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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Wow, didn't think we'd ever see Jesus Jugs again! Why not, for a visit. I forget who her scene is with... Emily?  Random. 


Re: Sarah Paulson vs. LVP.  Meh.  Take it with a grain of salt. Not everyone can be "on" all the time.  How many times did people ask Rosie O'Donnell if everything is alright during her 6-year talk show run, when people would see her and she didn't have her perpetual "TV Smile" look? 


I do like her NYC love though. Some time back, she said her all-time least favorite housewife was Kelly Bensimon. Good choice.  Also, I'm in agreement that Jill should return. 


Side note: The same episode when Sarah said that, Andy also asked her who her celebrity crush was while growing up. Her answer was Brian Bloom, and Andy instantly remembered him as Dusty on As the World Turns. Housewives really is the modern-day soap opera for so many who grew up on them. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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I've been away so am only now catching up on OC (Dallas and last episode of Potomac to follow -- honestly, I cannot wait for RHOP!).


Seems like all three franchises have been firing on all cylinders. After some crappy seasons, OC finally seems to be settling into a comfortable groove. What has been great about this season is anticipating The Fall of Tamra. I appreciate what she offers to the show (without her pot-stirring, OC would be a snooze). But without Vicki to take all the blame full-time, the spotlight is now firmly on her machinations. I love how Kelly can read her like a book. I'm not a big fan of Kelly's roid-rage aggression, but I am on her side when it comes to Shannon & Tamra. Also, I was glad she and Vicki made up in a heartfelt way. I was sick of hearing Kelly blame everything on Cokegate.


Shannon & Tamra are so toxic together. The way they were mean-girling Emily as she sat on the floor was horrible to watch. PLEASE let them be called out this year. Shannon's attitude is so stank regarding Emily.


Team Emily, especially when it comes to the way Gina has dropped her good friend in favor of the Dos Bitcheras. Gina's priorities are all wrong. I know she is being gaslit by her awful ex, but Gina is really making rotten judgement calls when it comes to her friends and her own life.


Alexis. Blink and you'll miss it.


Braunwyn wants a threesome with TamBoobs? Nobody wants to see that, Bravo.




Also, while I was away, I watched NJ season 6 for the first time ever. I have to agree with whoever defended it on this thread -- after the first episode, it is actually not that bad. I can understand why they dumped Amber and the twins -- way too thirsty and contrived. I personally cannot stand Amber who was doing way too much. I could have handled the twin married to Rinno another season, I guess. Dina was a delight, and it is clear her friendship with Teresa is the real deal. Melissa was a non-entity.


Also watching S3 RHOBH. My god, after the shittiness of the most recent 4 seasons of BH, it is a shock to watch this fast-moving season. Adrienne exposed was brilliant. Seeing Kyle scramble as she realized Adrienne was on her way out and LVP was where it's at, was fabulous. Yolanda was actually a good watch, although the manipulation of Brandi and positioning re: LVP, her Lyme disease and her husband, are plain to see, in hindsight. I even liked Marissa.


Taylor was fired too soon IMO -- she was thirsty enough to start drama with anybody. But it was around this time that Bravo started prioritising aspirational living on BH (like Yolanda's fridge), as opposed to the Wealthy vs Wannabes, which was such a classic, tense dynamic. Plus, we saw drunken Dana/Pam go off on the women ("These women love themselves so much, I don't think there is enough leftover to love you") -- one of the best scenes of BH ever.


The real standout was Faye Resnick. I don't know why I enjoyed her because she is such a Kyle mouthpiece but she gave as good as she got. If Brandi ever came back to the show (and being that she hasn't been asked, it kind of destroys her argument that LVP was the one keeping her off the show. More like Kyle!), Faye is really the only one who could stand up to her and fight dirty.


I also wish Kathy Hilton would join the show. She clearly cannot stomach Kyle in any way, and probably isn't a fan of Rinna either.

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Finally watched final episode of Potomac reunion. Thrilling fron start to finish! Especially the forensic questioning of Michael, and his attempt to gaslight everybody and claim they could not have possibly seen what they saw because drunk/where they were standing. I love how everyone stayed their ground, even after he tried to intimidate White Chris, and Gizelle, standing over her as he was being de-miced. That exchange between him and Ashley about Ashley going to 'talk' to Tobyn but she was mic'ed so she didn't want production to pick up her words was eye-opening, and had a definite threatening feel. Up until then, I was actually feeling for Ashley and her situation, but after seeing that, I knew Ash was in total cahoots with Michaek, and as nasty, blackmailing and gaslighting as he is.


A truly great season. I have such a fondness for all these women, I hope the cast comes back unchanged next year (and Katie!). You can't find chemistry like that. And Karen is a goddam QUEEN. She talked so much sense and with such humor. Karen is my favourite HW of all the Real Housewives franchises.



