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Farah Fath declares war on the message boards

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I sort of like JPL. He can be funny, it is just his character is so flamingly gay only no one on the show knows it. Maybe that is part of the charm. He should stick to silly comedy and fish out of water scenes. Not every character needs to star in stories about cancer, I don't know why OLTL misused JPL this way. But he and Bo in the gay bar hunting for a killer, or he and Bo stuck in 1968 wondering what the heck is going on...good stuff. JPL and RSW made the best buddies on the show.

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Even the light stuff was ruined with too much smirking and self-satisfaction. I can't bear the Bo/Rex relationship it's just endless loops of Bo telling Rex how wonderful he is.

I find it kind of funny now that

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I liked JPL before Rex and Gigi. Did she ruin him, too? Ugh. Her latest status makes me ill. Doesn't anyone know what it means to be humble anymore? And I pray that the story about her scrapbook isn't true. If it is, she has FAR more to worry about than OLTL...like her reprehensible soul.

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Her blog post


Alright alright...

First off, I apologize for giving certain message board posters the middle finger. Is it honestly what I feel like doing every time I read the terrible things you say about me day in and day out? Yes. But I apologize for lashing out. I lost my cool due to the frustrations of feeling like I can NEVER please the people who I've been trying to please for the past year.

I had never read message boards until recently and was horrified to discover that most people seem to hate me. especially my acting. however, i did not cry about it. I used it as fuel to get better. These past couple of months, I feel like I've put out some of my best work to date. So every week I've been checking back with "you people" (you know who you are) to see if I could finally squeeze an ounce of approval or praise out of you. With no luck. My skills are continuously bashed by the same people every day. You'd think it would be tiresome saying the same awful things about Farah Fath so often but apparently it's a fun topic. Why I have let these people matter to me is simply because I like a challenge. I've so badly wanted them to admit when I have a good show. But I've come to realize it will never happen. So I am letting go of my mini-obsession to please, because no matter what I do with a scene, no matter how I deliver a speech, no matter how I wear my stupid hair, I will never be good enough for these particular individuals. From this day on, I will focus on the people in my life who support me and think I am talented.

I am sorry once again for offending who ever. It was a reaction to being offended myself. I try so hard to be a good actress and just found it disheartening that supposed fans could be so cruel. And then I came to realize that you can be a fan of a show but not be a fan of someone on it. And that is fine. I respect your right to think I'm abominable. Please respect mine to think you are somewhat pathetic.

Most pathetic of all is a lie that is currently circulating about me from an appearance I did several years ago in S.C. I'll clear up 2 things right away, I never received a DIAMOND bracelet from any fan. I'm pretty sure that is what you call a "memorable gift". Also, the scrapbook I was given on that trip is on my mother's coffee table in Lexington, KY with every single page in tact. Next to it sits a framed photo of Eric Winter and myself holding the scrapbook upon receiving it. It, along with 3 other scrapbooks made for me over the years, are some of my most prized possessions.

Now, let's focus on what's truly important here. Many of my fellow cast mates have been losing their jobs as of late. Let's take this time to wish them well instead of calling me names and saying you want to punch me in the face.

I love my job, I love learning from great individuals from whom I associate with AT my job. And last but not least, I am so very grateful to have been a part of daytime for the past 11 years. The lesson learned in my 11th year is not to read message boards ever again. And I won't.


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