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The Lady Gaga Thread


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There seems to hardly be any point or plot to any of her videos. They always appear to be an excess of randomness for her to prove just how hardcore and daring she thinks she is, while she's not.

Gaga, you're not Bjork honey, stop trying...

And frankly, I never got the fuss about the Bad Romance video or song.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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The video starts off interestingly--even if using Herrmann's Vertigo has been done before--and then kinda goes nowhere fast. She also needs a new choreographer. I don't mind long videos though--they will ofen just play the edit anyway... I do agree with Adam though--with the sorry state of videos right now, when even Madonna could care less, I like that she at least tries...

Oh and Little Boots:



Edited by EricMontreal22
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The Bernard Herrmann/Vertigo bit was the best part of the whole video. The repellant birthing stuff kind of worked when set to that amazing music. I can't even remember what the actual Gaga song sounds like.

Like Y&RWorldTurner, I never got the love for Bad Romance. Telephone (as a song) was actually the catchiest for me, helped by the fact that Beyonce sang on it.

And it's funny how hard Lady Gaga tries to be sexy and sexual, I get a very cold, unsexual vibe from her. Nothing sensuous or hot or even animal. She's just some kid playing dress up.

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Bad Romance has been my fave of her singles, and it was one of the few videos that worked (I liked Paparazzi too). While I like that she still does over the top videos when few others do, I do kinda get the criticsm ever since Alejandro--and now--that the video concepts seem to have next to nothing to do with the song. Although that's always been part of Gaga's shtick (and to be fair it's worked brilliantly for her commercially)--"outrageous" image, with pretty conventional catchy pop/dance.

I agree that the opening, as repellent as parts of it are is the best part of the video--it seems to set up something, that isn't fulfilled with the rest (though I like the skeleton bit for some reason--I'm pretty tired of Gaga's always the same choreography though which is just kinda a mess). Oddly I was just rewatching for the first time in years, the Tales of the City miniseries with a friend which opens with the Vertigo theme as well...

I do lik e the song--cliche as it is--and I guess I would have been annoyed with a video that was set at a gay pride parade or something more expected, but...

This may sound defensive, but I don't think Gaga *is* trying to be sexy--I know in Vanity Fair (though maybe *she* was being defensive) she has said she's never trying to sell herself as a sex object, even when she wears next to nothing. I actually kinda appreciate that in a world where nearly every female popstar(and male, for that matter)'s main goal is to look as sexy as possible. *That* is one area where she does differ from Madonna.

Edited by EricMontreal22
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Though things are so diff now that Billboard counts downloads--the US market has never had a big retail single market when they were physical (unlike the UK or Japan) and it relied solely on radio. I'm not just being defensive cuz I despise Katy lol, but I think it's hard to fairly compare between the eras.

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