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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That is what happens when you lose 190 lbs (her soon to be ex husband).


Michael (viki's son) is silently putting a hex on Brianna for not filming for season 13 so now he gets stuck during all that cringe worthy stuff.  


Don't these women have things going on in their lives?  I'd rather hear about that than gossip about Gina and her marriage, plus Emily and her odd courtship.


Kelly's date was cute, but dumb.


Next week looks like some cracks in Tamra and Shannon's friendship (with Tamra wondering why Shannon doesn't trust her.. i spit my drink when I saw the preview clip of Tamra asking that).

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I don't watch OC as consistently as the rest of you so I find some Michael focus a change of pace.


But they have been showing their lives so far, no? So it does look like it's the right moment to get a little drama going...which begins next week really. 


Kelly's date gave off 'vibes.' But I liked their date.



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I enjoy the history of Vicki and her children. We've witnessed them for over a decade (12 years, we're all practically family). Michael has always endured his mother's cringe moments with a much better sense of humour than Brianna. I get the sense that while Vicki humiliates herself and Michael on the regular, he respects her in a way that Brianna does not. Brianna has always had a resentful/smug attitude towards Vicki that peaks out, while Michael seems to just shrug at her absurdity with good naturedness. 


This is a great comeback season for Shannon. She's dumped about 185 lbs of as$hole and probably 15 lbs of fat. An unrepresented litigant is really the worst. There is no reasoning with them and, as usual, Shannon cleaned up in court with that interim spousal support. I'm sure David hired a lawyer after that point. She was positively shaking after that court hearing - it's her ability to admit that her nerves were shot that makes Shannon endearing.


Kelly's date was a bit dense but it seemed like light hearted fun for her. At least they made each other laugh. 


Tamra, Emily and Gina - whatever, this episode at least. Emily and Gina stick out like sore thumbs they're so wedged in.

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Agreed. I like Briana, but I have always enjoyed what Michael brings to the show. He is Vicki's perfect straight-man to her crazy, and his humor is very dry, which is right up my alley. Actually, all he needs to do is show up wide-eyed with dread and outwardly cringing, and I lmao. 


I also agree he knows how to handle her better and maintain a healthy distance. Vicki and Briana were closely dependent on each other until she and Ryan moved to NC (and it looks like it was a good decision for them). Michael managed to establish boundaries.


I am loving Shannon this season. She shows a lot of her fears and vulnerabilities, and I respect that. Her divorce drama is also pretty organic -- unlike this "Shane owes me an apology for throwing my obnoxious drunken ass out of his own home at 2am" non-SL. Um, no, he doesn't, Lawn Guylind.

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Meanwhile, in the Bahamas...


Yes, that's Camille on the left. Kyle, Rinna and Erikant, I am sure you can all pick out. I thought that was THE MORALLY CORRUPT FAYE RESNICK in the white bikini at the back! I almost cheered! But actually it is Teddi.


The one I really didn't recognize was Dorit with the curly wig and lime-green bikini!


Not sure where LVP and Denise Richards are.


Image result for lisa vanderpump beach gif

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Didn't think I'd say this but Reunion MVP was Candiace!  Wow!  


Robyn has potential to be smart and I hope she uses it in S4.  Resurrect a few dormant brain cells and she'd see how under Giz's thumb she truly is.  


Karen needs to lay off the fillers/injections because close ups are no longer her friend!  She forgave that battleaxe, Giz, way too quickly.  


Ashley is politician material.  That woman remains composed no matter what and has an answer for everything.  I'll just pretend I didn't see her video and anxiously await her 27th separation from Michael.  It's coming!  Miscarriage?  LIAR!!!!!


I really need to see Monique handle Giz very differently in S4.   Giz does not want a friendship with Monique - AT ALL!  Monique is gorgeous, working towards her own success, has a very financially sound husband who has made a great life for Monique and absolutely adores her.  What does Giz have?  A rented house and child support from a philandering clergyman!  Giz is jealous and you guys had to have caught some of the looks she was giving Monique when Chris Samuels spoke.  She hates Monique.  Charrise admits she wanted Kendall(sp) on the show, and Giz still blames it on Monique?  I'm sick and damn tired of everyone feeling they have to explain things to that witch!  Then Andy lets Giz do the closing speech?  She certainly strapped one on and bent him over as a thank you for that!  


Super stoked about S4 and Married to Med.  The only Bravo shows I care about

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Ramona, Carole, and Dorinda all came in on a mission to stand their ground against Bethenny, but Andy is Ms. Frankel’s lapdog.


I don’t particularly love any of those three ladies at the moment, but Bethenny has had this coming for a few years now.


EDIT: Bethenny IS right about Dorinda, but it’s hard not to kill the messenger with her.



Edited by Faulkner
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I’m glad Carole gives it to Andy next week. He’s so biased towards Bethenny it’s crazy. I feel this week was just the warm up. They were all screaming over each other so they couldn’t really get anything out. One thing is clear: nobody really likes Bethenny which will make next season interesting since she’s the star. I expect whatever newbies to be people who will want to deal with her. Kenya is definitely out because she’d destroy Bethenny. 

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I found all the women (minus Tinsley and Sonja) to be utter trash tonight. Bethenny was trash as she never owns up to her sh*t; however, Dorinda/Ramona/Carole are trash in their gang mentality tactics. I found the 3 of them to be pathetic. Just trash. 




Glad to see Stephanie build a relationship with Leeanne on her own terms. 


Ashley Abbott v. Dina was EVERYTHING tonight. Poor Ashley thought she got the keys to Jabot, only for it to be nixed. Dina will never allow Ashley to change the packaging on her products even though it would be better. 


I just don't care for Brandi at all. People love to say that Leeanne is toxic, but Brandi is the most toxic of them all. She stays holding onto grudges. 


Mark playing doting father with Zuri in the scene with Cary was fake. Does he think we've forgotten that he said he didn't want a child along with him scolding Cary for wanting to stay at home and her raise her child? Fake!


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Why were all of the RHONY women on WWHL twice this season except Bethanny?  Ramona is notoriously not a great WWHL guest, she was on twice this season, but not B.


At the reunion, all of the women are so reactive to Bethanny that they allow her to change the course of the conversation.  Suddenly her rudeness toward Dorinda became about Carole's blog, and when she backtracked on her silly reasons for not attending Ramona's party, it suddenly became about Sonja's business.  Her line about Carole's blog not being useful didn't even make sense.  She clearly had it in her pocket, but her delivery was awful.  She is clearly wrong about issues of perception if the entire cast disagrees with her interpretation, but they get so caught up in emotion that nobody stops to make that point.


Bethanny's boyfriend's death and Lu's release from rehab have really dated this material.

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