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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Lisa Rinna is messy as f--k to "diagnose" Yolanda with Munchausen/factitious disorder. Reading the symptoms, I kinda buy it that Yo may have that but Im not sure if it was a good idea to put that out there on tv. With that said, Yolanda is sending mixxed signals posting pictures of her in hospital with IV and then on a boat trip having the time of her life


Isnt there a 7th housewife? They are taking forever to introduce her


Before this show, I would have never pegged Lisa V for an animal hoarder but thats what she is.


I really enjoyed Kyle's scenes with her daughters. The older one Sophia wasnt cute with the hysterics at getting her ear pierced. Little Portia however was.


I CANT with Yolanda. Next episode she's talking to her kids like she's about to die. WTF?!?




HAHA....Bye Kim



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Taylor simply tossed out the bait and Rinna's dumb ass simply took it and ran with it; however, Yolanda's whole 'illness' is sketchy as f-ck. She should've taken the advice of many fans and either taken the season off or asked for a reduced role because it isn't panning in her favor. Instead, a large portion of the audience are siding with Rinna, LVP, and Kyle as to being skeptical about the severity of her illness. Many women I've seen online have even said that Yolanda might simply be suffering from menopause, which has many of the same symptoms as Lyme Disease. 


I am still not here for Erika. She's seems like a less trashier version of Brandi but time will tell. I see her allowing this show to get in her head along with her newfound friend, Brandi, thus causing her to end up being like Carlton, Joyce, Claudia, Amber, etc.--a one season housewife. She has it written all over her. Plus, I don't give a damn about her music career. I'm tired of Bravo bringing on women with musical aspirations. It's tiring and it pans out to nothing. I blame Kandi for starting this trend when she tried helping Kim's chain-smoking ass back in s2 of RHOA. She provided false hope to all these broads that all they need is autotune and some money and they can be singers. I would've preferred Camille or even Taylor's messy ass to be back on the show full-time.

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omg Cheap I can't get over that Sharknado 2 gif! :ph34r:


I too wish Camille or TayShanna had come back fulltime. TayShanna wants it BAD and we already know she will bring the messy. Thus far, all I see with Erika is a less anger-management prone Carlton. Or they should have brought Lea Black (from Miami) who summers in LA to join the cast. She's big on the social charity scene and I could see her fitting in with some of the women.


This Yolanda SL is going the way of that Brooks Ayers mess on RHoOC and it is not a good look.

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I wouldn't've minded Lea even though I couldn't stand her on RHOM at times. She did however know how to stir the pot. I would've minded Joanna of RHOM to join but then I'd still need Brandi on the cast so Joanna can eat her alive. 


I think we just needed THREE new housewives this season. Yolanda shouldn't've returned while still ill or whatever she is. I'm over stories involving sickness more than I am over singing housewives. OC killed me with the sick stories last season. 

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IA. that Yolanda needed to go. Im not even sure we needed her as a friend. She could do guest appearances like Camille and Shana did


Erika...also not feeling her. She's annoying and her story stinks


I do think 3 housewives is a bit much. I will always contend that that was a big mistake with NYC. Thats too many new women to get to know and it backfires as the audience wants relative consistency. Only two new housewives should ever be introduced. Any additional should be friends that are slowly phased in for the audience to either decide they want them more or get rid of.


Lisa, Kyle, Eileen and Rinna....thats a solid core four. Not sure why they havent given Shana back her diamond bc its obvious she wants it. IA on bringing Joanna over but it seems moot with Brandi gone and Id rather not have that albatross back. Im dreading her future appearance as it is. Id test Joanna in a friend capacity to see what chemistry she has with these women and then bring her full time if she worked


And yes I will always advocate for Faye to be a housewife. I cant wait for her return

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I am on the fence about Yolanda. Clearly, something is wrong with the woman...but it may not be what she thinks it is. It may not even be physical. She may just be mentally ill. But it's contradictory to be on a beautiful trip in Vancouver Island on a yacht and then posting selfies of being miserable. At the same time, that might just be Yolanda having moments of stoicism. 


