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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That rumour has to be about Vicki and I agree that Bravo wants to fire her but doesn't want to be seen firing her. Bravo is missing the point if they don't fire Tamra. They need to really move on from this cast or wrap up this franchise. 




Teresa is the dumbest woman on television. Her stupidity knows no bounds. 




Midseason trailer looks good. Love the voiceover cameo from Wendy Williams.



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I feel like the Real Housewives franchise has become a lot safer in their casting choices because of what they perceived as mistakes in previous years. Looking at the transition into streaming, it's possible lower ratings for RHOM and RHONY with their season 5 reboot came from people switching to DVR and streaming. Now we get stuck with HWs like Teddi or Gina who should've been a one and done. With RHOC it's clear they've been telling the same story with no freshness *and* casting has been weak. They need to either do a major revamp or give up at this point. I don't know why it's a struggle. With RHOA they do keep the cast mostly the same, but their little refreshes somehow work. The relationships evolve and the friends (Tanya, Eva, Marlo etc) give just enough to keep it fresh. OC they're too set in their ways to keep the same cast and expect something different. I'd honestly fire Tamra AND Vicki. 


Now speaking on that RHOA midseason trailer, that looks REALLY good! I loved the Wendy Williams cameo and that she was telling Nene to try and repair her relationships with these girls. It's a shame because this is once again Nene's fault. I don't really fault her on the Kenya stuff, but she's now on Twitter fighting with Kandi saying that she's in an alliance with Cynthia to protect Kenya. Kandi has repeatedly posted that she wants Nene to come on her Speak On It show to say her side of things and Kandi has even asked the fans to convince Nene to do it. She's complaining that Kandi is supporting Kenya, but she's also trying to support her and give her a voice, but she doesn't want to do it. What does she expect then? Kandi can't defend what she doesn't understand. Why she's trying to cause a problem with Kandi is just insane. Kandi is the least of her worries.

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I feel like at this point, the "core" of Atlanta is Kandi, Cynthia, Porsha, and Kenya. Yes, even Kenya. Others around them, including Nene, can come or go as long as these core four remain on the show, and RHOA will continue to coast along just fine. 


Re: OC, so apparently the rumor is that Tamra, Shannon, Kelly, Braunwyn, and Emily have gotten invited back. Vicki is being invited back as a Friend Of with a salary that's further reduced from last season. They're on the fence with Gina and it could go either way. However, Messy Boots Andy says it's just a rumor and that no contracts have been sent out yet. Furthermore, apparently for whatever reason Tamra was thisclose to getting the boot, but will be welcomed back.  Hmm... 


Re: NJ. Even though it feels a tad forced for the cameras, I appreciate Jennifer bringing her family issue to light about her mother's hesitance to acknowledge her son as gay. It's an important topic to address; old-school people struggling with their longstanding beliefs versus the reality of life. However, it looks like Jennifer is back to being outlandish next week. 


Side note: Something about Dolores sometimes resembles Senator Kamala Harris to me (P.S. If Joe Biden gets the presidential nomination, I hope she's his VP. But that's for the Politics thread) 

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If that's what Bravo is going to do they're sealing the fate of this show.


Gina was definitely a dud and her dark conflicts with her ex-husband bring down the overall tone of the show, so she definitely needs to go. However, leaving Tamra there is a fatal error. 


If they want to keep the bulk of the cast, then they should keep Shannon, Kelly, Emily and Brown Wind...Kelly v Shannon brings the conflict, but the overall vibe isn't toxic. 


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Oh, don't get me wrong, I think Brown Wind is a total dud and I didn't enjoy watching her at all...but Andy has made it clear she's definitely coming back. 


Emily, on the other hand, I like because there's a lot to her that we haven't seen and more layers to her. Case in point: the comment about dating the drug dealer with the jet skis.

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Only thing happening with DALLAS is that Brandi is out of the 'wellness center' and already attacking Kameron and the Wedding Planner on social media.


Girl, bye.




So at midpoint, I agree with @Gray Bunny. The show has truly become about the core four: Kandi, Kenya, Cynthia, and Porsha. The fact that they truly all get along at this point is one)a miracle and two)built in AND organic conflict due to their collective history with each other. And I said it before and I'll say it again, they all have been coming across more relatable than they ever have been (except for Kandi who always keeps it real). No wonder Nene is pressed. Because people can and have come and gone around them (even Nene) and the show keeps right on moving. 


That said...so far this season...


KANDI. Is it just me and I am sure that I've said this...but Kandi has been serving looks, styles, and flawless shade this season. And that body during Carnival...WOW. I do believe this is the best she has looked overall in a season and I am here for it. #teamsmallsgotitgoingon. As a short guy, I love. lol. I also love that there is tension building her and Todd. From money to Todd's daughter and now what we see in the midseason trailer, there is definitely some drama coming and it doesn't feel fake. Also...loving her whole dynamic friendship with Cynthia and Kenya.


KENYA. Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuurlllllllllllllll. Happy she's back. Love that she has Nene's number. Sad to see things with Marc are going south. But...she's been good messy (Marlo's party, Eva and the gift, the Nene visual game plan scene) and then she has been bad messy. And by bad messy it's the drama coming with Tanya. I mean...who doesn't like Tanya? And Tanya has been nothing, but nice. Kenya makes it hard to stay a  fan for sure. But when it comes to her vs Nene, I gotta say that I'm TeamTwirl. What Nene is doing is transparent...and I am only bothered because it seems to be working...


