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Thank god she truly doesn't have a chance. As it is I can't believe we might have to choose between furthering the oligarchy (Bloomberg) and going so far left that it could end up nearly as dangerous as the far right (Bernie).


I'm with Vee in thinking that Bernie isn't evil or dangerous, but then he doesn't have power yet. I'm not sure I trust what that will look like given the way the GOP crumbled for power. Would average Democrats do the same? That's the danger imo.

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According to this article, Bloomberg was in favor of policies that did real damage to people and communities yet folks want to argue that the woman of color who showed confidence and a sense of humanity was un-likeable and un-presidential, but by all means, go awwf. 

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Michael Bloomberg must be doing VERY well in the polls for the media to spill tea like this.



I can't believe it either, @Juliajms.  That's why I'm not confident that Donald Trump won't be re-elected.  Four years ago, millions of Americans (such as yours truly) prayed that God would deliver them from having to choose between Trump and Hillary Clinton.  I'm afraid the anxiety will be much worse if it comes down to Trump and Bloomberg, or Trump and Bernie Sanders.



Probably.  People are the same, whether they bleed red or blue.  That's why Mark Twain referred to it as "the damned human race."

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I've been reading, thanks to @Vee , some  X-Men comics again recently, and the current portrayal of Professor X (messianic, passive on the surface but extremely manipulative and dangerous underneath, especially his willingness to enable extremely dangerous individuals for the 'greater good') makes me sort of see where Bernie is as a person. In my heart I'm having a difficult time believing he's any better than Trump, and even if he is, the people he gives support to aren't. 


(the biggest difference between them being that Bernie is incapable of actually doing anything, beyond grifting)


I'd seen the racism, misogyny and homophobia, but hadn't realized Bernie surrogates are now at the point of using torture and rape scenes from [!@#$%^&*] Salo to express their hatred of Pete Buttigieg. 


What's even more dangerous is that the media individuals who are very influential and have access to power, like Dave Weigel, are now posting the same images to try to curry favor with Bernie surrogates. 


These are sick people, and they will have unfettered access to power if Bernie wins. 


And I know many feel Bloomberg is just a sane version of Trump, and possibly even more dangerous. 


I just don't want to think these are our choices. I don't know how a door knocker or phone banker would manage to convince anyone these men are going to be the choice for them.

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The Michael Bloomberg thing is crazy to me and if it weren't this Trump era, I'd be shocked he seems to be polling well. My thing with him, it's been said that him and Steyer are trying to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination, but both seem to be peeling away at Biden's support.  Hell, Steyer's campaign stole Kamala Harris' voter data in South Carolina and one could argue that gave him an advantage with black voters there. I don't understand why they didn't put their money behind either Biden, Harris or the tons of people in running in the Senate and House. Bloomberg has a better chance of winning, but it's likely all this money could go down the drain and it's a shame because there are very obvious ways they could've both used their money. Someone also suggested that Bloomberg could've flooded the Fox News airwaves with Trump fact checks, which could've done some work to open his fans minds. IMO anything would've been better than them running.


Now looking forward, I'm VERY excited for Nevada. The unions are coming out hard against Bernie and his people are now doxxing them and they're getting tons of threats. It's hard to see how the Bernie Bros feel that will help them. It's baffling to be honest. I just don't understand how threatening his fanbase is. It's all their way or the highway and their way of convincing people to support them is to basically tell you to shut up and fall in line. I feel he'll have a poor showing there (and Pete can just stay home) which will definitely open up Biden and Bloomberg to have a good night. With Elizabeth Warren, her biggest problem now seems to be that she's out of money. She has to do amazingly well in NV and SC to even stay in the race. I don't see her making it to Super Tuesday if she doesn't show well in Nevada. I'm very curious whats gonna happen there.

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I didn't have a problem with what you said, I was mostly just replying more to marceline's comments. I think you're right about some of Bernie's supporters wanting good things, like improved healthcare, I just don't know if Bernie or his main people have those beliefs. I think he's more delusional than anything else, but I wish there weren't so many similarities to Trump.



It's about ego. Bloomberg has wanted to run for President for many years now. Steyer is little better. Steyer pushed the impeachment ball rolling when many felt it would only help Trump (which is exactly what has happened), then abandoned the effort to run for President, and is now criticizing Democrats for not doing a good enough job on something he helped start in the first place. 


I think Bernie will do well in Nevada, as he has a ton of organization there, but so far he hasn't managed to expand his base, not helped by said base spending more time playing victim and attacking anyone and everyone than trying to rally support. His main benefit is that the moderate side is still split into 3-4-5 pieces. I hope he doesn't win but I'm expecting the worst. 


Speaking of Bernie, it looks like as his #1 cultist begins to get her own profile, she's starting to get honest about his bullshit healthcare plan. There have been rumors of tension between her and his campaign and I wonder even more now.



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Bloomberg's ads are GREAT. I'm hoping the next one will target his non-Christian behavior and his love of money, not God. Plant seeds of doubt and chip away at those evangelicals. And what better way to ensure they hear the message than to air it on Faux News, the mecca of lies and propaganda. Bonus points if they used direct clips from Fox News' Mother Tucker Carlson or Sham Hannity in those ads. 

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I saw that last night. And he is now awkwardly backtracking while doing the usual gaslighting of the cultists. Not surprised to see he writes for The Nation (which seems to have lost all direction) and New Republic (a reliable source of war-mongering and hate-mongering for many decades). The only "list" that Bernie supporters tend to have is the long list of expenses to pay for the grifter king and those close to him. 


All of these pseudo-intellectual wastes of oxygen can kiss my ass. 


Oh and of course he defended Bernie supporting Joe Rogan. 

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I'm sick to death of Bernie Sanders - and I'm Democrat and Virginia.  I don't know yet who I'm voting for but it won't be him, and if he's the nominee he can go the Route of Hillary Clinton when his supporters were so nasty and didn't vote for her.  So I will relish if he gets nominated and doesn't win.  I'm Bloomberg all the way now.  I need someone who can beat the Orange and Bernie is just not the person.  They don't want to hear it but it's true.  A bunch of college kids and a little older that think they're going to get their loans deleted and their college education free.  And he's suckered them into that.  I'm a Democrat, not a Socialist.  

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Regardless of the outcome of November's election, the biggest question of 2020 will be, "What happened to Elizabeth Warren?".  To go from virtual front-runner (next to Joe Biden) to where she is now is baffling.


I think @JaneAusten was correct in her assumption that Warren fell into too many of the GOP's and others' traps for her.  I also think she's encountered the same issue with many voters that Hillary Clinton did.  In their eyes, being female and qualified for the job of president isn't enough; she has to be more pure than even the Virgin Mary!



I do believe there are limits as to how much Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer could spend on any given candidate's campaign; whereas, if they, themselves, were to run, there are no limits as to how much of their money to spend.


To Bloomberg's credit, however, he has pledged the use his money, staff and whatever else for the duration of the campaign, whether or not he wins the nomination.  So, I'm praying it won't be a situation where he loses and then all those resources just magically disappear.

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