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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I don't know, I've been to plenty of pool parties in my life where beer is spilled on people in pools (or lakes) out of fun or playful fighting. Again, I didn't think it was malicious at all. Ramona is smart and knows this season needed to rise in the ratings, and they needed to create some good drama-filled scenes. So Kristen says she's jealous and Ramona (with a camera on her) just threw some wine on her while she's in a spa/pool. It was harmless. Kristen got her back by getting her hair wet...which btw everyone knew she spent time on making perfect for her Hamptons event later that night. You could see it in Ramona's eyes and demeanor that she deserved the splash back and didn't make it that huge of a deal (i.e. retaliate even more).

I'll hold judgment on next episode until I see it... I can't tell from the previews if she throws an entire glass or not, and if Kristen really bleeds from Ramona's action or something else.

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RHOMelbourne fans, giving you the heads up. Apparently, Gina was given a bad edit on the reunion because Aussie fans protested on Twitter about how the reunion was conducted. They are coming for Lydia, Andrea, the host, and production. tongue.png

SN: I didn't know that Lisa reached out to Gina, and they've become friends. I knew I liked Gina from the episode I've been able to see. Dare I say she move to the US with her man and land a spot on RHOBH beside Lisa. Their fabulousness is needed since trash box Brandi has invaded the show.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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RH of Melbourne

"Andrea says I have a vulgar mouth, I think Andrea has a vulgar heart." - Gina.

"She basically has a prostitutes mentality, she sells herself for money." - Gina, on Lydia, as Lydia's jowls shook.

"Take your husbands away and you'd have nothing." - Gina, on Andrea and Lydia.

"You are an insignificant ass hair." - Gina, on Andrea.

Jackie + Janet = Adorable. Janet reminds me of Carmen Duncan from AW.

Andrea really has no grasp of legalities. That email/letter said absolutely nothing about any of them being sued or served with a lawsuit. Chyka was the only one who interpreted it correctly and read the situation perfectly. We all know Lydia's an idiot so the less said about her the better.

Andrea is so delusional, saying that she's "moved on" and that Gina's subsequent comments about her on the Mission Beach trip were what really bothered her...give me a break. She has had an axe to grind with Gina from day one and considering they knew each other before the show that's pretty pathetic.

I give Janet a lot of credit for how she laughed off Gina's comments about her. Although she is a bit flighty, Janet does strike me as someone who forgives easily and gets on with life. She's old school that way and I appreciate it.

Chyka was a lot more active in the reunion than I expected and she rocked it.

I don't think Gina got a bad edit, the reunion moderator was trying to keep order and keep the show moving.

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I think Kenya gives enough. Both seasons she's had better storylines than Nene and Nene is considered the star. I think where Kenya needs to step it up is in filming partners. I think she's better off now because she has Kandi and Cynthia to film with, plus the prospect of new housewives. I think it was difficult for her being so abrasive without getting to know any of them first.

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She's the catalyst. With the exception of Kandi, she's given all the women great material to work with. She is the spark that generates and moves story along. There would be a whole lot of nothing without her there for them to feed off of. Love her or hate her, she is a talking point and has been one of the, if not the most talked about star during the past 2 seasons. Kenya has the great ability to adapt and we've seen her story evolve. Her first season she had her romance with Walter, feud with Kenya and the whole donkey booty war and this season she's sucessfully transitioned to have a major feud with Nene and have a quest to be a mother. In between that she's planted seeds and start drama with Mynique/Chuck/Phaedra/Kandi, Natalie/Charles, Peter/Cynthia/NeNe, Nene/Marlo, etc... She has been AMAZING for season 6. Without Kenya it would be boring as the only interesting story outside of her was Kandi's drama which took a backseat for several weeks until the end. The whole Apollo/Phaedra mess is carryover from last season and Phaedra has continued on with this bc she did not have strong material by herself or with any of the other women. These women would not have anything worth carrying the show for 22 episodes without Kenya around stir things up and move plot along

She is a hypocrite but not here. She doesnt have an issue with people talking about family members. Her issue with Sheree was going after her son. IMO, kids should be off limit. There is no reason to use one's child to bash and attack another housewife. Sheree was wrong for that. Now if Nene had said something about Riley, then I would say she's a hypocrite on this particular issue

I dont think the editing for her was all that bad. She did come across defensive and wasnt there for laughs. I can see why some would say it looked negative for her but I think she came prepared for battle and it was justified bc they tried to gang up on her. Thank god for Janet and Chyka not following the other witches. Gina did go on the attack and Lydia and Andrea tried to play the victim but I found it bull. Production did show a reel of Gina slagging the women off, but I hope they are fair and go after the witches next week bc they need to be ripped into.

Rolling my eyes at Andrea talking about the trolls on Twitter that keep coming for her. Bitch, you deserve it

Edited by Cheap21
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That was the thing, Gina came off as very defensive, which she usually doesn't, the control afforded by the talking head interviews not being present at the reunion. Andrea and Lydia were working as a team, they'd pre-planned what they wanted to try and say and Andrea's ludicrous tears at once being in overdraft when launching her business was a joke.

Every cruel jab at Andrea's skill as a parent is deserved. She asked for it with her self serving, pat on the back book idea.

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