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Reading the weekly summaries also made me re-think the scene after Amanda was born when Iris finds out from Mac that she illegitimate.  


Like many, I've criticized that detail because (a) it seemed uncharacteristically cruel of Mac, (b) it affected the continuity of the Cory family history, and (c) it seemed unnecessary.  However, I would argue from a new perspective given the context of the story because of the changes it put into place for upcoming stories. 


First of all, Amanda was born around the time of Iris's marriage to Brian Bancroft.  Brian wanted Iris to voluntarily remove herself as Mac's heir prior to their marriage so that she would not be beholden to the Cory family fortune.  Second, it set up a heartwarming scene for Therese Lemonte  I always thought Therese died on Iris's terrace after her singing Bye-Bye Blackbird, but she actually survived to go to the hospital where she pleaded with Mac to set aside any differences with Iris.  Third, by making Iris more vulnerable it set up the conflict between Rachel and Blaine.  In the past, Iris would have been the one to steal from Cory to pay off Blaine.  However, without access to the Cory funds, it fell to Rachel to embezzle one million dollars from Cory to give to Blaine, which caused a separation from Mac, which led to his relationship with Janice, which in turn led to St. Croix, Mitch, and the conception of Matthew. 


So, I think within the context of the time, Iris's illegitimacy makes more sense and served the story.  Later it may have created more problems that needed correction, but for the moment that it was written, it had a purpose that drove the plot forward.

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I'd love to know the answer to that too.  The rewrite was completely unnecessary, and it was insulting to any viewers who had watched the original storyline play out in 1978.   An adopted child has just as much legal right to inheritance (and/or the family business) as a bio-child.   So Iris could have played the same beats regarding Cory Publishing, whether she was adopted or bio.  There was no logical reason to rewrite her conception to make her Mac's bio-child.  

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Hello all ... I’m sure this has been discussed but couldn’t really find the answer.  I’ve always enjoyed when characters crossed over to other shows, but this one always made me wonder how and why.

The characters of Mike and Hope Bauer crossed over from The Guiding Light to Another World in 1966 for a year.


I’m surprised CBS would allow a character from their show to go to competitor.  Or did CBS not really have a say since they were both P&G shows.  Was AW hoping for a ratings increase by having these characters on... they did go up in the ratings a year later although probably unrelated.  


1966–1967 Season

  • 1. As the World Turns 12.7
  • 2. The Edge of Night 10.9
  • 3. The Guiding Light 10.8
  • 4. Search for Tomorrow 10.7
  • 4. The Secret Storm 10.7
  • 6. Love of Life 9.5
  • 7. Another World 9.0


1967–1968 Season

  • 1. As the World Turns 13.6
  • 2. Another World 10.2
  • 3. The Guiding Light 10.0

Thanks for any insight.

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I guess P&G and NBC both wanted AW to succeed, and at that point it was still struggling.

Remember in those days P&G had a policy that none of its sponsored shows could compete with one another so there was no issue there.

I think Agnes Nixon was writing both shows so that was another reason to do it.

My questions regarding the crossover.

Was Mike appearing on TGL before he arrived in Bay City?

I think he had been offsreen on TGL after his marriage to Julie.

Did he return to TGL for a while and then announce his move to AW or just turn up on AW and maybe a mention on TGL that Mike has taken up a new job...

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I could be completely off about this (it's been more than 40 years) but as I recall it, Iris wasn't in the room when Mac blurted out that Amanda was his first child - she was in the hallway outside or perhaps the doorway, but Mac didn't know she was within earshot.


I believe Dave Gilchrist was one of the gang of characters who moved to Bay City from New York when the show expanded to an hour, so he knew the Lamontes, at least some of Iris's hangers-on, and probably Mac's succession of attorneys (Scott Bradley/Keith Morrison/Brian Bancroft). He never had much to do.


Lemay continued to write AW through most, if not all of the 90-minute episodes, and Olive setting the fire that killed John happened in the first week of that expansion. I also remember her eventual slide into Crazy Town as being somewhat measured and believable.

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That's now how I remember it, though it could be my memory that's faulty. I remember Mac and Iris sitting together in the hospital, and Mac overcome with joy at the birth of Amanda, and just blurting out how happy he is to finally have a daughter. 

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I think the character of Mike Bauer had been away from TGL for a few months (maybe closer to a year?) when Mike and Hope first arrived in Bay City in 1966, although Mike was still played by Gary Pilar when he did appear on AW. I assume that they would have referenced it on TGL, but I don't think Mike ever "crossed over" back to TGL during 1966/1967.

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Amanda was actually born some years after Therese died.  Didnt Therese die around 75 or 76?  Amanda was born in either late 78 or 79.  In soap world these are decades.  With regard to Mac blurting out I finally have a daughter or a child I can see that as an unconcisous remark and then realizing afer seeing Iris's face that he said something he shouldn't have.  I also agree with other members here with Lemay re-inventing the whole thing all over again.  Especailly with Sylvie & Mac once having an affair.  Seemed kind of stupid.  This was now 1988 and Lemay came back as head writer and I thought his writing with regard to Iris now played by Carmen Duncan was nothing like his writing for Bev McKinsley

I could be wrong but I believe this is part of the reason he resigned?  He was presssured into writing the murder of John Randolph or something to that effect. that  He stated he was not into writing characters being murdered and on the day of the 90 min episode, there was competition from another network that was airing a soap episode that they needed to lure the audience to watch AW.  I believe there was a GL episode or ATWT that was the competiton that AW wanted viewers to tune into John's death

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Yeah. On that same day, Roger raped Holly on GL, and Karen admitted on the stand that she was a hooker on OLTL. There must've been some pretty fierce competition.


According to Lemay's book, the ratings were down and P&G believed it was because of a lack of plot. As a result, the execs from P&G planned on hiring a team of script writers so that Lemay could concentrate solely on story projections. Lemay then suggested that he resign as head writer to focus solely on script writing. The execs agreed, but then Lemay changed his mind and resigned from the show completely. 

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