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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I am watching. And I am LOVING the show thus far.

Partly its because RHoNJ, RHoATL and RHoOC have been such crashing disappointments this season. The upcoming RHoNY looks pretty dull, too. I am hopeful that my Jersey girls redeem themselves this season.

Vancouver has a Beverly Hills vibe without the wife-beating and twisted emotional playacting. It looks absolutely stunning, and these women's spending habits could put even Lisa and Adrienne to shame.

After the first two episodes, I am already loving Christina even though she is a big ole ho. And "30." Uh huh. I like that Christina actually stands up for Mary, unlike Mary's supposed BFF Ronnie who threw Mary under the bus the moment somebody more powerful and connected (Jody) came along. Ronnie is stunning on the outside but clearly petty on the inside and, if the boozing is any indication, in need of filling a void in her life.

I also thought the way Christina graciously received Ronnie's mean birthday "gifts" was diplomatic and classy. Very classy.

Mary... well, the jury is still out. I like that she's nice. I hope she develops a backbone hanging out with Christina, too. Otherwise she'll be like Taylor, getting other people to fight her battles for her.

Reiko -- not sure. She could be smart and spunky. Or she could turn into a Cynthia -- a total bore.

Don't hate me but even though Jody seems like a real bitch, I also think she's "my" kind of bitch, i.e. calls it like she sees it. And she's older and crusty. She doesn't need to impress anybody. Depending on how the season goes, I think I may grow to enjoy her.

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I agree about her not belonging on the OC, at least not with the current crop of women. She also does not play with any of them really; she is off in her own world living in a town far from the gates of Coto.

Why can't the show go back and focus on the Coto lifestyle. It was so much mor interesting to see the women to each other's home and drop by unexpectadly. Now these women do not hang out unless ther is an "Event."

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You are not alone my friend :) It feels VERY forced. It started out badly with the all-too-obvious set-up of Tamara inviting her to events. And something about her just seems like a bad acting job. She doesn't seem to really want to get into all the fighting and bickering, but feels she has to because that's part of the game here in Real Housewives land.

To be completely honest with you though, I haven't sat through an entire OC episode in weeks.

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Has anyone actually ever seen Alexis on Fox News? I saw the last episode of RH and from behind the scenes, she looks like an absolute idiot. I can only imagine how cringeworthy she is on air.


This is growing on me. Im on episode 3 and the 2nd was better than the first. Jody, Jody, Jody. I think she is someone I could love to hate. I cant stand her but realize she is necesary as she brings the drama and will keep things interesting. She is so full of herself and doesnt care who knows it. She drives my head in but I enjoy the other women reacting to her

I like Reiko. So far she's my favorite

Marika, that friend or whatever her name is. Can she lay off the botox? Her face is so tight that its uncomfortable to watch her

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Boy the ATL reunion was on fire!

Its not even funny talking about Sheree anymore its sad. When she was stuttering and tripping over her words and talking fast about why Chateau Sheree still hadn't been built it was so pathetic. I loved when NeNe called it neverland... lol.

Sheree was dead wrong trying to question Phaedra's abilities as a lawyer, and Phaedra handled that argument gracefully and won that.

Kandi is already moving with a new guy? Geesh. I don't understand why she needed to bring up Nene being a stripper but whatever. I loved the way Nene says dildo lol it sounds like deeeeel-do.

Kim :rolleyes: She is trying to act like none of the stuff is from Big Papa when she said it HERSELF on the show.

I was TOTALLY Team Nene. She was taking them out left and right. Sheree tried to bring Bryson into this and I loved how Nene went in on her. Sheree, how can you say a kid's action are a reflection of their parents i n the same breath as "well people make mistakes". Good lord. Nene also got Kim real good. Why is she worried about what is on Nene's twitter? And Nene wasn't talking about how her children she was talking about Kim. Kim is trying to act born again bc she is with Kroy and now acts like she is a lady of the manor. Nene was just reminding everyone that Kim wasn't perfect and has 3 baby daddies.

I loved how Andy kept saying "rich bitch". You can tell Nene is his favorite :wub:

All in all, it was pretty entertainng and I can't wait for Marlo on Thursday!

Oh yeah. Nene: "I was just letting you know what time it was" Sheree: "What time was it?" Nene: "What time it was, is that I'm a very rich bitch"... :lol:

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Fabulous start to the reunion. This is how a reunion should be and I was highly entertained!

Nene made some valid points about children's actions not being represtentative of the parent however her entire attitude from jump was defensive. Khandi is right, she really believes she's above them. This is the same chick who had no problem in previous seasons gossipping right along with them but the minute she got fame the women - and the show - is suddenly beneath her and this is why the women are pissed off. Andy should be offended but it's obvious he adores Nene. The editing in the Nene/Sheree confrontation clearly made Nene the winner.

Sheree is damn lucky that Phaedra considers her a friend because she was really classy in that confrontation and could have put her on blast. I'm tired of Sheree and hope the rumors are true. She provides nothing and it's time for her to leave. She's been saying the same dam thing for over a year and she should have taken Phaedra's advice and thrown his ass in jail. She has no one to blame but herself. It's also clear that Andy loves Phaedra too. He lights up everytime she talks.

I absolutely hated Khandi's look. She looked like a one trick pony - literally.

I can beleive Khandi has more money than all the ladies. When will these bitches learn that people with real money never go around telling everyone they're rich. It makes Nene look stupid when it was revealed her "trump check" amounted to a fee of around $25,000.

Poor Kroy - by the time Kim is finished with him he'll have a nickel left in his pocket.

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