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As much as Teresa is a fool, as others have alluded to, Melissa’s behavior has become a bit Lisa Rinna-ish but only slightly more covert. This is her freaking sister-in-law she’s trying to take down. It’s not like Melissa’s that interesting outside of her Gorga connections.

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I dunno, folks. Teresa was guilty. It was written all over her face. The fact she said "I hope they don't use this" in regards to the producers, then flipped off the cameras and went storming off shows she knew she was guilty and was hoping the show would save face for her sake.  I don't think Melissa was trying to take down her sister in law because all she could go off of was hearsay, but Teresa confirmed Danielle's allegations. Even Margaret came to Teresa's defense and said Danielle was lying until Teresa's reactions proved otherwise. 


Oh, so NOW Teresa is done with Danielle... convenient. 


The trip to Italy was sad to see, but not unexpected. 


I don't see Marge/Melissa/Jackie trying to "take down" Teresa at all. Certainly not in a BH fashion. They know the show is done without Tre. 

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Wow, Tre.  Lol.  This show has evolved into something very nice--it's not the life-destroying, scum bag stuff that came to define this show... but it's not just fluff, either. The women are equally contemptible and super relatable.  Even the newbies are satisfyingly complex... Jennifer is a thirsty tryhard who lives in a disgusting wealth bubble, but that's balanced with her really lovely, relatable family life.  And Jackie is a sour puss killjoy who also seems to be crippled by her privilege, but those eating disorder scenes are raw.  This show is very well-rounded and Danielle brings the crazy housewives drama (don't know how they're gonna make due without that next year).


But the vets remain problematic... Tre is Tre at this point, I guess.  And I LOVE Dolores, but she can be very unreasonable and angry, and it goes unanswered for.  And I can't help but think Margaret has some hardcore shady life stuff happening that's not brought to light.  And when is Melissa's day of reckoning gonna come?!?  For whatever reasons, Jacqueline, Caroline, and KATHY & ROSIE are keeping quiet about her... but I hope Danielle will finally tell all at the reunion.

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How did they all turn this around on Danielle? Danielle shouldn’t have mentioned that Teresa was a part of it? She ended her friendship with Danielle because she wanted Danielle to take the fall all by herself, that’s bullish.it.

Danielle absolutely should’ve been made a HW by now. The producers clearly hate her. Last season was all about Danielle and they didn’t even give her a single talking head.

Edited by Antoyne
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It's mind blowing.  But Teresa and Danielle becoming friends after seasons 1 & 2 was... I can't even articulate how WTF that was.  Danielle is stupid again, though, for leaving and letting them off the hook essentially.  She foolishly thinks she's set with Marty's house and she'll use Housewives to launch a successful cooking career.  She won't and she'll be as desperate as she was in seasons 1-2 until she married Marty.  I think Danielle is certifiable, but I feel bad for how down and out she always becomes.

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Oh, I'm not denying that Teresa was guilty. The footage is there for everyone to see. Teresa is highly threatened by Marge's popularity. I guess I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to the RHs! I assume people are strategizing behind the scenes, and I don't trust Melissa when she acts like the innocent bearer with bad news. I feel like she would love for Teresa to be in the doghouse while she comes out smelling like a rose. Perhaps BH was the wrong analogy. Maybe more OC? 

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Reunion should be good, especially now that Margaret knows Teresa hates her guts.


Agree with all this. And Kathy & Rosie got thrown under the bus by Melissa & Joey. I wish they would spill the beans!


Enjoyed the finale a lot. Sala Consilina took me back to that great episode in S2, and the girls clearly adore their father. The main reason I want Teresa to stay on the show is because I love to watch her family. I even enjoyed that mini season 'Teresa Checks In' when it was all about the dawters, and littke Milania was wielding that shaver over Joe's hairy back like a pro, lol.

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Love her or hate her, Teresa is Jersey. None of this cast is really all that interesting enough except maybe Jennifer, to carry the show without her, especially not Melissa and her fake storylines every season. The Gorgas have tried to supplant Tre as the stars ever since they came on the show behind her back but it’s never going to work.

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I actually enjoyed Melissa pretending to run Envy because it usually meant Kim D would be showing up on her broomstick to announce that she was selling surplus Envy stock at an 80% discount, lol.


@DynamiteKiddo had a great point about the Jersey HWs exhibiting the bad side of their characters with the good. Danielle is no exception. I feel bad for the constant rejection/banishment from her friendship groups. However, the reason she gets rejected is because she is a loon who demands that her friends be utterly devoted to her 24/7. She must be exhausting to deal with.

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LOLOL about Kim D.!!!!!


