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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Aside from the family issues she dealt with in Seasons 1 and 2 I don't really find her that insecure. She can be territorial for sure but i don't see her as weak and insecure to be honest but we can agree to disagree on that point. i just think she's one of those people who has very low tolerance for bs and absolute fake nonsense. The minute she thinks or suspect you're playing games then she moves on.

I think for the most part everyone has always accused Cynthia of being Team Nene's top cheerleader and even she herself admitted that she was the conductor of the Nene train for the longest. And that's only cuz Nene was clearly the draw of the show when she came on and continues to be.

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Saw this on another board:

Is there trouble in paradise for Phae/Kandi?

Divorce obviously affects anyone who’s been married. But can this also apply to friendships?


Judging from the season premiere of “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” that may be the case with Kandi Burruss and Phaedra Parks, who recently split from her husband Apollo Nida.

Although Burruss welcomed Nida into her home during the episode, it was Burruss’ husband Todd Tucker who invited Nida to come to the residence. Nevertheless, Kandi is solidly behind Phaedra, while Todd looks to be aligned with Apollo.
In an interview with BravoTV.com, Phaedra revealed which of her “RHOA” castmates supported her in her time of need.

NeNe [Leakes] and Porsha [Williams] have been extremely supportive of me and very attentive throughout this entire ordeal, and for that I am extremely grateful,” Phaedra told BravoTV.com. “Unfortunately, some of the others decided to use my personal crises as an opportunity to further their own interests and talk to the media to get press for themselves.”

Phaedra may not have named the ones she felt exploited her divorce for attention, but Kandi got the impression that her friend had doubts about her loyalty.

“Phaedra is always assuming I’m siding with Apollo, which isn’t true. Todd and Apollo became pretty good friends, so I would say he takes Apollo’s side a lot. Todd and I have serious debates over their issues,” said Kandi as she made it known that where her allegiance lies.

“At the end of the day, Phaedra is my girl. I’m always going to be honest with her about what I think. Sometimes we have a difference of opinion, but it’s not because I’m taking anyone’s side against her. Never that!” she stated.

With all the drama between Apollo and Phaedra, tension between Kandi and Phaedra resulted. All this as the season premiered featured Apollo asking for a divorce. The revelation comes as the other “Housewives” expected Phaedra to be the one to ask for the divorce. Apparently, Apollo’s motivation stemmed from him seemingly being hurt that Phaedra didn’t support him more during his trial and sentencing.

“I’ve been criticized for not being at Apollo’s hearing, but the truth is I had been there for him in so many ways for such a long time. By the time all of this went down, it was apparent the marriage was over and my focus needed to be exclusively on the wellbeing of our children,” she said, adding that she wasn’t surprised that Apollo went there with the divorce.
“After a while you reach a point where you are so numb that nothing fazes you anymore,” she said.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Bravo just showed a First Look of RHOA & RHOBH and both were good. RHOA was juicier but RHOBH was OK.


Kenya and her Aunt Lori had a heart to heart and it was cute. I understood Aunt Lori trying to push Kenya to forgive everyone [mainly Mitsubishi], but I was with Kenya. It's hard to forgive someone that has constantly maligned your character to no return and physically assaulted you. I personally would have to whoop Porsha's ass before we moved forward. I'd have to get my get back.

All I'll say is that the look on Phaedra and Ford Fiesta's faces when Kandi dropped the Apollo bomb on them was priceless. Every insult and accusation that they've tossed at Kenya is now worthless. In that scene alone, you could feel that neither woman no longer has a leg to stand on. Of course, Phaedra would immediately try and play it off to maintain her facade. :rolleyes:

What I cannot wait to see more of is Cynthia! That scene between she and Peter was SO GOOD. Cynthia shaded the f*ck out of Porsha and I loved it. I loved how she told Peter that Porsha can occupy the role [as Nene's sidekick] that she vacated. Overall, Cynthia let it be known that she is the same girl but at her wits end.

Sunday is going to be good. . . .


We saw Brandi and Kim hanging out. -_- I shut them out till Kyle and Lisa came on screen. I am not for their shenanigans and false friendship/alliance.

Only interesting thing that I got from this was Lisa saying [to Ken] that she forgives these women but their relationships won't be the same. Lisa stated that she acknowledges what these women are capable of and won't forget it.

Kyle, on the other hand, chatted with Mauricio about the party and how she wants to know what happened in Adrienne/Brandi's talk. Oh she also asked Mauricio if he talked to Ken, and Mauricio talked about how they chatted for a second. That didn't surprise me as Ken [while talking to Lisa] is clearly over all these women and this show. His body language just reads it all over. Can't blame him.

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Just saw BH and despite my reservations, LR will be a perfect fit

The premiere proved how irrelevant and unnecessary Kim is. WHY is she still around?

Brandi whining about Lisa and her crew being an old ladies version of the mean girls ostracizing her bc Lisa said so. Huh? Does she not recall every one of the remaining cast members turned on Lisa and are cool with Brandi?

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That's what I was wondering as well. Are we supposed to forget season 4 and the reunion where it was Lisa being attacked and made to feel left out just because Brandi now wants to play the victim? This is nothing like season 2 whore. You've lied and talked mad [!@#$%^&*] on every single person at that party and now that they're rightfully shunning your broke down slut pig ass you want to act all surprised and woe is me? Have a seat on the curb where you belong trash. Only fools are buying what you're selling.

Was great to have Camille back! She needs to always maintain a friend of status on this show as she fits in so well. Adrienne... well, I can understand why she's back although I don't think we will see her next season.

Taylor, Camille and Adrienne shading the hell out of Brandi on WWHL was hilarious! Poor tampon string, nobody likes her! :lol:

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That wasn't really Brandi's fault. Not that you stated it was. The ladies were dis-tasting for Lisa way back when Brandi was Team Nobody and leaning towards Team Lisa. Kyle, Adrienne, Yolanda, and Kim - and I think even Camille and Taylor - all clearly had a distaste for Lisa before Brandi began to. Lisa gets the reaction she sometimes gets from these ladies because of being Lisa - the good parts (them wanting to be friends with her), and the bad parts (them resenting her) of Lisa.

Now, I don't think Brandi should be blaming Lisa for the other girls treating her poorly. They were this way before Lisa had a problem with Brandi too. Now, it's partially coming at her due to her own reckless behavior and not all because they're rich bitches judging her off her more superficial elements.

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