually explaining what was up with the talk to the group and Monique (with Ashley having her back mind you). Disengaging from Monique trying to pick a fight with her over the Ashley stuff. Keeping her presence a minimum since her and Monique were not in a good place. And no, I didn't like what Monique said about her probably upstairs packing. While true (and kinda funny she knows her so well) it wasn't the fun shade it could have been.


MONIQUE. You know I love you...but...

Candiace told Ashley privately. They handled it. Ashley was moving it on. And then...you just keep doing too much to the point that Candiace did not even want to talk to you.


Again, it was a case for me of what was seen vs what I know was happening BTS. Lord, just typing that is giving me a headache because I feel like I'm saying that about all the Housewives shows now (when I really mean BH  ) and that has been taking away from my enjoyment. And I wondered if what was going on BTS (the rumor) was the reason why she kept making comments like we did this last year. Talking about Michael...or Chris? Subtle shade...not subtle shade? 


Then there's what was seen. Monique was doing too much. I could see being annoyed since she was the host. But once Ashley, Giz, and Candiace explained, she should have been fine. But...she wasn't. And that wasn't a good look on her. Then she kept poking the bear. Good for Candiace for disengaging and walking away. Monique was being messy.


Now...was she asleep or was she playing? I know I had a falling out with a good friend. In fact, I just talked to that friend a few days ago. We have only really talked once since he was in San Diego for business over the last 7 years because the falling out was that bad. And the last time we saw each other was like what happened with the sleeping person while I was Candiace saying good bye. But...sometimes you gotta part ways with friends who do not want you to grow. So I could see that there.


Overall, great episode and so much to digest for me. And next week will be fire.





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With Brandi claiming Heather Locklear received a cease and desist from Denise, I’m seeing more of those rumors of Heather joining BH (hinted at in this CD&N blind item). Heather reportedly hates Denise for hooking up with Richie Sambora right after (or before?) he and Heather divorced. I can imagine that Bravo would love to stick it to Denise by replacing her with an adversary who is an even bigger star. But with Heather’s personal problems, the last thing she needs is BH’s toxicity. 

The previews for this season’s Potomac have been persistently showing stuff happening two and even three episodes later. The show’s highly watchable, of course, so it’s not *that* annoying, but still...

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Agree Taoboi - great Potomac episode last night.  Karen drunk was hilarious and it almost felt like she wasn't aware she was being filmed so let herself go a bit.


I'm usually Team Monique, but last night I was not.  She needed to calm down.  Candiance finally did something right for once - she wasn't in the wrong in this situation.  I hope this isn't what leads to the big fight because I can't back Monique on that.

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I don't mind breaking the fourth wall sometimes. However, when it becomes so evident that production is setting things up, like you say, it mars our enjoyment.


Like Andy going after Denise about good friends vs. friendly, and then kikikis with Kyle and Rinna about the ace baby shower they threw him 2 years ago (well, technically Kyle threw it -- Rinna just took the credit). His bias is so evident.


In a period of two weeks we have at least 2-3 instances of cut scenes coming to light which were highly significant and rounded out our understanding of the respective shows. We are left wondering why are they cutting this stuff? Bravo may feel the viral-marketing nature of these never-before-seen leaks is whetting viewers' appetite, but I feel like it is eroding trust between fans and the franchise. Like, I am legit shocked about RHONY's long-time and usually balanced production team sitting on that John tea.


The Frons analogy is so accurate -- and worrying.

Edited by Cat
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 I actually would *LOVE* for Heather Locklear to join, but also hesitant for her sake and her health. But I absolutely adore Heather and would love to see her let loose, relaxed, and see her in a fun 'n friendly environment... until she has to deal with The Coven. Sheesh. If only it were 5-7 years ago when the show wasn't so ugly and toxic. 


The best scenario would be seeing Heather join, back in full force and healthy, and using it as a one-season wonder to boost her career back up, a la Garcelle.  Them Melrose/Models Inc gals can show 'em how it's done

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Ever since the VPR editor admitted Bravo dictates good/bad edits, we've been seeing more and more how Bravo will craft a dishonest narrative when it suits them. I think of the John/Dorinda/Tinsley/Scott stuff. Sonja brought up John playing game during the Tipsy Girl fiasco and it was quickly squashed. When the stuff with Dorinda and Tinsley went down, not one of the other housewives said anything. Bethenny "self-proclaimed truth teller" Frankel said nothing. You could tell when Tinsley started talking that Dorinda was scared. A better question: Why protect a housewife you think would physically harm a castmate? Why did it take a year to put Dorinda in her place? Was it just because Andy was offended by the "turkey baster" comment???? Did they really allow Tinsley to be systematically attacked just to keep Dorinda? That's despicable.




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Well, I'm on the (already mentioned) school of thought that they knew she would sink herself like a lot of older Housewives before her and allowed her to 'hang' herself. And that's exactly what she did. 


Agree on the John tea. It was written all over Dorinda's face which is what made that scene oh so juicy. She couldn't even hide it. It was there. She could not deflect because Tinsley FINALLY stood up for herself and wasn't backing down. She was caught.


Thankfully, I am happy that the producers of POTOMAC do not seem to have fallen into that yet. But the damage has already been done by the brand itself. Now one questions. And if I am questioning everything, then what is the point? At least the ladies of POTOMAC are real friends so that helps, but AGAIN so are the ladies of NY so I think you see where I am going with that.

