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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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A deckhand on Below Deck got the boot for a racist tweet but it occurred recently. Also a few people from Vanderpump Rules had some older issues of racism. 
Maybe Candiace and Gizelle wI’ll have some kind of fallout for their part in Moniques rumors. Monique mentioned that Charisse was invited by Candiace not production.

Im not a big fan of bringing stuff up from years ago but I don’t think Candiace has changed much if at all.

Edited by Chatty Cakes
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I cannot wait to see Denise bring out those claws tonight.

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Definitely explains that video Karen posted a few days ago where she was warning about Gizelle and commenting on the Gizelle/Monique 'friendship.'


I think it is well known how much I dislike Ashley and thought she got what she deserved last season (and a rival in Candiace), but after listening to that video I can admit...I see her in a new light. Even so far other than the dinner, motherhood seems to have soften her. Not too much, but enough. Echoes of Porsha who I started to like against my better judgment and then motherhood has completely changed her...right down to her living her grandfather's legacy. Perhaps Ashley will have the same redemptive season. We'll see. I am open.


Same. if I was indecisive coming in...I think going forward I'm Team Monique. And DUH always Team Grande Dame.



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I have thrown in the towel on this season of BH. I just don’t like these women.


Finished S8 of NYC and it’s definitely a top 3 season with S3 and S7. Maybe even ahead of S7 tbh. Thought Jules definitely deserved another season, and she had the drama to support it. I grew to enjoy Tinsley, but I would have preferred Jules. Loved her snuggling and comforting Sonja throughout the reunion.


What a beeyotch Bethenny was to that whole couch (Jules/Sonja/Dorinda/Luann) during the reunion. Dorinda went laid waste to Ms. Frankel several times.

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Meeeeow Denise snapped on some singer's daugther.


And 3 for 3...this time GARCELLE told Kyle to let her finish. LOL


OH, SNAP!!! Garcelle is bringing up what she said in last week's TH about Lipsa TO HER FACE IN FRONT OF THE GROUP!!! 


WOW...LIPSA is really FAKE.


And Now Garcelle is taking on Dorit. lol.


Edited by Taoboi
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Beverly Hills is getting tiring. The Brandi aspect of the Denise drama isn’t fun for me. I don’t care about the affair or focus on it. Also, as Denise said, when is enough enough? They keep saying she’s running away or shutting stuff down, but they’ve talked about Denise to death! What more is there to say?! Then next weeks promo looked terrible with Teddi’s baby shower, Brandi back and no sign of Garcelle and Denise. I’m ready for the reunion so we can move on. 

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As a viewer I really feel like I am missing something in this whole Denise drama. Rinna has really been targeting her this year and it was quite evident from early on in the season. I also feel like their conversations are skirting around something. The Denise/Rinna conversation in this episode about the dinner the night before seemed odd. I really feel like something else must have happened that was not shown on TV or happened off screen because Rinna's reaction/attitude has just been so strange this season.

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Yeah, life’s too short for me. My BH watching has been sketchy for years for this reason. Too much focus on trivia, and I find most of the cast unwatchable. I’ve sort of also lost interest in NYC this season, especially after watching the great S8.


Meanwhile, Potomac has real drama and goes from strength to strength. It really hasn’t made a step wrong since the end of S1 after a slowish start. I’m living for the Potomac ladies‘ social media right now.


I’m also crushing on Monique’s gay brother:



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After watching it twice, sleeping on it, and more thought...even though I said my favorite moments above, I find agree with the rest above and find myself of two minds.


I know that I've said that I stand by the belief that since we have been back that there has been a shift. It was clear that Kyle was about to get her overdue takedown. With LVP gone, Kyle was no longer hiding her hand...nor her moves. That was why she got checked. The other parts of the Coven did no better. Terry wanted to be a mini-Kyle. Lipsa was definitely coming for that crown. And Erika was even more irrelevant than TinaShay. 


Then we had the break and BOOM Kyle back to playing victim when she was clear on her way back to being Season 1 Kyle. Erika tried to have a personality in talking heads. The Coven out in full force. All of a sudden it was about Denise worrying about her image with them when that was not what the narrative on the show was SHOWING. 


But that hits it on the nail right there. And as a author...and most authors know this and as soap fans we also know this...it is about SHOW, DON'T TELL. Telling is LAZY work and soap fans in particular can sit there and see TELLs a mile away. 


So it's clear for sure like someone suggested online that probably a producer pulled Kyle aside and told her how she was looking since we all know that girl ain't self-aware. Same for the others...or Kyle herself told the others. People have been dragging them forever and a day online and they haven't changed, but double down. So why they wanna change now...especially since I feel this is all pre-cease and desist?


It's clear they are trying to control the narrative now...like with that producer that pulled Denise aside last night. Interesting since when Kyle did THE SAME THING at the start of the season, no one told her to come back. You would think Denise was being Nene and not what she actually was THE VICTIM.  And it was this very tactic...controlling the narrative which is what made last season suck.


