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Farah Fath declares war on the message boards

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Well, as unprofessional as her status updates have been, I feel like I dislike her less reading her blog post. She does sound like she's trying and I can't hate her for doing her best. I CAN hate the show for keeping her employed, but that's a different story. I appreciate that she's trying and that she realizes it's silly to care so much about what people think. Haters are always gon' hate. I hope she continues to put her all in for herself and for the others around her that she acts with and for the future of the show. If she improves her acting and Gigi is well-written, I MIGHT see a change of heart. But I guess she can only tackle one part of that battle.

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I'd never heard of this scrapbook thing.

I guess she picked the wrong time to read the boards. In 2007/2008 she was more popular even at the mean boards she mentioned than she is today. If she is less popular now, she can look at her relationship with Rex, or what's become of it, as the #1 reason. That and dramatic scenes.

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thats debatable. She's no Meryl Streep but she's far from the worst in the business. I feel she does the best with the crappy material she's given. I personally dont see her as this horrendous actress that others have. There are others on other shows who's acting is so bad that it actually distracts me from the show. I never get that from her even when Gigi irritates the hell out of me

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The blog post should have come loooong before the status updates, and that's -- essentially -- where she stepped in dog [!@#$%^&*]. Shooting first and asking questions later is a problem all of us run into somewhere along the line, so I can put the middle finger business in the past where it belongs.

But jeez, just because YOU think you've done this great job doesn't mean that everyone has to agree with you. It sucks, yes, but damn, that's just the way it is. You can't take every criticism of your acting so darn personally. I appreciate that you took it to heart initially and wanted to work at making it better, and I'm glad you feel it got better, but again, not everyone's gonna agree with you, Fath. And again, it sucks, but that's the way it is. Ignoring that part of the fanbase because you've decided it's impossible to please it is soooo not the way to go. Take it in, use it as motivation to keep getting better. If you don't get the praise you want now, maybe you'll get it later or later or later. No matter what, though, giving up on trying to improve will NEVER get you the praise you want.

The old saying rings true: there's always room for improvement.

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I'll respect you thinking I'm pathetic if you look it up in the dictionary and see a picture of yourself. You could have completely avoided this brouhaha by being a professional and not saying anything at all.

I don't know what is up with your defensive attitude or your need to "please" people or be well liked by fans, but you need to chill out and realize(as many others have said here) that you have it easy and that there are countless other people who would kill to have your role and would probably be more gracious to their fans and critics. After all, any publicity is good publicity.

You need to be a big girl and grow up. Your younger Days are far behind you, sister. You're one of the leads in a company of people who should be dominating that airtime. Start acting like it instead of blaming other people for your shortcomings as an actress.



And P.S., Really do something about that hair, love!

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I was with her until she called people pathetic. Whatever. She's not worth anymore of my time. Damage done Farah. Damage done and you have no one else to blame but yourself. She sounds unstable and insecure. Why would she troll the internet and look for approval from a few random fans? And just because she couldn't please them she decided to insult them and openly engage in a message board warfare. This board is cruel to ALL of the actors yet it only bothers her that a few people dislike her performance. I also have a problem with her statement that she gives it her all everyday. What else should she do. This is her job. To show up and give it her all everyday. She sounds self-entitled and very unprofessional. And she really needs to grow up.

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She is trying to apologize, but IMO just keeps throwing gas on the fire. I mean at least she realizes she can't change people's opinions on her (and IMO they are all valid opinions).... but I mean she would have been better served just to let it go and move on... she just keeps this thing going lol.

Exactly! She isn't doing herself any favours... she comes off just as "pathetic" as the people she is calling pathetic. She really needs to check her diva attitude at the door, both on and off the set. Like I said, if she is trying her hardest to perform.... then she should be satisfied with that.... why should she care what any of us say... she is such a classless, petty person.

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Oh, the drama. What struck me is that FF still thinks that it is okay to publicly call the soap fans pathetic for expressing their opinions about her lack of talent. My advice to FF stands, "don't visit soap boards, if you can't take the criticism." I'll add, "don't insult the consumers of your product publicly."

Frankly, the fact that FF is trying making it sadder that her performances are so damn bad. However, again I don't blame her. She isn't going quit a good job. It is on FV, RC,and BF. They continue to give her unreasonable amounts of airtime and dramatic material that she cannot handle. They fired far more talented actresses in favor of her and their other mediocre actors. OLTL deserves its upcoming cancellation.

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