I think Danielle is a psychopath--she well proved that in s2.  But there is something SO tragic about her.  I do think that she experienced really deep pain at losing Jacqueline in s2 and she was bullied by Dina (the real b*tch on this show), Caroline, and Teresa... but she mishandled everything, including sorta kinda threatening to KILL them at some point.  OMFG lol.  But I question her authenticity since her return.  She's had real moments come through a lot, but she's definitely playing for the cameras.  But the Marge falling out has been like watching a multiple car crash with fatalities on the freeway.  Wow.  There is more to Margaret than HW is showing.

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How does Teresa encouraging Danielle to physically attack Margaret become Melissa's fault? Teresa did it herself and she thought because the show's built around her that she wouldn't get called out (which I think is more telling than anything in the finale). Melissa did the right thing as a family member and a castmate. Teresa needed to be exposed publicly and definitively. Teresa blames everything she's done on someone else (her husband, her brother, Jacqueline, Caroline, Danielle, etc.) but it was her arrogance, violence and stupidity that got her in trouble from the beginning. If Melissa were salivating, good for her. Teresa is on a reality show and it's Melissa's job to call her out in front of everyone else since it happened in front of them. It's about time Teresa was brought down to size. I've only been watching since the hair pull (watched first two seasons), but it's obvious these women are afraid to confront Teresa about anything because they'll lose their place on the show. 


I doubt I'll watch next season. I don't enjoy the show that much. Bill is more entertaining to me than any of these women. Jennifer tries way too hard and she's just obnoxious in a fingers on chalkboard way (she's offended by Joe's comment, but she's constantly attacking Jackie over blow job jokes.). Jackie seems like she's on a more realistic reality show rather than the NJ housewives. Dolores was too much of a yes woman to Teresa, and her love life is bizarre and not in a good way. Margaret is fine but she tries too hard to be funny. I don't mind Melissa, but I dislike baby storylines. Teresa is just Teresa. I had also forgotten just how sour of a presence Joe G. is. Never liked the a-hole, but the Cohen interview and the finale were enough of him. Hope he stays in Italy.

Edited by chrisml
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There *is* something deeply tragic about Danielle. As we learned in S1 and S2, Danielle has been rejected all her life, and she probably counts her Sicilian teenage mother giving her up for adoption as the first rejection. I will always remember when Danielle found out her birth mother died before they could ever meet. It felt like such a blow on top of everything else Danielle was going through -- the Manzos, Lauritas and Giudices essentially made her a pariah in Franklin Lakes, while Kims G and D hastily switched teams to join them.


Danielle desperately wanted acknowledgement that she had been wronged, and the other women were never going to give that to her. But I think the most powerful visual I remember from her early seasons was Jacqueline Laurita (no innocent bystander) taunting Danielle to come out from the car. This was just after Teresa had chased Danielle through the Posche fashion show and Ashlee had yanked her weave out, and it was a chilling moment. 


As for the Marge, I love her wit, smarts and moments of empathy, so I'm pretty much drinking the Kool-Aid as far as she is concerned. But Bravo's got me questioning everybody's true intentions on these shows! Obviously these women are actual real people, multifaceted and complicated, so they can't always fit a one-dimensional heroine mould. I do wonder if there is more to Marge than we are shown, though, and when the mask will start to slip. 


@chrisml I don't think anyone was blaming Melissa for what Teresa did. That is all on Teresa. She has acted this way since S1, stirring people up against a common target. What I was saying was that I think Melissa was lowkey happy to broadcast this nugget of information for her own ends.

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There are a lot of online people blaming Melissa for daring to even bring it up which I think is ridiculous. I understand Melissa gloating since Teresa has been such a holy terror. If Bravo is consistent, Teresa will sit out episodes the same way Nene did for attacking a member of production. I doubt that will happen. 

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I’d get rid of Jackie and bring on one of their real friends. And if Melissa can’t come up with a real storyline instead of these fake ones she keeps making up, then I’d make her a friend of.

Regardless of Teresa’s guilt, Melissa is still a fame hungry snake. She literally came on the show without telling Teresa, bashed her at every chance she got, and wormed her way into all of her friend’s lives. People like to pretend that sh.it never happened but I’ve never cared for her. She did that stupid On Display song her first damn season when no one even knew who she was.

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Aren't all housewives fame hungry snakes? Isn't that a prerequisite? Hasn't Teresa's guilt and unchecked ego been the point for years? For me, I think it would be hypocritical and ridiculous of Teresa to complain about any of the above considering all the stuff she's done. Teresa sells her daughters' pain for a paycheck. That to me is scummier than anything Melissa may or may not have done.

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