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Farah Fath declares war on the message boards

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Farah seems to be on the right track...it seems like the worse your acting is the more likely it is OLTL will keep you around. JPL does nothing but smirk and look bored, and they think he's a star. Farah tends to do her best impression of the third or fourth string friend on an MTV "reality" show who wants to "keep it real". The people in this story who actually tried to give a performance are all going.

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In a different world, yes. This attitude is begging for one. However, she has this attitude because -- as evidenced on our screens and in the scripts -- ABC feels this little girl is golden and she's believing the hype. But be careful, Mimi. In the words of Grand Puba, don't let it go to your head -- everybody loves a star when they're on top, but nobody comes around when the star starts to drop!

Oh, no! I'm finding her absolutely comical! :lol: She's like a bad soap diva parody come to life! The Scrapbook & Diamonds story is something I refuse to let go of! :lol: :lol:

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And you have just put your finger on why Daytime is so horribly mismanaged. Frons loves him some Farah, Michael McNostril, Thor-Thor, some Mo and KeMo. They could urinate all over their respective casts and still have their asses covered by the big man. IRL we civilians are told that only our 110% best work will do in the current shitty job environment... and yet on OLTL, competent actors are being fired while the no-hopers are being kept on as the "future" of the show. Like, how on earth did Terrell stay on the show while the rest of his on-screen family get the chop? Don't get me started on some of the more regular fixtures. Lavoisier and Fath key among them.

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FF's complaint is that she has tried really hard to up her game, but still gets bashed by unappreciative fans on SON and TWOP. Has she taken any acting lessons? I hope not because that would mean that there is no room for her to improve. If she hasn't taken acting, she should. She may never be good, but surely she could can be less horrific.

I don't believe for a second FF's comments are a firing offense. At most, the network will lecture her about paying attention to the comments of "those pathetic wacky online fans who have no life, spend all their time on the Internet, and think that soaps are important."

It is an ABC rule. The worse and more bored the actor, the greater chance they will stick around, get loads of airtime and be treated like a star. GH isn't much different when it comes to its male actors. It is just more obvious on OLTL because it has soo many of them, male and female. OLTL needs to clean house by firing most of the actors at the top, not picking on the actors at the bottom and then it is needs a good exorcism to get rid of its bad vibes.

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Uh, I dare her to watch an enitre hour of her performances and then she will clearly understand why imo SHE SUCKS!

I kinda liked her on Days, but there she wasnt do hard hitting drama.

But she is now at OLTL, and when you are supposedly doing a serious story of your child possibly dying or your sister who you have hated is dead, I am expecting some emotion, some layers, not me looking at the screen like this :wacko::blink: or :unsure:

And how the hell are you apologizing for your comments in one breath and then calling the people your are apologizing to PATHETIC, seriously!

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