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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Thank you @Chris B... I just saw the clip and WOOOOOOOWWW. I remember that clip from last season trailer, but never knew that it never aired.


And WOW... Production were afraid for Tinsley's safety to the point that she couldn't even stay in the house with Dorinda.


This is just juicy. I might just have to stop my slow binge and watch the reunion tonight then. And Dorinda looked PO, but I don't think I have ever seen Tinsley so boss either with her. 


Just WOW.

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Ya this Scott/Tinsley/Dorinda/John tea is HOT.  I have a feeling everyone but Ramona will be too scared of Dorinda to go much further down this road in next week's installment.  There was also a trip to Dubai with the 4 of them + Carole & Adam that went very wrong that I bet somehow plays into all this, too.  I would love Carole's reaction to this Dorinda/Tinsley feud, but out of protection for Dorinda, I doubt Carole would give her 2 cents, as Dorinda wound up being such an ally to her.  And Carole got so much flack for denouncing Tinsley, but I think there was more to that now than Carole just being heartless . . . these shows all have more BTS drama and production shenanigans than we can imagine.  It's not just BH lolol.


Heather was on WWHL tonight and if it was an audition for season 13, she didn't do so hot.  Which is too bad, because I love her.

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I can't do it either. When Teddi LECTURED Garcelle that she should have pulled Rinna aside instead of putting her on blast in front of the group, I thought I was going to have an aneurysm. Isn't that what the Sanctimonious Pregnant One should have done with Denise? Honestly, I can't deal with the hypocrisy and the passive-aggression.


I too am inclined to believe that BAT has been asked back for her FOURTH SEASON (read that and weep). Because Bravo devoted a good +10 mins of this week's episode to Teddi talking about:


-being pregnant

-being boring and pregnant

-"Edwin didn't like the name Dove until he realized it was an emoji!"

-One of the kiddos got a finger sliced off.

-Did you know that a sliced-off finger should NOT be put on ice? Now you know.

-Denise talked behind my back, you guys! x 12


This Dorit story does not surprise me at all. Dorit always lands on her feet, and the fact that she is on vacation with Vyle illustrates to me just how fake and scripted this entire season has been.


Also, bless your heart for sweetly thinking Mauricio is selling Dorit's house! What he is actually doing is selling Sam Nazarian's house. Dorit is merely a renter. 

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FANTASTIC reunion thus far. I think meeting up face-to-face helped with that (even though the rug decor was horrific).


I admit it. Seeing Tinsley there, the RHONY group felt complete. She was fearless and confident and funny and it was the Tinsley I always hoped to see on the show itself. That BOMB she dropped about John was truly jaw-dropping. It's not like last season was stellar either, and this would have driven so much drama! Dorinda going gangster at John over the phone! Financial impropriety! Dorinda going beserk at Tinsley and production having to step in to protect her! This was drama for the ages, and Lord knows why production left that God-given opportunity on the cutting room floor, but it was to the show's detriment. Last night showed what could have been, and I am blaming both Dorinda (who obviously pulled rank not to have this aired) and Bravo for hiding this juicy gossip.


Sonja mentioned Ellen Barkin and suddenly all I want is Ellen Barkin on RHONY.

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Agreed, great reunion and bombshell.  But this makes me think, hasn't there been at least 3 scenes from NYC trailers with Dorinda that were eventually cut?  That one, one where she's holding a big wine glass, and then another where she's yelling... and then a Jill Zarin scene.  I don't understand why they cut so much out after they release a season trailer.  Seems odd.

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For real. That was a juicy nugget of info conveniently left off from the previous season. Afraid for her safety? Talk about a red flag. No wonder they (Bravo) were ready to part ways with Dorinda... a whole season later. 


That was an enjoyable Part 1 so far. Sonja looks amazing. LuAnn looks amazing. Ramona looks amazing. Leah's outfit was ugly as hell. Tinsley looked like a black swan princess. 


There was a little *too* much Leah love, but I do think she's a good addition to the show and should definitely return next season. That's pretty much a given. Otherwise, it's literally back to where they were before, with Ramona/Luann/Sonja carrying the torch as they did with the Season 5 overhaul. I'm hopeful Jill will return. And with Heather appearing on WWHL again, I would actually love if she returned too. I think that'd be an interesting dynamic, as I'm sure they'd play up a Jill/Heather rivalry since Jill once upon a time said Heather was Jill's Jewish replacement. 


Dorinda is a classic drunk. Deflect, deflect, deflect, and her number one target was Ramona. Everyone else is to blame, everyone else drinks just like her, other people have done way worse. I know she's a bleeding liberal, but she sure sounds like the current occupant of the White House. 

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Considering Dorinda tweeted that no clip existed, I think she thought they were not going to show the clip. Like what I understand happened with Leeann (didn't watch Dallas so may be wrong), Bravo must have been protecting Dorinda this whole time. I have never like Dorinda, but I realise a lot of people adore/adored her, but I think these sorts of housewives ruin the show. It's what has happened with RHOBH. If you're so afraid for a cast member's safety that you have her stay somewhere else, why are you allowing the other cast member to continue??? And what's even scummier is that the other women (minus Leah) knew about this and said NOTHING. Not even "truth-telling" Bethenny.

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It really was a golden opportunity missed. And it just shows how they protect some and expose others (i.e. Denise on RHOBH, for starters). 


Tinsley had no trepidation and gave zero effs because this is her last hurrah and I loved it. And I agree, it felt complete. It's too bad she can't stay, especially to help continue the link of Leah to the OG's. 


Side note: Yes, the warehouse set is a hodge podge of ugly. 


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They really spent the entire first segment dragging Ramona over her COVID etiquette. LOL. I do have to say though that I saw nothing wrong with her posting pictures of herself exercising and being happy with her family. Im more bothered by her flippant attitude when it came to social distancing and wearing a mask.

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Oh, lord...are they BOTH going to be to blame for this upcoming fight? Love Mo, but bad look here. And I actually get when Can is coming from. But clearly she should have went to Ashley first. Methinks seeing all the layers in this clip makes me think Gizelle must have done something. Which is also why Karen is no longer close to Giz currently.





And the Leah vs Dorinda scene at the Birkshires. Cut. And was in the midseason trailer.


I'll vouch. It is what happened to LeeAnne. But how the others went about getting rid of her was foul. Especially her BFF.


Right???? A day later and I am STILL  shocked. 


Someone mentioned online and I wonder now as well. Is that why TInsley got to leave early and got out of her contract because production feared for her safety and knew Dorinda was dangerous. Cuz she was still on contract, right? Is there a penalty? Etc.



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I don't relish writing this post...but in LVP gossip...


There are two gossip sites/blog sources that have always felt more reliable to me than most. Crazy Days and Nights and Deux Moi are these two sources and both have troubling things to say about LVP's financial circumstances. The reports are that her empire is crumbling and in tens of millions of debt. 


Anyone who knows anything of the restaurant industry knows that it runs tight and there is usually very little money left in the business on a monthly basis after all obligations have been paid and owners have taken their profits out of the business. That is how it works and is usually OK, but Covid-19 has gutted the restaurant industry, with a particular emphasis on destroying the high end restaurant industry where the point is to see and be seen. 


The Deux Moi report is that none of the restaurants are reopening and that Tom Tom has been struggling financially. My sincere hope is that LVP has protected her personal wealth and that these business debts don't ruin her. 


This site summarizes the Crazy Days and Nights and Deux Moi reports:



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