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Exactly. Andy's bias. Which is why he should not be hosting. 


I double agree on the last few week's tea. And it would be one thing if it was minor scenes, but they have been scenes that had certain information for that season's storylines or some interesting tea. For example, there was another dropped BH scene from when Sutton had her event with Jennifer Tilly there and she gave some interesting information about acting and saw Season 1 Kyle out and about again and those mean girls being mean girls. And again, I have to mention the last season of RHOA where it was not a bad season, but it lost steam and felt unfinished...only for it to feel unfinished because some of the scenes that would have inform the season were in the LOST SCENES episode when it should have been shown in the season itself. It would have made the season more coherent. Same for the John scenes with Dorinda. 


I admit I am now getting curious if the Dorinda/Tinsley fight was filmed now. And is that why they cut this season's Leah/Dorinda fight at the Birkshires. Or even worse...they are going to show one (or both) of those fights at the reunion this week or next or in a...you guess it...LOST SCENE episode?


Yeah...I think the girls...mostly are OTT enough that they don't even need to be edited a specific way.


If it ain't broke (or is it?) Don't fix it. 



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I don't know how Denise could have come back.  She already has such a chip on her shoulder and Aaron is obviously not going to behave and Denise would never let the other women and production come for him a la PK.  The other women are totally blowing this out of proportion; everyone knows they don't give a f about Brandi . . . very early in the season after the fallout from Denise's pizza party, they decided they were gonna take her down.  Plain and simple.  This has Kyle's dirty hands all over it--SHE dragged in Kim and Brandi!  And Teddi, Erika, and Rinna gleefully cosigned.  Out of some really misplaced paranoia and insecurity, Erkia and Teddi felt Denise was coming for them . . . and then Brandi "confirmed" it.  (They all have reason to take issue with Aaron, though . . . and from experience, Erika does NOT play with the $h!t.  And she shouldn't.) Rinna, otoh, just sold the last bit of soul she had left to betray Denise and not be left out of this year's A story.  Really shameful, and I used to love her.


I loved Garcelle for Garcelle.  Admittedly, I don't think she was necessarily the best modern hw because she clearly didn't get very invested and she was mostly doing her own thing.  (Probably why she was so likable!  LOL)  She reminded me of the earlier seasons that focused more on the 'wives individually.  But it was disappointing at the reunion (so far) that she's letting the other women get away with their $h!t because she understands how the editing and production is . . . kinda against her, esp. with Rinna.  She's rolling her eyes instead of setting the record straight.


But this has been an eye-opening year with BRAVO to say the least.  As many have already mentioned, Dorinda/John/Scott/Tinsley is a big, if not the biggest, offender.  While it only cut out a scene of psycho drama from s11, not including it framed the s12 drama totally differently re. Dorinda's character, her relationship and breakup with John, and viscous feud with Tinsley.  Leaving that out was HUGE and I didn't think they'd do that for anyone except Bethenny.  It makes you see how much they can distort the story . . . and if Tinsely didn't finally blow this truth bomb, would it NEVER have come up???  LOL.


This kind of reminds me Teresa/Caroline on NJ.  When they went to Punta Cana in s3, Joe got in a fight with someone at a bar and Caroline's sons, Albie and Chris, started beating this guy up with Joe.  The guy sued them, the production company, and BRAVO.  While that was never brought up probably because of legal issues, it was obviously the real basis for Caroline starting to hate Teresa . . . and to this day no one can bring it up.  Ugh omg lol.

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That reminds me...Garcelle posted a tweet with the words 'plot twist.'


At the time, I thought she might have done that in response to Denise's leaving. But I've since seen her in interviews and it 'appears' that she might be back next season. So was the plot twist, the fact she decided to come back rather than leave when Denise leaves. 


And if so...knowing what she knows...would she be crazy enough and smart enough (and I thought Denise has played her hand extremely well which is why the Coven and production are oh so pressed at being outmanuvered) to come back specifically to try to take them down?


Things to make you go hmmm

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I also remember KAndi and Kenya in the speak on it talking about how Porsha admitted to lying and had said some things on camera while she was drunk. This was during the last season, and the editors didn't put it on the show. Of course, Porsha is now coming for Kenya because she feels safe in knowing Bravo will give her a positive edit. We all saw that Tanya had lied about the cookie lady and the editors had shaped the scene and the build-up to make it look like poor Tanya was so clueless and betrayed. 


When Bethenny 2.0 returned, they were constantly giving Heather a bad edit so that Heather talking about losing a nanny who had been with her hearing-impaired son for years became out of touch Heather complaining about having to take care of her son.


I suppose the editing doesn't work so much on me most of the time since I tend to dislike the people they protect (the coven, Bethenny, Teresa, Dorinda, Porsha, Stassi, etc.). The Tinsley stuff does make me dislike Sonja because she was so hateful to her, and she was there to witness what happened. She knew what was going on, and she also said nothing. She was still defending Dorinda even while Ramona and Luann knew the gig was up.

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Sonja obviously wants Tinsley to worship her because she “got her on the show.”  Lol.  What’s not funny is that Sonja actually believes that.  She’s delightful and I usually love her, but just because her publicist or whoever convinced her to reel in her rather psychotic delusions on camera, doesn’t mean she’s not still that way.  And she’s cute about it but she’s pretty scathing in her interviews and behind the others’ backs, which is something she hated about Carole. 

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