Finally caught up. The Mexico episodes were really good, and it's unusual for a RH show to get right into the drama so early in the season. Leeanne is having a bad edit so far this season. As a qualified fan of Leeanne who can only take her in small doses, I am ok with Leeanne being called out. It's healthy for her as the star of this franchise. IMO the standouts (and my faves) have been Kameron and Stephanie. God, I love Kam slurping that spaghetti while everyone was fighting around her. I am sad S and K are on the outs, but I really enjoy watching them. I am also, shockingly, not annoyed by Brandi?! I can't believe I just wrote that because I usually hate her ass.


Standout scene of yesterday's episode was Travis advising D'Andra about her company. Some people might find that business talk boring, but I find it fascinating. It felt 100% genuine as well, and not at all scripted. I understand D'Andra regarding firing people -- I would be sick and destroyed about it. Travis is fast-becoming one of the best husbands on the RH with his common sense and supportiveness towards Stephanie. 

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Pretty uneventful episode, but still enjoyable. I was shocked that I enjoyed seeing Jesus Jugs but it’s probablh cause she’s free of that sloth Jim. God he’s up there as an all time worst Househusband.


Gina at this point is looking for reasons to not like Emily. Have we ever seen someone turn on their Besty this fast before? It’s clear she’s just trying to keep her place on the show secure by aligning with Tamra and Shannon and to a lesser extent Vicki.


I can’t see how they don’t give Vicki her orange back next season. It just feels like RHOC when she’s around. Braunwyn should’ve just been a friend of.

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Beverly Hills has already filmed their opening, which would suggest they're far along in filming and still not even the hint of a rumor of any type of conflict for the season. Either they're doing a great job of keeping everything under wraps or we're in for a slow season.

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The likelihood is the latter, since BH HWs have the media on speed-dial, as we know from last season. So how many dud seasons will that be now? 4 in a row? 

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If that is the case, well, imo the chemistry of this cast has bombed since seasons 6-7. I'm excited for Garcelle, but girl can't do everything by herself. The real problem is that the cast won't show anything genuine; every "drama' and reaction shot is scripted down to the tiniest tear rolling down one pumped-up cheek. I know these shows are scripted to an extent, but BH self-produce to a ridiculous, Trumpian degree, to deflect and for damage-control.


Dorit, Teddi and Erika give us nothing that is in any way authentic and should be fired immediately. I keep forgetting Denise is actually on this show so she should go, too. I said a few days ago that Faye Resnick, Kathy Hilton and Taylor have the gift of the shady put-down (in the case of the first two) and the steely thirstiness (TayShanna) to put the cat amongst the pigeons. And the BH audience is familiar with them. Brandi also cannot stand Vyle or Rinna, so bring her on for a pop. Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures! I would love to see Rinna and Kyle get a little karma their way.

Edited by Cat
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I've always cheered for a Faye Resnick return. If she could be a regular "friend of," that'd be fun. Sadly, with no Camille or LVP this year, nor even one-season-wonder Katherine, it would lose some punch. 


Taylor I'd welcome back if she took an extended leave from life in Colorado. She was a grifter, but a harmless grifter, and her rags-to-riches-to-rags story was more genuine and interesting than any of these fake Dorit, Teddi, Erika robots. 

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That's the irony about Taylor: her fake life was totally real. 


I've lost count of the number of lawsuits facing Dorit, Erika and their respective husbands (oh and let's not forget about Mauricio's too, though I'm sure we won't be hearing about them) and Teddi is a total bore. I'd welcome Taylor back over all of them in a heartbeat.


And I'm absolutely for a return of Faye Resnick. She's a fascinating 90s Hollywood relic. 

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I think (at the moment at least) Dorit and Erika have 3 lawsuits each.

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And I have to admit I have enjoyed Nico taking Dorit and PK for all they are worth and would love to see it manifest on the show as karma for how they treated LVP, but alas.



Well...I've been here working all day with good internet and needed a break so I wanted to do some catch up post...so with that in mind...




Late to the party as well, but I did like PART 3. In fact, that has to be one of my favorite reunion. I agree with @Cat that given that 'commercial break' moment where Ashley told Michael that she was still mac'ed...that comes across as damning in terms of what she does and does not know. But hasn't Ashley been like that all season, like how she used her father storyline to deflect from what was going on with Michael? JS. 


KAREN. Honestly, I feel she was the MVP of this last part. Her expressions and looks said EVERYTHING. And since she was the only person to have a unique perspective due to her past that they all knew about, of course Michael would try to shut her down. But whatever Michael. lol. She did it all with her grace and style that she was awesome. And look!!! Ashley trying to come for her and pull a Nene (overtalking her to get her to shut up), but Karen STILL GOT THE LAST WORD. I have liked her always, but she was a great season for her.