On the OTHER hand, I did like the episode EXCEPT FOR THE END. Why? Because it could not be more obvious how fake everything after Denise and Garcelle came was. It didn't ring true. I understood it, but no. It was not right. And then we have them back on this NEXT week. Just...no. It coming back up next week means that Denise and Garcelle have EVERY right to take all those heffas down in my opinion.  Sad cuz last week's episode was much better showing off Rome...which I wanted to see...cut scenes and all and let's be clear...SCENES WERE CUT. Go back and look at the trailer.

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  Hint: 'this is how we roll...' This reminds me of the season when the girls with to Abu Duabi and AT THE SAME TIME the Real Housewives of Melbourne were there AT THE SAME HOTEL and their trip was so much more fun from what clips I've seen and they still had fun with the drama while the BH girls could not even enjoy it at all. Night and day.


I think like last night like Garcelle I was over it. And it's time for the reunion where it all gets laid out. A lot of the things that the Coven said didn't happen has been happening in terms of people like Denise, Garcelle, Sutton bring up issues or confronting people on it and they want to play selective amnesia. Something you CAN'T really do at a reunion. So I need our girls to put those witches' feet to the fire. 


There is a reason why the episode count was cut...not because there was no good footage (the official reason given)...it was because they looked back and are trying to control the narrative which like last season is killing the show.


Now as for the episode itself...


GARCELLE. Let's just say this right now...QUEEN. She got everyone together and I LOVE every minute. My favorite was her Kyle to let her talk. The edge in her voice. That 'don't you start, bitca' tone she had to it and Kyle turned into a little mouse with her 'i'm sorry.' YOU SHOULD BE, HO. Kyle was sitting there letting Lipsa think she was going to run over Denise and smirking and Denise and Garcelle WAS...NOT...HAVING...IT. Kyle thought she was keep the talk on the attack and Garcelle got her together REEEEAL quick. Same with her confronting Lipsa about Intrgram dancing. Interesting since Lipsa was all about how Garcelle had not confronted her before last week...ONLY for it to be revealed that Garcelle did it MONTHS ago. And yet Lipsa is online coming for her. Fans of Lipsa (yes, she has them it seems) were doing the same. Garcelle told them she did. Now we the fans have the PROOF. So Lipsa has been fake online for WEEKS. And is STILL doing it. So fake. And even has Amelia showing up next week to talk about it with her. STILL fake. In any case, I loved Garcelle had Denise's back and still had her own opinions and thoughts about the whole thing. But you also saw she was about to step out at one point and drag that whole table at the end cuz they were bringing the bs. I wish she had, but I understood why she left the table to collect herself. Due to personal stuff, I think that is a tactic I need to learn to do this week before I drag folk as well. Also loved her chin check of Dorit.


SUTTON. She was coming through with the one liners. And there was one at Lipsa that I hollered at. A joy this episode.


ERIKA. Why are you even here? She was clearly uncomfortable riding with Garcelle, Denise, and Shanna. And then she wanted to be offended at the 'mean girl' comment and she wanted to be a dog with a bone about the 'cold' comment. Why do you even care when that is the image that you try to cultivate. And clearly Aaron truly got you all the way together given she now flinches every time his name pops up in conversation. So honestly in my Eileen Davidson Season 5 reunion voice...STFU.


KYLE. How people don't see...or do they since the reunion has not aired yet...how this trick is manipulating everything is beyond me. She was smirking at dinner like the cat who ate the canary as Lipsa went in and Wannabe Relevant Chick though she was going to do a mini only to get checked by Garcelle and Denise snapped on that wannabe. Then Lipsa and Denise pats things up and she was clearing trying to wind Lipsa up before the last dinner. They were FINE. For all the picking I've done on this right here in this post, I felt that Denise/Lipsa scene other than the tears was genuine. But Kyle had to wreck. Then Denise reminded your husband-don't-want-you-know-that behind that you don't get to have selective amnesia on her was GOLD. 


TOPANGAWANNABEHO. There's this movie...SINGLE WHITE FEMALE. Go watch it.


DORIT. I did love how she was the peacemaker. And who would have thought? lol. But at the last dinner...yeah...I was like Garcelle...not there with that bs of them being offended at being told the truth about themselves.  They ARE mean girls. and as a wise British woman would say...OWN IT, OWN IT!!!


LIPSA. THIS TRIFLING HEFFA. YOU KNEW. YOU KNEW GARCELLE HAD TALKED TO YOU. YOU KNEW. And the fact that she's been online acting like she never knew and play victim and coming for Garcelle...who she knows she don't want...is shady at best and fake at worse. But she did a lot of that last night. Be fake. And those crocedile tears. While I felt the scene was genuine, girl, stop. You are just mad that each and every time she tried to go attack dog on Denise, Denise verbally slapped the 'dog' right back down. Thus, the waterworks. Another tactic. HOWEVER, I do feel Denise got through to her...until Kyle winded her back up. However...she is no one's friend and there is nothing in real life so bad that she gets to use to treat people the way she is treating them. And no, LIPS, you don't get to use the word 'bully.' No one bullied you mean girls last year. They called you out on attacking CONSTANTLY a woman who lost her brother AND her mother. Throughout last night...just fake.