CYNTHIA. Love seeing me some Season 7 Cynthia. Who would have even thought Cynthia...as in CYNTHIA...would cuss Marlo out. EVER. Who would have thought? That said I like that on one hand she has the easy breezy storyline with Mike...light hearted and fun...and on the other hand she has the biggest storyline with Snakegate. Bravo has gotten A LOT of mileage out of the fallout from Cynthia and Nene's friendship and I continue to like that she has a backbone over it. And from the midseason trailer, even if they do make up the backbone will still be there. Built in conflict for the two of them.


PORSHA. Dare I say it? My current fave given how I feel about the fact that she took that fugly short man back. I mean really?  She can do so much better. That said...she's been fun to watch and at the same time frustrating. I don't want to see her hurt again and her pain was so visual in the first set of episodes. I FELT THAT. Just...*sighs*


NENE. Where's that Quad delusional gif when I need it.

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  That's how I feel about Nene right now. I wish she would realized that if she owned her crap, that would get everyone on her side and people would be more willing to let her back in close. Instead she is acting like she wants back in...scratch that...she is saying she wants back in, but ACTING in opposite to what she is saying. She has been so transparent. And over her at this point. And we still haven't gotten to Greece yet. Wish Kenya had gone all out and given her what she needs at this point: an a*# whipping.


EVA. Who? Because the Eva I know...the Eva the Diva I know...wouldn't start stuff and then run away. This...girl...I still hope to see Porsha call out at the reunion. 


Speaking of...when are they filming the reunion?



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Oh I saw that drivel online. Here's my one thing though, if Dollar Tree Kary does not hold her feet to the fire like she did Leeanne, we (the fans) are gonna light her ass on fire. 


Brandi's already been saying that all the women (minus Lee and Kam) have been supportive about her going to a "spa" to fix herself. 

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This is why I am firm that they should've fired everyone but Kam. 

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Which again means that LeeAnne was right.


They sat there and went on her for things, but one of them do it, and THEN they want to be supportive. Hypocrites. They better hope LeeAnne doesn't somehow pull a trump card from the Sami Brady Playbook and wind up surviving for another season. 


Cary can, Kary can't.   I want that hateful b gone.


I agree. At the point they can all be gone, but Kam. Now that I see Stephanie exposed post-reunion, I don't even want to see a show built around her and Kameron's rivalry.





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Filler. Nice, but filler.


The only good tea? NEW SCENES IN THE MIDSEASON TRAILER (and a good minute of it was cut out).


NEW SCENE 1...A Kenya/Marc scene. Looks like the scene rumored where Kenya explodes on him pre-divorce.


NEW SCENE 2...extended scene of Cynthia and Mike's little spat which might have something to do with Kenya I am afraid.

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There are multiple women rumored to be in the running, including one black lady who posted a video of herself doing test filming. I know there is a blonde lady who is friends with Cary and Kary. I believe most are friends with D'Andra so I'd say she's most likely safe. I think the Brandi news has probably left Bravo confused on what to do. I hope it leads us to a true reboot. I want a minimum of 3 new housewives, preferably 4. It's do or die for Dallas, they need a dynamic cast/season or it needs to end. DC and Miami didn't die for this mediocrity. Potomac gets better and better each season, there is just no excuse for Dallas being as boring as it is.


Also, not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but Andy said we won't get a Beverly Hills trailer for another month, which would put the premiere in March or April. I'm beginning to think the early rumors of filming being dull were true. It's clear there was a retool when Brandi and Camille came in. Now Brandi is posting hints that Denise may be filming with Joanna Krupa (from RHOM) and the girls recently went to New York to film Erika on Broadway. I'm wondering if filming was extended to account for the slow early months. Something similar has also  happened with the upcoming season of Southern Charm. They ended up scrapping what they shot because it wasn't very good and their former cast member accused of sexual assault (I think his name is Thomas?) is rumored to be back.

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You're right.


The finale originally was the party at Dorit's. Which is really when the drama started with Brandi. Once it came going, Bravo extended filming to get ALL of it. Before that other than stuff with Stutton it was just boring. 


RE: Southern Charm....sounds like least of a rumor now I'm afraid. They should have gone ahead and filmed Southern Charm NOLA...the better show at this point anyway and the most organic with true friends...you know like the best RH shows

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Eva is boring and not interesting enough to carry a whole episode. There was way too much emphasis on her and this was one of the weaker episode bc of it


Team Kenya. Tanya was upset about the IVF convo? That was a reach. Was Kenya being messy with her questioning in regards to the cheating? Yes, but she never said it was fact nor put a name to it. I dont think she really did anything wrong and Kandi explained that in a group of women, its wise to gauge how they would approach things so you know how to proceed if some sh-t does come up. Some women would like to know if their man is cheating and others do not and the only way you are gonna get that is if its discussed. The other women put shade on it and got Tanya riled up by throwing her name in the ring


Another episode without Nene.  You cant tell me Bravo isnt phasing her out.


Im rooting for Porsha but Dennis aint it. I get she doesnt want to just be a baby mama but she already made poor choices with him. No need to continue to go down this path

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Yeah, I'm rooting for her too. But I don't think he's the end game for her. She loves that baby, but that poor girl looks like her daddy... 


Just by reading Tanya's face, you could tell she already knew/realized Kenya was talking about her and her man at the table, or at the very least, she knew she fit the description Kenya was explaining. Either way, to go after Tanya is like a bulldog going after a toy chihuahua. Yeah, the toy chihuahua can bark, but her bite won't even break skin. 


I'm indifferent to Eva. I don't not like her (© Ramona Singer) but she's just kinda there. 


Nene who? lol  They are doing her dirty LOL but at the same time, what a waste of money. Tanya and Marlo have given so much more to the show this season, yet Nene's making like 2 million this year or something? 

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