MONIQUE. Hmmm. Still like her and Chris. And her post pregnancy glow, but perhaps she was a little too messy. I liked that while she said that last part was her uncle, she didn't acknowledge the first part of that video was not. Or not that I recall, but it has been a while since I watched it. Also had a good season and probably the only one that will film with Ashley next season starting out. 


CANDIACE. THANK YOUR HUSBAND!!!! He spilled all that tea. And still Michael tried to gaslight you and him. SMH. Other than standing up for herself though. She didn't do much. Curious to see if she will still have that heel to Ashley's neck next season.


ROBYN. Thank you for all that tea as well. 


GIZELLE. The voice of reason during the last part of that gaslighting. Who would have thought? And that was creepy how MIchael tried to come for her. They got you on film. We talked about that back in Season 1. Too late to check it now.


ASHLEY. Trash. I said it. At least be like RHoV Christina and own you're a golddigger. A man's career got ruined because your man can't keep his hands to himself and you want to say here and act like Karen and Gizelle's words to that effect mean nothing. Well, frak you then. Then trying to deflect, deflect, deflect and then no one saw that. All I could think was THIS...





However good reunion.


It will be interesting to see how the next season goes...especially since Michael just got caught up in another scandal last week. 



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LEEANNE. Well, she continues to make it hard to defend her during that Mexico trip. However I still like her. And still like at that argument with Brandi when she's says 'when's my period?' I liked her circus wedding shower. It was nice to see her having fun. I too was tired of the arguing. 


BRANDI. I am shocked to admit it, but she's been mostly good so far this year and has been the voice of reason a few times. I still am on Kameron's side during their fight. However, I understand where she was coming from. However, she did start that so she can't just play victim.


KAMERON. I would be over going in circles, too, girl. I feel you. There was no need to attack her at a shower. That takes away from the shower. And even I was like REALLY, STEPHANIE?  That could have been done later. 


STEHPANIE. I still like you, but giiiiiiiiiirl. LOL!!! I did like Travis (yum)'s advice to her. But when all is said and done, she did jump on Brandi's side when that fight broke out. And it was more about Brandi's hurt feelings and nothing to do with her. She should have left it like that. Or better yet, she should have talked about how she felt hurt by what Kameron said about no one wanting to get to know her when Stephanie had been doing all of that this season. That's why those two are really having drama now. This could be clear up if they talked about the real issue. Not being messy.


CARY. Yay!!! Cameo.


KARY. She were getting me on your side. Then you made that messy comment about lingerie in the afternoon. Sit down as if you haven't been naughty in your TH.


A'NDRA. Good that she finally had the talk with Travis. Good on her for putting on her big girl pants. Hopefully it sticks.


Overall, a solid episode.




So I didn't get a chance to read the article a few pages back about the Kenya/Marc breakup. But it seems he really has five kids, not three like Kenya thought and that's when she went off?

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Don't forget 15 hours of footage of the women getting glam squaded to look like clowns at a circus, followed by 20 memes of Dorit with a million hair clips in her hair. Serving us 'lewks'.


Taylor would be outing those law suits with a quickness while also trying to scam free lip fillers from Dr Nassif!

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It has been hit or miss from what I can. I agree with whoever said the last episode was so filler.


EMILY. I hate to say this, but right now she's the only person I have seen that I'm relating to this season. I've always liked Emily though. And it was nice to see Shane not be a prick as the two of them were helping Gina. The fact that Gina does not see how much of a friend Emily is being is just sad.


GINA *cough*secondseasoncurse*cough*


SHANNON. She was doing so well there being happy and all. And then this trip happened. Now she's back to Shanloon and that is also sad. And it looks like her friendship with Kelly is going to crash and burn.


TAMRA. *crosses fingers people see how much she is pot stirring and call her out on it*


BRAUWYN. Nonfactor. Sorry. Had a good start, but I feel nothing now.


KELLY. See? Like RHOP's Ashley, Kelly really did need something to redeem her because she's been awful so far this season. So her going to see her mama makes sense. Unlike RHOP Ashley, while slightly dull on one hand, on the other hand it really did not come across as contrived at all. At least not to me. Maybe it's like how well-written soaps used their history to boost current storyline, but we saw Kelly's mother and brother back when she first joined the show. We heard mentions over the years. So her going to see how Mom is was organic because well...we know them and like relatives you want to get a catchup session. Did that make sense? It was a nice calm before the storm with her. And we know a storm is coming.


VIKI. Her and the fast food...was a hoot. 




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