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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Favorite LVP moment:

Moments -- fleeting glimpses! -- when she was truly happy with her friends. The S2 Hawaii trip when she started to bond with Brandi, as well as support Kyle while she was going through her problems with Kim, was a high point.


Obviously her walk-in closet, her hosting and decoration skills. I truly thought she was the third Collins sister for a while (after Joan and Jackie).


Least Favorite LVP moment:

S6. The tide turned; thereafter it was hard for me to see LVP with rose-coloured glasses. Though I don't think she is quite the evil Bond villain with mind-control powers that the rest of the cast paint her to be. LVP has been unable to fully open herself up and trust any woman on the show since S2 reunion, certainly not since S4. This has unfortunately steered the show into Kill or Be Killed territory and weighed on my enjoyment of BH.


I think Bravo have already checked out replacements. One of Andy Cohen's BFFs, Bruce Bozzi, posted this yesterday, and the timing is no coincidence:



Yep, it's Kathy Hilton -- somebody I wanted to join the show this season. I have since wondered if Kathy would bring it. Because what Kathy Hilton hates more than anything is airing her dirty linen in front of the world. Like Big Kathy before her, Little Kathy prefers the family's dirty little secrets on lock-down.


I would love for Nicollette Sheridan to join the cast -- except that I actually kind of like Nicollette (she seems pretty true to herself, marching to the beat of her own drummer) and would not like to see her get mauled by the rottweiler Rinna.


Speaking of Rinna -- that family lunch was all kinds of uncomfortable. Does it seem like she and Harry Hamlin live essentially two separate lives now? That may explain her relative lack of joy this season. The two snot-nosed daughters do not seem either very bright or very nice. The way they treated their father was horrible. The dark-haired one (sorry, I can't be arsed to learn her name -- Amelia Belle? Delilah Boo?) clearly was panicking at the very thought of eating solids and couldn't handle her father cooking a meal for her.

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Cindy must've been awful cos I've wiped her off my memory.

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 An impression she certainly didn't make. 


What made Season 7 so great was that most Housewives had really strong, season-long storylines/arcs.


Bethenny: Her divorce and the arc about opening up to others more.

Ramona: The breakup of her marriage and being a single lady out on the town

Sonja: Coming out of her Chapter 11 and finally launching her business

Carole: Her relationship with Adam and the book (such an NY story. Can you imagine this on any of the other Housewives?)


Dorinda, LuAnn, and Heather had a really strong supporting presence, especially Dorinda and LuAnn.




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100% believe it. I said a few months back on this thread that the LLAJ story was a set-up to trap LVP, before Bethenny confirmed it on WWHL. These twits are dumb AF. Not only do they believe the audience is dumber than they are, but they had to shut down a popular restaurant and make a public event out of it? These rich b*tches couldnt have hosted everybody at home? Mikey could have served the canapes! And Teddi brought a +1? We all know that was Edwin with his stencil eyebrows and ponytail!


See, this is why I am disappointed LVP did not confront these women at reunion. It's like she ran away tail between her legs, and that just validates their hollow triumph. After this season, though, how can we ever trust the SLs on BH again? It's clear the women and production storyboard fake stuff to deflect from the real issues going on in their lives. I know storylining happens elsewhere in the RH universe, but more often than not the drama stems from true events and relationships -- that's why Potomac and NYC are working so well at the moment. IMO the BH HWs are 80% on their way to killing their own franchise.

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But had she 'confronted' them, it would've been an endless reunion of hearsay. I wanted LVP to attend the reunion and fight but now, I am glad she sat out. Let them birds sink the Titanic that is RHOBH. Meanwhile, LVP can build her brand with numerous spinoffs, thus creating her own franchise of shows. That'll be her greatest revenge.

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So THAT is the Countess you all have mentioned to me about LuAnn pre-Season 6. Yep...you all were right. I DON'T like that side of her at all. 


That said...it's nice to be making some time to see episodes again. I am in the minority here, but except for moments here and there, I haven't felt it this season.


That said...Sonja is love. lol.  I loved Bethanny taking care of her with the EMTs.




Well, if it is to be believed LVP has better problems to be concern with than these catty mean girls. My only hope is that they turn on each other with the swiftness. 


@Cat who is to say that Rinna will take all if they put Sheridan on the show? She has always given me the impression she is not one to mess with or cross. Like their twitter fight that Harry actually had to step in to break up this past season.



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RHONY - I know we will see some poor behavior from Luann this week, given the preview, however, I don't get Bethanny's beef with her?  Bethanny keeps misinterpreting Lu's social niceties as personal attacks.  It seems natural that when a friend is leaving a room you express that you wish they would stay, even when you don't mean it.  When people say, "sad to you go", does Bethanny expect that they will literally cry upon her departure?  I don't think Luann is questioning her parenting, in fact, it is such a superficial comment that I'm certain she forgot that she said it.  I feel comically terrible for Luann that every time she enters a room she expects applause but she only gets heckled.

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