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Farah Fath declares war on the message boards

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Frankly, the fact that FF is trying making it sadder that her performances are so damn bad. However, again I don't blame her. She isn't going quit a good job. It is on FV, RC,and BF. They continue to give her unreasonable amounts of airtime and dramatic material that she cannot handle. They fired the talented far more talented actresses in favor of her and their other mediocre actors. OLTL deserves its upcoming cancellation.

Mhm. Saying "I'm sorry you're not impressed" and "And you're pathetic for not being impressed" are astronomically different things.

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Back when they were together on ATWT, which was also around the time that they were getting together in real life, the ATWT boards roasted them alive. Lesli never said anything, but when Keith was fired, he blamed message boards and I think said something to the extent of "I hope you're happy now."

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It was made even worse because Lesli had done soft porn and the fans at the time loved to talk about that and how that must have been at play in her sex scenes on ATWT and on and on. Keith was miscast in the role and the story sucked, so it wasn't just fan reaction which did him in, but it didn't help. No real pity from me though.

And this even goes back to OLTL, because Keith worked a year or two later at OLTL as some guy who worked with models and was also a hitman, or something. He was involved in the boring Jennifer/Cris story. Since this was the Gary Tomlin era of OLTL, he wore tight leather pants and they made sure we got to see just how well he filled them out.

I remember a little about that. Not sure though.

And how can we forget about Brandon Routh...

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No, I don't remember him ruffling feather. IIRC, he posted, on SON, that he just stumbled on the posts that, even after he was recast, proceeded to talk crap about his bad acting. He took it all in stride and was like, "Hell, was a fun gig!"

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Farah should have spoke to him then, because that's how you handle such a thing (if you are going to handle it at all)

I firmly believe actors need to focus on reading their scripts, not reading tirades from bitchy message board posters.

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He posted, under his own name, IIRC. It was really funny because I guess either he or a friend Googled his name and a recent AMC post came up in the query and he looked to see what was being said.

It was really funny and I remember alot of people going... :unsure: .

I'm pretty damn sure it happened on SON.

Oh LORD! LOL. I feel bad for him though. Even the chick who played Laurie the Christian found a movie gig and she was equally as sucktastic.

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