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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Wow! I'm really shocked Atlanta is coming back so soon after I Dream of Nene. I kinda think this is a mistake. Maybe they felt that NYC wasn't strong enough to launch right now. Either way, I need to stop complaining since I love my ATL girls so much, even with Kenya and Porsha.

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If you had to grade the casts on a scale of real to fake, in terms of their relationships and stories, who would be most fake, or least fake?

Do you think a lot of the tension between the women on BH is real or is it for drama? I have to admit when I read about Lisa, Brandi, and Yolanda falling out, I thought it might be just for TV drama (since it would be the next natural "storyline," as Adrienne is gone from the show and Kyle would be isolated).

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Uh oh - the ratings for I Dream of Nene aren't as huge as Bravo was hoping for... the premiere garnered ~1.5 million and a 0.7 rating 18-49.

Those numbers are basically what Tamra's wedding show received... her finale this week had just over 1.4 million with a 0.6 rating 18-49.

I bet those numbers get bigger as the show continues since the premiere was lacking some drama.

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Ok, first thing's first- Adriana and the 1994 issue of People Magazine, all in the name of calling Queen Lea a hypocrite. Au contraire. Did Lea hide her marriage for 4 years? No, it was 4 months. Was Lea having her friends set her up on dates with wealthy men during this time? Did Lea go on national television and whine about her fear of commitment and her lack of trust in men? Nope, none of those things. Adriana is a lot of things, but she's not dumb. She knows damn well that what Lea did 20 years ago(!) doesn't even compare to what she has done. So why put it out there? Simply put, it's an attempt to publicly humiliate Lea. For no reason. And NO, I don't buy for one second that Lea is the one who put that article out there. Did Adriana really think nobody was going to go digging after she announced her wedding in a blatant attempt to compete with Joanna? Bitch, please.

Oh goody! Marina's back in town to insult Lisa for no reason! I'm glad that Lenny stood up for his wife and put his mother in her place. There are other men out there that would do the opposite and tell his wife just to put up with it.

Marysol- LEA DOESN'T PRACTICE BLACK MAGIC! Talk about people in glass houses throwing stones, especially considering her mother. It is just obnoxious how Marysol is constantly trying to poison everyone against Lea. Get a backbone and hash out ur business with Lea yourself! Oh that's right, you don't have one of those.

I'm glad that Adriana and Lea aren't letting their feud ruin their kids' friendship. It is clear that RJ really looks up to Alex and Alex cares about RJ. Is Alex a little older than RJ or did he just hit his growth spurt first? Either way, they're adorable.

I agree with Lea that Adriana was rude in not coming to say hello and I agree Cat- you could see Lea's strained expression when she arrived, telling her about the cake. But LMAO @ Lea having Lisa, Joanna, Alexia, and Adriana come sing Happy Birthday to RJ. Awkward! The only thing that was funnier is when Romain wished Alex a Happy Birthday instead of RJ. I do love that man and his squinty hard blinking self.

Speaking of Romain, the whole Lenny inviting Romain and Frederic over to squash their fight seemed so fake and put on. It speaks to my problem with this season vs last. Last year, it seemed that all of the drama came organically and wasn't forced for the camera. It helped that many were new to the cast and it was fun watching them get to know one another- and decide whether they liked the others or not. Part of the reason this season seems this way is the fact that they cut the cast down to 5 housewives, which I think was a HUGE mistake. If they didn't want to have Ana or Marysol back as regulars, how about bringing 1 or 2 new wives in and letting the feathers fly? I think last year's 7 was perfection and though their ratings weren't huge, there was lots of buzz about the show at least. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Which is why I put much of the blame on production. I know that it was probably an impossible task for this season to live up to last season in my eyes, but I didn't expect such a steep drop in quality. What I miss MOST are all the social events we were treated to last season, and the colorful characters we were introduced to at those events. Literally every week, every episode they were going to some party or anniversary or big Miami event and it made it so much fun to watch. The best episode of the season so far for me was Alexia's Magazine Party, though I wished the entire ep focused on said party. I remain hopeful that this season will turn around, much like OC did for me- I wasn't that enthralled with their first 5 or 6 episodes either. And I'm still WAY more interested in Miami this year than New Jersey, which is a total snooze.

I will say next week looks fun, with the Fab 3's trip to LA and the sheer amazingness that is gonna be Alexia, Peter, and the Miami P.D. Not a moment too soon either.

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