I can't fault Lips for talking about the issue because it's a blatant issue for everyone on the show to deal with.


LVP is an animal hoarder - but she has the space and the money and the love to give. Frankly, I'm not an animal person at all and I couldn't stand one animal, let alone her ark of multiples, in my home. And why shouldn't LVP be pissed that Dim Richards is slagging her off on Entertainment Tonight? 


I didn't find the scenes with Kyle and her daughters getting their ears pierced endearing or sweet. They're spoiled brats. They either wanted it done or they didn't. The hysterical theatrics just go to show that Kyle is raising a pack of drama queens. 


Erika...hmm. Still on the fence about her. She's clearly smart and crafty. 


Eileen and Vince are an interesting pair. I think he spoke to her quite rudely. 

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I suspect what brought Eileen and Vincent together is that they are both air signs. However, they should be compatible so the comment about night and day is odd. I am sure that it is a struggle though since Vincent is dealing with his father's death. And I know how I was when that happened to me and six years on I STILL feel it.


Erika at least appears from what I've seen has had modest success on the gay dance circuit so it is not like she is just starting off as a singer. However, I can't wait for her to interact with the others more to get a feel for her.


I'm sorry, but I love the Kim shade.


And yes, there is a 7th housewife. I don't know when she is getting introduced though. She's Yolanda's friend right? Because it was looking like it was going to Blondes on Brunettes this season?



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The new housewife isn't introduced until after the New York trip which airs in January. She didn't start filming with the ladies until immediately after that. So episode 6 or 7 depending on if they introduce her early. With Yolanda, I can't stand her and it makes me sad the women are gonna get so much heat for being judgemental when that is all Yolanda has been since she joined the show. In addition to the instagram pictures, each season she acts like shes on deaths door in the off season and is magically well enough to film again. This year she took it a step further and it's only natural that they're suspicious. If she's so sick why the hell is she committing to a show where she has to travel, be social and under endless stress? She's full of it. I don't doubt she has something, but she is obviously playing it up. If she claims to have Lyme then what she is doing clearly isn't for Lyme disease. I'm over her.

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I honestly think Yolanda should not have returned. Her story isn't interesting. I have no interest in seeing her week in and week out talk about how sick she is. I just don't care at all. Rinna is so damn two faced though. All of that faux-outrage over what TayShana was saying and then the next episode, she's the one basically saying Yolanda is faking it. I agree that I didn't need two separate housewife shows to deal with whether someone was faking an illness or not.


I guess I'm in the minority as I actually like Erika. She's pretty funny to me. I'm ready for her to meet the other ladies though.


I hate when the housewives make their story bickering with their husband. It always ends in divorce and I actually like Eileen and Vince, but if that's their story we know how it ends.

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I didn't say I hated Erika. I love that remix of Pretty Mess and currently like remixes of her song Pain Killr. :P


Well, as the trailer shows, Lips will get called out on her two faced-ness. So at least I know this is building up to something. But RHoBH has always been good at their drama being a slow burn leading up to drama. Last year Lips v Kim was just that.


I think they will make it through.

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Demetria is in the house! And she's finally filming with Roger Bobb

MARLO! I was wondering when we would see her next

Kandi looked beautiful at the photoshoot. Loved her hair.

The Ayden and Phaedra scene was sweet. To be honest, I didnt think he was that cute when he was a baby but he's grown into his cuteness and is an adorable little boy,

Kenya: "Kim looks like a confused prostitute at Disney World" DEAD. A mess.

LMAO at Phaedra reading Kandi's speech as shade towards her. I wasnt even thinking of her as my mind went to Kim


Porsha's top was ugly


DonJuan should have stayed away. He heard gossip so he decided to approach the women? Mind your business. He came across too turnt up and that dig about Porsha getting her man was uncalled for. Good on Phaedra for not engaging him

Edited by Cheap21
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