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^ That is terrifying. I feel like the Biden presidency is a little dinghy and we are surrounded by sharks waiting for their chance.


I've spent the last six months quietly celebrating a return to normal, but I'm coming back to reality now. I watched that Q documentary on HBO which was really disturbing. I'd say at best we have a 50/50 chance of beating these nuts back.

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Sadly, the likes of Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney and now Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of my very own Ohio who refuse to be cowed by T**** and his ilk are few and far between. I am completely appalled that these sheep follow his every command when he would sell each and every one of them out in a second. Do they really think we don't see what they're doing? 

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Even political pundits who love to be contrarian and downplay serious concerns, like Nate Silver, Matthew Yglesias, and Dave Wasserman, are now openly saying things like if something doesn't change, democracy is likely finished and if a Democrat does win in 2024, the results will not be certified. 


Manchin, Sinema, Warner, Feinstein just don't give a damn about the reforms needed to safeguard democracy. And unless that changes, then we're well and truly screwed. 


And the leftists who spend their time berating Breyer to retire (as if he is going to listen or care) are just distracting from the point.

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I make no judgements in the NYC mayoral race as I no longer reside/vote in NYC but people like Wesley, a NYC transplant likely underestimate how well known Adams is among older Blacks, blue collar union people and those outside of Manhattan. He has made some missteps and definitely been associated with problematic people (which, since Trump's election, doesn't seem to be as damaging to reputation as it once would've been) but he is also known as the man who talked about police brutality issues and started the 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care over 20 years ago (which didn't endear him to the white police in NY). Whether media analyzes that as self-serving or not, people remember because he was out in front of this issue, speaking at community events and platforms and people remember.

Like I said before, it will be interesting to see where this all lands, especially since NYC will be engaging in ranked choice voting for the first time.

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I think Biden is being very vocal tbh - saying all the right things. A lot of populist lines. I think he acts like they have the majority. Schumer could always be doing more. But do I think they're going to do nothing or that we're screwed, no. That depends on a lot of things. It's easy to spend all one's time on doomspiraling Political Twitter and think it's the real world, and generally it is not - it is always trafficking in hyperbole and high emotions and high-voltage statements. This is definitely an urgent moment and a lot needs to be done, that much is clear. But do I think Manchin and Sinema won't ever budge and hold all the power and we're fùcked: No.


Meanwhile, a thread:



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Aww, Bo.

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That post by Mrs. Obama got me.




It can become a tangled mess if the Biden administration gets too caught up in tit for tat with the GOP, which is likely exactly what they want. 

POTUS and VP need to focus on their agenda. This is not the Trump years... people expect actual legislation to be passed, not just parting shots and insulting twitter posts.

If anyone needs to be speaking up more, it's the Democrats in states where the GOP's lies seem to be having impact. 

Yes, there are likely going to be times when Biden-Harris could feel compelled to speak but their first job is to address the many issues at hand that, if not dealt with, could have a lot more impact than loose cannons trying to inflame some people on Facebook and Twitter.


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Ugh I am so tired of people like Nate Silver and Matty Yglesias. We'd all be better off if we didn't listen to them along with Nate Cohn. Just a few weeks back they were lecturing everyone on how these voting laws being passed across the country were not really bad. I mean these are the people we need to stop giving attention to. They by no means are anyone I would consider an ally to democracy particularly after their behavior over the last 10 years. And NOW they want the democrats to fix everything. Maybe these fools should look in the mirror. Anyway I see Nate Silver and Wasserman have moved onto COVID analysis and telling us all the reasons the jobs report released yesterday didn't hit expectations. Wasserman had the nerve to tweet that stmt out from the US Chamber of Commerce stating that benefits are too high. He ended up deleting it due to the ratio.


The situation is serious, no doubt and it's OUR JOB as citizens to continue to put pressure on our own legislators. Volunteer in a group that is already prepping for 2022. I'm sending out letters to people in swing and red states about voting and making sure people know what's on the line.  I also joined the Poor Peoples Campaign where there are initiatives you can get involved in. Rev Barber is amazing and the work they are doing is fabulous.  THey also have a 50 STATE STRATEGY. Sound familiar.

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True story - this morning as I drove to church, I spotted the license plate of a car going the other way. It read "TRUMP D". I wanted to pull over somewhere and hurl. Never, ever will I understand why people choose to ally themselves to that monster. Never, ever, ever.

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