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Hell no. The man needs to die. I knew we wouldn't luck out and be saved by a natural death in 2020 though. As we've seen, people at this level have world class healthcare. 


That's ok though. Let him live to see this country kick his traitorous ass to the curb.  We are going to have a huge blue wave and repudiate everything this wanna be dictator stands for. The only question is how many of his enablers and sycophants go down with him. Please God, let us take the Senate.

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In Bannon's ideal world, this would have been people like Boris Johnson, who is an oaf, but still knows enough to steer well clear. Boris isn't much better than Farage, but if the UK had our system of government, Farage would likely be PM. He is their Trump. That he keeps being asked here is laughably pathetic - if only Piers Morgan (who is back on the ass-kissing Trump train) had stuck it out in the US longer he'd probably be on the stage instead. 


August Pollak makes some sound points, but I think they overestimate just how many people are going to react if the courts give Trump a win. There will be protestors, but many will ignore them, and the military will be sent out against them. Many assume Trump will win anyway, based on some of the "who do you think will win?" polls. There's been years spent with the media telling us that the majority prefer Trump and the many reasons why Democrats will lose. The media will be in full court press to get people to accept these results, and those who don't will have few options.


The decision to accept the 2000 election being stolen from Al Gore, alongside the decision by the GOP to put three people who helped make that happen onto the SCOTUS, have led us to where we are now. They will do anything they want, because they know they can.


I am just hoping against hope for a big enough win to where this can't happen, but right now it's hard. 

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There's a lot of big ifs there that you assume are inevitable reality. I don't. I also don't think SCOTUS will become involved despite what Trump may want, or that the military will. If you approach any dissent or problem with Trump from the automatic knee-jerk response of "everyone will accept it" or "nothing will matter," well, that's just not true. He got creamed in the midterms for a reason. He is losing for a reason. None of these things have happened because nothing mattered or everyone accepted it. They did the opposite.



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It's hard to get images of military uniforms walking alongside Trump at St. John's, or the thought of Neal Gorsuch as a swing vote on a complete theocracy, out of my mind, but, like I said, I just hope against hope it won't get to that point. 


Anyway, at least this is good for a laugh - one last grift ("hackers" indeed).



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I voted yesterday.  I'm Virginia.  I don't know where Biden should spend his time.  When I saw he went to Texas, I thought what a total waste.  I think FL is too.  Continue concentrating on MI, WI, PA and just one more swing State and then FL and TX don't matter.  When polls say Biden has a chance in TX - no he doesn't.  I don't believe he does in FL either.  There are so many paths to win for us, and I don't want Biden spending time in places that won't swing.  I'd go after GA and NC before I'd spend time in FL or TX.  

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Biden win or not, McConnell and the Republicans got what they wanted with the conservative majority in the SCOTUS. That's been McConnell's life long mission and goal for over 30 years, Trump (and shady tricks) was just the opportune vessel he used to do that. McConnell's already said this is worth taking a short-term hit to the Senate, House, and even Presidency for the GOP, as it has much more long-term implications. 


If the DNC does somehow gain a majority in the Senate and the Presidency, they need to get that 'court-packing' shTt together real quick to somehow mitigate this. 


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The Beltway is already getting the latest astroturf ready to take us back to 2009.



If they get the White House and the Senate, I just hope they won't make the same mistakes of that period...and hopefully there will be no Lieberman figures.

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I have heard the same thing about GA and NC too. Maybe Biden should back to the basement (sarcasm) because I keep hearing from Biden supporters that he shouldn't be spending time in this state or that state because doesn't have chance of winning there. 


The Right is never going to just roll over and play dead if they lose the White House. They didn't do it during the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama years and they aren't going to do it for Biden either. They are just going to veer further right, and foment dissent like they did during those years. Just like those years when a Democrat was president, some of the Left will never be satisfied with any Biden or the Democratic Congress does. 

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