DENISE. Glad that Bravo just posted that first part of the last dinner last night. Cuz...her claws came out!!! And I lived for it. And the funny thing is...I felt she was still being nice. She was being how Monique on POTOMAC has been this week. They have been attacking by this point for MONTHS. Again, this was still when she was in the courts with Charlie Sheen and trying to choose her words. But given that she came on this trip and they kept attacking her, she answered their question rather than telling them to mind their own business, and not reading them for flith, it was her right to speak her truth...which lest we forget was THE TRUTH. Something they were not used to hearing given how upset they got over the words 'mean girls.' #truthhurts I forgot that Kyle had lied to her face and said she was not attacking her. And I'm with Denise. Oh, really. Did we forget the first half of the season? That selective amnesia again. Just...no. And I know she did not let Lint try to twist that narrative. She told the truth. She answered the questions...in a way that a person would when they want to leave and not be around people who clearly don't like them so relatable. And actually called them out on their own shortcomings. They don't want to face them. Sucks to be them. If it was me, I would have walked off and talked to them later. But I do get Garcelle and the producer's point she should finish it and why. That said...I would have read all of them, but again...she was probably thinking about the court case. Loved her snapping at the start of the episode on Twig. Now THAT, Lipsa, is how you go attack dog on someone. It was clear how much she was over that leaf. She also got Lipsa all the way together and I also liked that as well.


At this point, it should be over. But here comes Brandi again. 




Is there any reunion footage yet? Cuz I think even I am growing exhausted with these tricks. 



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Agreed. First, they gangbang (©VickiGulvanson) on Denise for the children-hearing-about-threesomes debacle, and now this. This brood of witches love to attack, attack, attack relentlessly on one single person. 


@Taoboi Excellent write-up as always. 

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I love that we saw Garcelle talk about Taylor McBride's online Instagram dancing, debunking Billie Reed's claims lickity-split.  And I loved that Garcelle checked Kyle. 


Ugh, the rightfully given "Mean Girl" label and turning it into an attack on them. They sure know how to deflect. They know the game and it's obnoxious as fukk. 


Pretty Old Mess acting all offended for being called cold again. Whatever. 


Ugh. Tammy. 


More fake exasperated shock faces from Kyle, Rinna and the gang next week as the talking blowup doll reveals more secrets, giving Charrisse a run for her money on desperate ex-housewives vying for their old spot back. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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I too am finding this season exhausting. It started out with relative promise and then The Break happened and the tone of the show changed as @Taoboi has described perfectly. In the end, it all comes down to Kyle and the producers giving her intel on how she's coming across on camera and her desperate need to be 'liked' by the viewers of the show. But it's all fake. And nobody likes a fake.


Denise is the contrast to Kyle and it must really bother Kyle that Denise, like her other nemesis LVP, is not afraid to just call out what's going on (LVP's mistake was waiting till her last season to do so, but we have GOODBYE KYLE as our souvenir for that). I really liked that Denise didn't try to act all sweet and nice. She went for some of these women and laid out her issues with how they have treated her. That's real. That's putting the Real in Real Housewives, and it's what I'm looking for.


Once the producer intervened and had Denise go back to the table the narrative changed yet again as the women faked their way through a 'fun' dinner. Pathetic and not believable in the slightest based on what we see next week with them digging Brandi's story up from the grave. These women clearly hate Denise and some of them appear to hate Garcelle (I don't think Erika, Dorit or Sutton are against Garcelle at all - it's Kyle, Kyle's irrelevant stalker, and Rinna who don't like her and they will cross her at their peril).


Erika continues to be incredibly irrelevant but it's not been a damaging season for her. Unless she needs the money, I'd be exiting if I was her.


Dorit and Sutton are both contributing to the lightness and fun of the show and I don't know how this season would have survived without them. They are, to my mind, the two most deserving to hold diamonds, aside from Garcelle and Denise.


Rinna is ruining the balance of her career by continuing to do this show. And yes, she's 57 so there's probably not much left in the balance of her career given the ageism so prevalent in Hollywood, so I get why she goes for broke in trying to be as much of a lightning rod on this show as she possibly can...but the QVC business could theoretically carry her for decades, yet I cannot imagine the buying public isn't turned off by some of this behaviour. It's so clear she lied about Garcelle. I'd also just point out I really noticed what appeared to me to be the telltale sign of a facelift when Rinna was not wearing makeup in the scene with Denise. Go back and look at how her ear met her cheek. It's interesting to see how much 'work' is done to just look good in makeup, rather than with a bare face.

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Same, and was about to post the same idea. Can't believe I'm rooting for Dorit, but hey, maybe we'll get to see her come home to an eviction notice one day!  In addition to being neutral for the most part, calling out Alicia Sanderson Edwards (that was Kyle on Little House... admittedly, I had to google that sh.t) multiple times has improved my opinion of her. 

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