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Not as long as black people are still allowed to vote. Cuomo is 57 points ahead of her with black voters and that video is a good example of why. Black Americans understand exactly what all this talk about America's "greatness" means. America's greatness was built on the backs of our ancestors. Hearing someone say that "America was never that great" is a refreshing bit of honesty.


The truth is that white lefties especially white lefty men love Ocasio-Cortez. The Democratic base i.e. black women don't. We don't hate her (although I personally am getting there fast) but she's not the shining star that the media wants to make her. Her campaign is basically powered by white guys with boners. She's not the left's Sarah Palin. She's the left's Ivanka Trump. She's vapid and she lies but she gets a pass because she's pretty.

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I do wonder about the people in the crowd, as I wonder if they were mostly just surprised. I don't really disagree with him, but I'm surprised he said it, especially given his safe and go-along-to-get-along political choices. It just seemed so random. That's why I wondered about the primary, even though he is the heavy favorite. 

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Yeah this nonsense over the outrage at Cuomo. No one batted an eye when the jackass in the white house said he knew more than the generals, insulted our military, you know the things the patriotic right supposedly takes seriously.  This faux patriotism by the right and even the people in the media is so fake and laughable. And can I say I don't give a crap about Brennan losing his clearance other than the fact it was done for all the wrong reasons. Simply because someone said something bad about 45. The righteous right only cares about their first amendment rights not when it leads to political persecution of enemies.


This may have been the one and only honest thing Cuomo has ever said. My niece by the way is a NYC resident and liberal and while she's not a Cuomo fan, he's also been a thorn in the side of DeBlasio which has made some New Yorkers happy at least a few years ago when DeBlasio's admin was mired in scandal.

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It surprised me as well.  I'm not even entirely sure if he MEANT it.  But I'm glad someone said it.


It's like what I was telling someone not too long ago: I'd rather run for office and lose on the truth, then run and win on a lie.  And that the reason why I WON'T run for office EVER is because I just can't compromise what I believe in for the sake of a few, lousy votes.  As Katie told Hubbell in "The Way We Were," people ARE their principles.  My principles and my beliefs are not for sale.

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I think its a safer thing to say now that Trump's motto is MAGA.  I remember someone asked Noam Chomsky (huge critic of American foreign policy for anyone who doesn't know)  if America was the greatest country in the world decades ago.  At first he said yes and then he backtracked. Since then I've always wondered what "greatest" even means. 


Greatest in terms of military strength?  Greatest in terms of economic opportunity? The best place on the planet to live? I think it's such a subjective and in some ways indefinable concept. It also depends very much on who you are and where you are standing. Perfect for a Trump motto really because you can't even nail the meaning down, so it makes a good dog whistle to people who miss the bad old days.

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Further proof that the Trump administration (I use the term very loosely) and it's ill-conceived 'War On Drugs' is even worse than the last two Republican administrations' attempts at eradicating drug abuse. They have surpassed previous years in the amount of deaths though.


Bleak New Estimates in Drug Epidemic: A Record 72,000 Overdose Deaths in 2017



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They already did lose them in 2016 and we all saw the result. Bernie Sanders lost the democratic nomination by 4 million votes not because of rigging. Much of that was due to turning off the democratic base. What politician running under the democratic umbrella intentionally turns off he party’s voting base and calls them low information voters. The guy who didn’t  bother to campaign in the south, lost those primaries, and then called black folks stupid that’s who. And those white lefties who didn’t get their way did what? Didn’t vote or  voted for Stein. A temper tantrum because they didn’t get their way. And deliberately wanted to hurt the people who didn’t vote for their savior.


black people have different interests? Yeah survival. Where these white lefties know they won’t be hurt. Look at Georgia a state where the first black woman ever in the country  can be elected Governor . She’s doing it by working the party base hard and democrats. She’s not going after voters she knows won’t vote for her no matter what. And what do black voters get in return? Georgia announcing the closure of dozens of voting sites in black communities. I wonder what those white lefties will do about this?  My guess not a thing. But would expect black folks to turn out in record numbers in that state to vote for someone who wasn’t even interested enough to visit the state in the primary and calls them stupid. 

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