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GH: January 2010 Discussion Thread

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JJ is rocking this storyline right now, I am so intrigued now. Loved his scenes with Lulu and Luke this week. All three of them did really well. Liz and Nik are such liars and hypocrites!! I cheered at the end of Friday's episode when Lucky was like, "Your screwing my brother" SCORE! Monday's show can't come fast enough...he's going to rip those two lovebirds into shreds!! :rolleyes:.

This Lisa girl............so not feeling her this far, and I don't think I ever will....

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Lucky Spencer is my hero! He is on FIRE today. I loved that he called Liz out on being a cheap slut and how she only uses him as someone to take care of her kids. Good for him. He broke my hear when he touched her face and asked what happened to the girl he found in the park bc he'll always love her.

OMG, Carly COULDNT wait to go gossiping about Liz sleeping around. She is loving every minute of this

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JJ killed it today!

I have been waiting for someone to tell Liz off like that for years and the pay off was amazing. It's been so long in the making and coming and Lucky said everything perfectly.

I can't even pick which of the lines are my favourites. Carly couldn't have shown up at a more perfect time, and the glee she took in Liz's downfall was priceless.

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ITA with everyone, Jonathon Jackson was phenomenal today. Such a raw performance, Emmy-worthy indeed. I think the Emmy should just be reserved for him right now! Rebecca Herbst was great today to, those tears were real, such a great performance. Tyler Christoper, I'm sorry, but no! Not what I was expecting, he was just a mess as Nik today! He was just standing there looking like a robot, I only liked him in that scene where that tear was fluttering down his face! Totally not what I was expecting from him.

Loved when Lucky told Carly that Liz and Nik would be "Rutting like farm animals" LOL! I was laughing so hard on that part for some reason. Wow Lucky used every dirty word in the book, I was shocked!

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OMG, that was awesome. I used to love Liz but this SL was really destroyed the character and everything Lucky said was a perfect distillation of what most fans were thinking.

I'm hoping Lucky's reaction to Nikolas -- which was underwelming compared with his tirade against Elizabeth -- is merely a delayed reaction, because Puffy needs his ass KICKED. And Tyler needs his acting asss kicked because he gave up emoting towards the end of his scenes with Jonathan Jackson. I mean, I know this is a badly written triangle which puts Nikolas in a bad light but, as Steve McQueen once indicated, true acting is really about REACTING. I don't know why TC couldn't work up the energy to give a little more in his scenes -- I would have thought he would be psyched when told that boring ole Nikolas was turning to the Cassadine dark side by running down Rebeccily and chasing after his brother's girl. Here? Nothing. And it's a waste because TC was once an actor. Becky Herbst is a little limited in her reactions but I did not for one moment doubt her pain and humiliation.

I feel a little bad for jumping on the JJ bandwagon, though, after the way GV was turfed out of GH and the way Tony Geary essentially sold him down the river and said he wasn't a good enough actor. But I can't deny that JJ turned in an amazing performance yesterday. His scenes with TG were even stronger than the confrontation itself, I'd say.

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I don't think this storyline has destroyed Liz. I think it goes back to the Jason and Liz ish and how she was held up as some paragon of virtue while Lucky was demonized.

I thought the reveal was a little much but I think it was pent up from years of Lucky being the sap and Liz being this madonna angel type. I find it funny that Liz still needed a man(Nikolas) there to speak on her behalf. How it's not her fault yadda yadda. I also find Becky a limited actress but I thought she actually did well yesterday for the little she was given.

I haven't really watched the show at all. JJ really never did it for me but I have to say that the Luke and Lucky scenes yesterday were better than the reveal and JJ and TG were great together. It's kind of disheartening to see it took JJ returning to wake TG up from his slumber. And JJ? Well the pets always get to call the women sluts, whores, etc. Yesterday was all emmy bait but I will again give JJ credit for waking up TG and he killed me in the last scene with Becky too.

TC. I doubt he's gotten much in this story so I won't comment other than to say he's still the most disappointing actor next to MB on this show. But I actually think TC has more talent and like SBu, MB, IR, they all know no matter what they do they'll have a job so why bother is the impression I get. Oh well so be it.

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"Elizabeth ran up 15 flights of stairs to seduce Jason"

LMAO...glad that one hasnt been forgotten

OMG, Lulu going off on her at work in front of everyone was great. Did anyone else expect for he to slap Liz when she first got to the hospital? I was waiting for it but her tirade went on a bit long. Dang over the past 2 days Liz has been called every word in the book. Slut, whore, bitch, tramp, skank....the list goes on

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Oh ShrewLu do STFU, you are in NO position to throw stones at anyone, she who stole Georgie's man and got knocked up by him :rolleyes:

Oh and Carly needs to STFU too, pot meet kettle

Are you surprised? I'm not, typical mysognistic attitude towards women when it comes to people like Guza and Pratt and even Frons

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