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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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They were playing a game and Andy asked the following, which Garcelle said Kyle:


  • Who would she not want to be quarantined with 
  • Who has the biggest ego

I think Garcelle said that Kyle wasn't the warmest to her either upon arrival if I am not mistaken. 


Garcelle is NOT here for Kyle.


Kyle thought she was gonna be the Queen after LVP abdicated the throne. Wrong! Garcelle is about to snatch the crown. 

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I've been making Our Lady Underground (A reference to her recurring appearances on the just ended series THE MAGICIANS) so I feel you on that Jamie Foxx reference. Fans she does have. And probably about to get a whole lot more.


And the perfect thing to watch since I have 10 minutes before I watch the premiere in real time.

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Okay so I watched RHOBH. It's quarantine. I was desperate.


I was underwhelmed at alleged huge "iconic" last few minutes were. None of that surprised me at all. But I'm here to see Denise win and come out swinging.


Are we at all surprised that Erotika Lame was a stripper? I'm not. And I don't fault her at all for it. She should have embraced this part of her story a long, long time ago.


The tension between Dorit and Kyle was palpable and I actually liked/agreed with everything Dorit said about Kyle slapping her name on a fashion line. Kyle is still the whiney drama queen that she's always been. I pitied that fashion show producer having to deal with Kyle's histrionics. 


I loved seeing a glimpse of Faye. I liked Garcelle as well - anyone who doesn't like Kyle has a sterling quality in my book. Stratton...hmm...in my opinion, which is not based in fact and therefore cannot give rise to a claim for defamation, she has a drinker's gut. The stomach on her with those skeletal arms.  


Rinna and the crown...I totally agree with @NothinButAttitude production, had they been smart, would have not mentioned LVP even once. But she looms large over this show. 

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Okay. I am GLAD I held off on seeing the ending.




All I can say is...all right, Denise Richards, let those fake hoes know...




Bonus...yep...looks like Garcelle will stay Team Denise and let them know it.

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ETA: I liked the song playing over Denise sitting down btw. If that means Kyle isn't getting 'the crown,' I am all for it. 

Edited by Taoboi
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@DaytimeFan, I feel like the constant reminder of LVP will only result in production crawling to her to return. Same thing happened last year on ATL. Kenya was brought up repeatedly throughout the season and it resulted in her return. Same with Nene and Sheree. Or Bethenny on NYC. 


With big personalities like that, once they are gone, you can't keep bringing them up. Otherwise, you (production and Bravo that is) do damage to the remaining cast and eventually have to go crawling back to the woman you wanted gone. 


Had I been on the production team, I would've slapped a gag order on the entire forbidding them from even bringing up the slightest thing consisting of LVP. It would've been as if s9 didn't even happen. 

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They literally had LVP's voice playing over Rinna putting on that crown. Like the kind of flashback voiceover that they'd do on Y&R between Kay and Jill. I could hardly believe it. Rinna literally has no storyline, and hasn't for years, so I wonder where she's meant to be headed this season.

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The Beverly Hills premiere was *excellent*! This was on par with the fabulous season 5 reboot and felt more like the glory years. You can tell by the flashbacks they through out a lot of footage, but it seems that they picked the right starting point and will likely have momentum to carry the season.


The Newbies - Both Sutton (who it pains me isn't an official HW) and Garcelle are EXCELLENT casting choices. Sutton's husband must've really done a number on them because she dominated her scenes. I love that neither felt like any of the former HWs and they brought something new to the table. Sutton as the ultra rich Southern Belle fit in perfectly. I had no idea she was so wealthy until I saw her house tour and seeing her shop in the Dolce apartment was pretty epic. You could see Lisa Rinna seething. Now Garcelle I have always liked, but I didn't know how well she'd fit in with these ladies. She was very funny, GORGEOUS and seems very strong willed. She will be just fine. I also live for how opinionated she is and how she stands in it. If yall didn't watch WWHL I highly recommend it. She does *not* like Kyle lol. 


Erika and Dorit - I find both useless most of the time, but they were more open and natural in this premiere. If they can keep this going then I can get behind them again. I particularly liked the shade Dorit was throwing at Kyle. I'm curious if Kyle will find out and how she'll react to that. I thought it was very cute when Erika called Tom for legal advice.


Lisa Rinna and Kyle - I feel out of everybody they felt the most stale. Rinna hasn't had a storyline probably since season 6 or 7. Without Kim and LVP she has very little in terms of natural story or relationships to contribute. We know she wants to stay and is totally acting so I'm sure she'll weasel her way in by being nosey. Kyle has just become so bland. Being the last one standing is pure luck, but she is just there as a glue to hold the show together. I don't expect much from her either.


Teddi - Why is she still there?


Denise - I feel this is going to be a breakout season for her. Viewers hate a gang up and regardless of what may or may not happened with Brandi, I think it reflects more poorly on her to reveal this, clearly out of desperate for a Diamond. I hope that Denise remains strong and ends this season on top. I love the natural and laid back quality she brings. She's a scrappy person, but seems kind. I look forward to seeing her relationship with Garcelle develop.


All in all they set the stage well. The end with the flash forward was well edited, but I don't even want to think about that just yet. We know that we're *weeks* from that. We probably won't even seet hat until episode 15 or later. I'm more invested in seeing how Sutton and Garcelle continue to shake things up. This has really been a great year for Bravo when it comes to new HWs. 

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When Garcelle was announced as a newbie last year, a few people on this thread called it that Kyle might not 'warm' to Garcelle. Because we know who Kyle is.


Kyle may want to to reinvent herself as 'wealthy fashion maven' who moves house every season and buys Chanel. But at her core, she is still the same envious, victim-playing, passive-aggressive 'ultimate Becky' (quoting a friend here) from season 1. I'm sure Garcelle clocked that right away.


I seriously have this visual of Kyle getting threatened by Garcelle's happy confidence and saying "OMG you are acting so intimidating towards me right now" (voice rises into tearful squeak). 


I've been looking forward to Garcelle since last summer and am excited to watch and comment on the episode later. I was bummed Bravo kept her hidden all these months, but it looks like they timed her interviews with the premiere this week and that was a wise choice. She is dominating a lot of BH talk on social media (in a good way).


How did Andy seem with Garcelle? You can usually tell when he likes a HW.

Edited by Cat
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Devastating news. I heard the baby's organs are being donated so as to help other newborns in need. 

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I will always remember that car ride to college Kara took with Jeana and a scared friend in the back who looked like he wanted to jump out of a moving vehicle when Jeana lost it with Kara's driving 5 hours in.


In more recent seasons, Heather had a fancy party, and Kara was there, attempting to repair the divide between Jeana and Tamra after Jeana took Simon's side in the divorce.

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I thought Garcelle and Sutton were strong additions.  They have strong personalities.  Similar to Leah on NYC.  This is a good year for new housewives.  Usually I find them duds or they take awhile for me to warm up to, but not these girls.


I haven't liked Erika in years, but it was nice to see her open up a little and be normal.


Kyle was embarrassing last night with the mismanagement over and lack of understanding of how to do a fashion show.  Yikes.

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Yeah I was surprised at how much I liked Sutton. She’s very eccentric in a fun way.


I totally expected to like Garcelle. She and Erika seemed like fast friends, but I wonder how long that’ll last.


Teddi remains useless.


I wonder how the ratings were. The  show was trending No. 1 on Twitter, which I know rarely correlates to actual viewership.

I imagine Rinna would gloat if a LVP-less show went up in the ratings (probably more due to coronavirus keeping folks at home, if so).


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