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Sorry, but the anti-Trump crowd has gone as insane as the anti-Obama crowd ever did, if not worse. There are people here in this thread mocking him for posting wrestling GIFs. WWE fans tend to be more working class and will see that as an attack on them. And all this stuff about Trump "disrespecting the presidency" is the same [!@#$%^&*] that was thrown at Obama.


The Dems should be laser focused on this horrific healthcare bill right now, with everyone repeating the same talking points ad nauseum on all the news shows every day. Mueller is working on Russia, let him do his job!

Edited by juppiter
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people losing their healthcare......mass shootings nationwide.....illegal deportations.....jobs being lost every single day.....millions of struggling americans.....



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^^^^^This.  I watch a News Program that talks about how he is the most mistreated President.  It makes me LAUGH.  He doesn't need to give us this much material over social media.  He's an Idiot and I can't HELP IF I JUDGE HIM FOR WHAT HE SAYS IMMEDIATELY!  Guess what you idiots - about 40 years ago - it took another day for a President's thoughts to get out in the public.  Now he has a fast finger with Twitter.  He's an Idiot.  And you try to find reasons why he's not an idiot.  But he is.  If you don't want us to disparage him - tell him to get the hell off of social media.  But his mantra was ANY publicity is GOOD.  So that's why he acts an ass.  And is TRULY STUPID.  It pays in this country - to act as a Leader and then be totally STUPID.  It pays to be that person.

And - you wanted a CEO for President - you got it.  They love Golf and doing nothing. 

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I see your point, in a way (about focus) but no, the critiques are not the same. Trump once called a woman fat ugly pig, when has Obama ever done that?


Speaking of healthcare, do you remember the level of viciousness that was directed at Obama by his detractors when the bill was released?  People actually had dummies made up to look like Obama and tied the necks in a noose!  Are people not aware of the imagery of a Black man made to look like he was hanging in a noose?


I can see your point about Democrats focusing on an issue and driving it but I don't see anyone hanging effigies of Trump hanging in nooses and no, Kathy Griffin's stunt (although bad) doesn't come close.  



A reminder of just the kind of man the current president has always been. I remember this ad.

It's a good thing that Trump had no position of political power back then because surely these men would never had lived to see this day.

And he still has never apologized but suddenly Trump's too soft to bear the brunt of criticism??  Puhlease!

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Edited by DramatistDreamer
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They are. The Dems are focused on healthcare. The press is focused on his tweets.



Screw them. They brought us here. Donnie's lost his damn mind. This isn't even about policy anymore. He's obviously in the middle of a nervous breakdown. Even his supporters have to admit that. I hope those coal miners and Carrier workers enjoy seeing what he's really all about.

Edited by marceline
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“It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters,” a CNN spokeswoman said in a statement. “Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his.”


This po-faced response actually made me LOL Jeff Zucker took CNN far into the gutter, giddily taking part in everything Trump dished out. It's way too late to try to get on a high horse now. Their jobs are to see how fast they can fill up the clown car. They aren't Cronkite. They are barely Billy Bush.

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